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  1. #51
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Goat path, Lime. I've been up there a few times, too. Following is not quite wildflowers, but contains wild flowers. This is An Cala on Seil and to get here one must take a bridge over the Atlantic Ocean. Sorry for the light quality.

  2. #52
    CopperNGold is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    Lovely, delicate little Highland forest thing despite all that Latin and Swedish, Ted. Speaking of delicate wild flowers, CR Mackintosh did some wonderful watercolours of flowers worth investigating for a woodland garden. Among them is fritillaria. My wife has encouraged this to grow in a dappled spot in our BC garden, but this is CRM's illustration, published in most books on this so-talented man

    I love those watercolor prints. Do you think the fritillaria will grow in the sandy soil of the Oregon Coast, or perhaps in a raised bed? What kind of soil would I need to replicate its native growing conditions? I've never seen a checkered flower and would love to grow some!

  3. #53
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Quote Originally Posted by CopperNGold View Post
    I love those watercolor prints. Do you think the fritillaria will grow in the sandy soil of the Oregon Coast, or perhaps in a raised bed? What kind of soil would I need to replicate its native growing conditions? I've never seen a checkered flower and would love to grow some!
    In the UK , Fritillaria meleagris or snakes's head fritillary are usually found in meadows and grass, rather than flower beds. They need a certain amount of dampness and they don't like to be disturbed too much. They are not the easiest thing to keep growing, sometimes they disappear for a year or two and then come back.I've had them on and off for over 20 years , usually the purple one, but sometimes the white version appears as well, they are really beautiful flowers. Good luck in trying to grow them.

  4. #54
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    I'm fairly certain this isn't Foxglove, but actually Rosebay Willow Herb, a wonderful colour , but a terribly invasive plant in a garden
    ah yes... epilobium angustifolium... my mistake! I'm just showing my ignorance with all things horticultural on this thread I'm afraid.

  5. #55
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Well, you're easily forgiven. On a plant lore walk in South Wales a few years ago I was talking about a holly and its uses when I spotted a rather fine clemetis that I'd estimate at about 50years plus from its size over the other side of the path and started sprouting complete gibberish about hollys 'thistle like down...'
    AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
    Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
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  6. #56
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Quote Originally Posted by CopperNGold View Post
    I love those watercolor prints. Do you think the fritillaria will grow in the sandy soil of the Oregon Coast, or perhaps in a raised bed? What kind of soil would I need to replicate its native growing conditions? I've never seen a checkered flower and would love to grow some!
    I don't think so. My wife is superb at transplanting and in answer to your question passed on the little basic: transplanting a wild plant can only be reasonably assured of success if everything is the same in both locations. Your soil is going to be a problem as, I would think, will be the wind/salt combination.

  7. #57
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Scottish Primrose

    Hey, wait for me (sorry not to have been following along here lately)!

    What about primroses and orchids? I'd bet Scotland has some real beauts. Here is ....Scottish primrose:

  8. #58
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Northern Marsh Orchid

  9. #59
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    I was wondering where you were, MacBean.

    I also have a thread on botanical phenotypic influences in heraldry floating around out there on the forum somewhere.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  10. #60
    MacBean is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Scottish Wildflowers

    Lovely pictures Rex, especially as many were from your gorgeous garden!

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