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Thread: Ties and kilts

  1. #41
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    As you can see by my avitar, I have worn a tartan tie with the kilt.
    Not showing are off-white hose with tartan flashes.
    That's an old picture.
    I don't wear the tartan tie (or flashes) with the kilt anymore.
    My opinion now is that the tartan in the kilt is enough.
    At least for me.

  2. #42
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan View Post
    How is it that a tartan tie is "too much" and yet, a tartan waistcoat is not?
    It's not the amount of tartan, it's where the tartan appears.

    In traditional Highland Dress the garters/ribbons/flashes were nearly always solid/self-coloured, or more rarely striped.

    Neckties were likewise solid/self-coloured, or more rarely striped or with a dot pattern, or even checked.

    Headdress was solid/self-coloured.

    In the old days, shirts were always white.

    Tartan appeared on kilts, hose, waistcoats, plaids, and jackets but not elsewhere in the costume.

    To someone used to Highland Dress in the old days, tartan flashes, neckties, shirts, and headdress (when worn with kilts) looks like "too much tartan".

    But the fellow on the right below is quite traditional in his use of tartan

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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    Which is fine if you want to and can get away with it although I wouldn't as I don't like that look. When I say "get away with it" I mean that if there is a strict "black tie" dress code you run the risk of being refused entry. Rules are generally relaxed these days but there are some events, such as the Caledonian Ball, where you would probably be turned away
    You raise a valid point. When in doubt, check with the sponsors of the event. However, times and standards are changing and "black tie" now often refers only to the formal level of one's clothing rather than to the color of one's tie. Indeed, in your example of the Caldonian Ball you can only state a probability of being refused entrance if the tie is not black. When in doubt, inquire!

  4. #44
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    I have two ties I wear, a bold red silk tie for evening wear and white shirts, and my ABF regimental tie for daywear and patterned shirts.
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  5. #45
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle1 View Post
    Indeed, in your example of the Caldonian Ball you can only state a probability of being refused entrance if the tie is not black. When in doubt, inquire!
    That's only if you are not wearing Highland dress or mess dress. You WILL be refused entry if you are wearing a dinner jacket, and I doubt anyone would be so gauche as to wear a black tie with tails!

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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Look in the mirror and try it on!
    Ask your friend / wife for comment and you know what to do!

  7. #47
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan View Post
    How is it that a tartan tie is "too much" and yet, a tartan waistcoat is not?
    thats what i always thought, tartan vests are way to much

    back on topic, i have a tartan bow tie that i plan on wearing with my matching kilt and matching flashes, i like the look, i think it ties it all together. with the black of the shoes and jacket and belt. but as most/some will say do as you want and i agree completely you may get some that criticize the look but i like it and if you like it that is all that matters. here is a pic of me with kilt and matching tie and flashes
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  8. #48
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    Re: Ties and kilts

    Well, I don't happen to own any tartan ties to match my kilts, but if I did I would wear them if I thought they looked OK with the outfit. 99% of the times I wear a tie I wear a waistcoat, so that would break it up OK for me. I do have a saffron tie, and have worn it with my saffron kilt that way.
    I also have tartan flashes to go with a few of my kilts, and again, I'll wear them if I think they look good with the rest of the outfit. I can say I don't think I'd wear a tie-kilt-flash combo though, I guess that's my 'too much'.
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    I will not attempt to weigh in on the original question- it will look perfect to some and perfectly awful to others, with very little in the way of logic to explain why.

    I think one can become accustomed to almost anything, but I think it is generally dangerous to wear anything that feels wrong or uncomfortable.

    But I am interested by the comments which mention the Caledonian Ball. I gather Highland Dress is acceptable in nearly any form, but for Saxon dress, one should wear either a black tuxedo or a black tailcoat. Is that it? No tartan DJ with black trousers? What about a black tuxedo jacket and Tartan trousers? What about a tartan waistcoat or cummerbund with a tuxedo? Is there some level of (in)formality of the kilt that would also be wrong to the point of being asked not to enter?
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  10. #50
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    Re: clarification?

    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    But I am interested by the comments which mention the Caledonian Ball. I gather Highland Dress is acceptable in nearly any form, but for Saxon dress, one should wear either a black tuxedo or a black tailcoat. Is that it? No tartan DJ with black trousers? What about a black tuxedo jacket and Tartan trousers? What about a tartan waistcoat or cummerbund with a tuxedo? Is there some level of (in)formality of the kilt that would also be wrong to the point of being asked not to enter?
    One may NOT wear a tuxedo ( dinner jacket ) to the Royal Caledonian Ball. If you are not wearing Highland evening dress, then a gentleman MUST be in a black tail coat viz "white tie." One may wear a hunting tail coat, and of course serving officers may wear mess dress.

    Gentlemen wearing Highland dress must be in evening kit: doublets of broadcloth, or tartan, or velvet. One can wear jabots, white bow ties, or black bow ties. Some doublets might not need to be worn with any neckwear, which is okay too.

    Here are the current dress rules for the ball:

    Part of the particular appeal of the Ball is that everyone attending is wearing traditional formal evening dress. The dress requirements are stated below in summary and in detail.

    Please note that those not correctly dressed will be refused entry.

    If you are unsure about any aspect of the dress code, please contact the Ball Secretary.

    In summary


    Full length dress


    Highland evening dress, or

    Evening tails with white tie, or

    Mess kit

    No dinner jackets

    In detail

    Ladies - essential

    Floor length evening dress, or

    Mess dress (for those entitled to wear it) with full length skirt

    Ladies – optional (but encouraged)


    Clan tartan sashes

    Orders and Decorations

    Gentlemen - essential

    Highland evening dress comprising kilt and sporran, evening jacket of black broadcloth or coloured velvet, white evening shirt and black bow tie or lace jabot, or

    Evening dress, comprising black evening tail coat, white shirt with wing collar, white bow tie and white waistcoat, or

    Mess dress, worn according to regulations, with, preferably, where permitted, any more formal variation such as stiff shirt, wing collar and black bow tie

    Gentlemen – optional

    Orders and Decorations

    For the set reels gentleman taking part must wear highland evening dress or mess kit, tail coats only if part of mess dress, and ladies must wear clan sashes.

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