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    What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    My clan is one of several with a monochrome sett.

    Other than the potentially disastrous drycleaning bills on the down side and the uniqueness on the upside, what should I think about or know before I order a kilt in my monochrome (black and white) sett?


  2. #2
    Mickey is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    Oh wow. I couldn't do it. Put me in a white T-shirt, in a complete clean-room environment, and within 5 minutes I'll somehow emerge with coffee and hot sauce stains on it.

    I always wondered though.... Is there a possible downside to, pardon the pun, Scotchguarding a kilt?

  3. #3
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    I am kinda curious what hose, flashes and sporran could make it work with black tie.

    Hadn't thought of barbecue sauce previously, that could be a problem.

  4. #4
    Mickey is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    What comes to mind is Litrogs wedding photos. Those really cool hose. Otherwise, I would think of matching the hose with the tie. Red, blue, anything other than black.

    I know it isn't Scot tradition, but I do like just a little bit of color coordination.

  5. #5
    CopperNGold is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    I think it would be interesting to work with a black and white tartan. For daywear you could continue the monochrome with a black shirt and silver/gray tie, etc., but if you went for color, I would stick to muted (heather colors) for the shirt, hose and flashes, varying the depth of color for interest. Varying degrees of plums, olives, soft yellows for daywear? With black and white, your palatte is blank, and you could get very creative with the color options. I'd love to see photos if you decide to go with your clan tartan.

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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    Quote Originally Posted by CopperNGold View Post
    I would stick to muted (heather colors) for the shirt, hose and flashes, varying the depth of color for interest. Varying degrees of plums, olives, soft yellows for daywear? With black and white, your palatte is blank, and you could get very creative with the color options. I'd love to see photos if you decide to go with your clan tartan.
    I starting to think it won't work well with black tie, at least for me. I can see either black or white hose with contrasting flases, but I suspect it will "look" like Saxon wannabe, or trendy or edgy or something.

    For day wear and smart day wear and etc up to and including a straight tie with maybe a waistcoat I can see it working with, as you suggested, pale and/ or muted colors. Even a pale sweater in light green "sea oat" or something with brilliant bottle green hose... Or a bright red sweater and lovat blue or lovat green hose...

    Be careful searching "monochrome tartan" on google images, some of the stuff that I saw on page one of the results was not appropriate for my office.

    If anyone can think of a search term for here I haven't used, I would like to hear it. I am confident either or both of MacMillan of Rathdowne and/or Jock Scott have rendered an opinion on monochrome tartans, but I have been unable to locate same in the archives here.

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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    By monochrome do you mean something like this Highland Granite fashion tartan from Lochcarron?
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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    zazenkilter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    I have a Black and White Menzies in military and dress pleats, and find it best to dress in the same black and white as is in the tartan. stay away from cream and off blacks. they tend to make the tarten look odd. I also accent my dress with a white fur mask like the artic fox. You will be able to tell if you try other things in colour like silver as well or a rich grey for different times of the day that you are dressing. I hope this helps you.

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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    By monochrome do you mean something like this Highland Granite fashion tartan from Lochcarron?
    Close, but not exactly. These are my three swatches from Loch Carron.

    I saw a picture somewhere of a kilt in what looked like a traditional clan monochrome sett, only reversed; it looked like a white pattern on a black field instead of a black pattern on a white field.

    I am thinking of staying with the traditional sett as stocked by Loch Carron.

  10. #10
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    Re: What about monochrome tartan kilts?

    Erskine Black & White Modern tartan from Lochcarron and you can get kilt hose to compliment the kilt. I reckon the kilt hose would match your Scott b & w tartan also!

    Last edited by Eck; 24th November 11 at 06:03 PM.

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