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  1. #31
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    Question Re: Which tartan to wear?

    I think that perhaps the laddie doth protest too much.
    If I was attending a Regimental Dine-in, I would wear Regimental Tartan, other than that, Clan/Family Tartan. I would wear Association affiliated Tartans to anything less formal.
    Aye Yours.


  2. #32
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan View Post
    I'd save my money for another nice argyle Tweed jacket
    I can't fit any more tweed jackets in the wardrobe but, now you mention it, a nice forest green tweed would be really nice

  3. #33
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    I can't fit any more tweed jackets in the wardrobe but, now you mention it, a nice forest green tweed would be really nice
    Oh well, then it is certainly time to get another kilt in there!!

  4. #34
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Post deleted by English Bloke
    Last edited by English Bloke; 5th November 11 at 04:22 AM.

  5. #35
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Oh please John, dare I say lighten up. Are you seriously picking your "battles to fight" over this oft used, in this instance non historically contextual, idiom?
    Last edited by Mike S; 1st November 11 at 04:20 AM.
    My Clans: Guthrie, Sinclair, Sutherland, MacRae, McCain-Maclachlan, MacGregor-Petrie, Johnstone, Hamilton, Boyd, MacDonald-Alexander, Patterson, Thompson. Welsh:Edwards, Williams, Jones. Paternal line: Brandenburg/Prussia.
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  6. #36
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    David, please forgive me. I totally misread your original post and based my post on something that wasn't there to start with. You must, of course, wear what you want and this would be a good reason to acquire a new kilt.

    My sincere apologies again.



  7. #37
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    No battles fought here Mike and I'm certainly not picking a fight with you, I am quite light enough thank you... You can use whatever idioms you choose but just so you know my direction. This particular one isn't 'oft used' by me! I don't like the mis-use of the word and I don't like it trivialised by figurative use either. It is offensive to me.

  8. #38
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    I suspect you will find some in Scotland who like the more relaxed American way. Another kiltmaker local to me surprised me a few months ago when he said he wears a different tartan kilt every day. There is also a precedent for this kind of thing as Jock explained in another thread because the MacLaren tartan is closely associated with Scouting and there is a sense that we are part of that clan in the same way I might wish to wear the Royal Air Force tartan or a US Marine the Leatherneck tartan or a piper the pipe band tartan. There will also be lots of other MacLaren events in coming years too

    The reactions so far are very interesting though
    Oooooh...well then go for it! If you can think of times when it will actualy be in use, then it might be nice to have a second kilt in another tartan. Mix things up a bit

  9. #39
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    David, please forgive me. I totally misread your original post and based my post on something that wasn't there to start with. You must, of course, wear what you want and this would be a good reason to acquire a new kilt.

    My sincere apologies again.


    Chas, I had to search back to find out what I needed to forgive you for. You certainly didn't offend me in the least so there is nothing needing forgiveness

    I think the confusion is based on the fact that the UK Scout Association fails to let its members know about some of the traditions but which Boy Scouts of America well understand and publicise and that confusion has evidenced itself a couple of times during this whole thread from different posters who don't quite understand the background. For info I've tried to clarify that below but it is rather complex and I'm not always too good at these types of explanation

    There are two separate conventions re the MacLaren tartan. The first convention is that Scout Rules say scouts may wear any tartan they are "entitled" to. Because of the close association between scouts and MacLarens a previous chief of the clan stated that ANY scout can wear the MacLaren tartan if they did not have a tartan of their own. However, that is different to the other convention which applies only to Wood Badge holders (adult leaders who have completed advanced training)

    It dates back to a MacLaren purchasing Gilwell Park for the scouts. Gilwell is now one of the symbols of Wood Badge and every Wood Badge holder becomes a member of the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Troop for life. The second symbol is a set of wood beads, adopted from some Zulu beads Baden Powell had brought back to the UK. 2 beads are worn on a leather thong around the Wood Badge holders neck. The third symbol is the MacLaren tartan, entitled to be worn by Wood Badge holders. Originally this was as a neckerchief but it is the tartan, not the neckerchief, that is the symbol. There is also a leather "turks head" woggle that completes the "badges of office" so to speak

    The Clan MacLaren council long ago acknowledged the right of Wood Badge holders to wear the MacLaren tartan and formally adopted them as clan members. That is why I have now made the decision to have a MacLaren kilt made as it is a symbol of my holding the Wood Badge and of being a member of the clan society, not a symbol of me being a Scout (there's a subtle difference), and that is why I equated it with pipe band membership. I would not wear the woggle, neckerchief or wood beads without being in scout uniform (and certainly not at a black tie do) but the kilt is different. Yes I could wear my MacKay and they would not be offended but having now discussed it with them it seems they will be very happy for me to do what they state I am fully "entitled" to do, wear their tartan. I honestly think I feel more comfortable with that

    And the best bit is I get another new kilt

  10. #40
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    And the best bit is I get another new kilt
    exactly! Get down with your inner American and get another kilt

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