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  1. #71
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    That's for sure, both in raw strength and technique. Another 70's era thrower, Ulf Timmerman had more than one documented 70+ foot STANDING throw. Now, THAT is bluidy strong..

    Personally, I'll never be a rotational stones thrower because I simply don't have the time to get it "right". It's an investment question, really.

    The payoff is big, if you can put in the work to get the rotational throw figured out. For me, I figure there are eight freakin' events to figure out, and for me to put the time into that one such that I actually started to see the big payoff....don't think it's worth it.

    A bad or ho-hum rotational throw won't go as far as a well done standing throw, and the standing throw is SO much easier to get right. A good glide is easier than a rotational stone throw, but again, a so-so glide won't go as far as a standing throw that you really HIT. I could try a shuffle, but honestly, I find that if I just get into the power position in a standing throw, and SLAM it, the thing goes consistantly farther. The one time in 20+ that I really stick a glide, I can beat my best standing throw, but will I do that on Game Day? How much work do I have to put in, to get that extra 6 inches, *consistantly*?

    I will work on a simple glide again this winter and see how it goes, but I bet dollars to doughnuts that next year I'll be standing again, and gunning for a 33 foot PR. 33 feet is by no means "great" in the 50-59's but it's respectable.
    Those are all good points. For me, I think I have a bit of a head start on the rotational technique since I used this for shot put in high school. But that was 20 years ago & I'm still a beginner. I go buy a 12-lb shot, because I'd like to see if I can throw it farther today than I could as a senior in high school.

    With open stone, my max-effort standing throws are around 33-34', and when I spin I'm getting 36-38'. so I'm getting something from it, but I feel like I should be able to throw it farther if I can nail down the technique.

  2. #72
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    ----3-4 minute rest, then had blood pressure taken because I was concerned with some dizziness -- 141/77, pulse 88. The 141 is a bit high, but considering what I'm doing, not bad. That's what it was before I gave blood last Wed., also right after working out. I will take it before bed, tonight. ----
    Dizziness. You may be pregnant.

    Oh you all are making me feel so slothlike! I haven't done squat (strength wise) in 2 weeks. Yeah, I haven't done any squats either.
    It's been busy, hurt my back, sitting of course, and caught a cold. #excusesexcusesexcuses
    Hopefully I'll get to try out my new hammer this weekend!

  3. #73
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
    Those are all good points. For me, I think I have a bit of a head start on the rotational technique since I used this for shot put in high school. But that was 20 years ago & I'm still a beginner. I go buy a 12-lb shot, because I'd like to see if I can throw it farther today than I could as a senior in high school.

    With open stone, my max-effort standing throws are around 33-34', and when I spin I'm getting 36-38'. so I'm getting something from it, but I feel like I should be able to throw it farther if I can nail down the technique.
    That's interesting, our standing throws are not that different, you have about 2 feet on me, but my rotational throws are more like 28 (discus thrower, here). I'm pretty fair old dude discus thrower, but it just never translated to shot.

    If you have a head start from High School, then that's good. I saw the video, sure there are points you can work on, but you have the basics about right. You'll be out at 40 in a season, maybe a season and a half.

  4. #74
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Dizziness. You may be pregnant.

    Oh you all are making me feel so slothlike! I haven't done squat (strength wise) in 2 weeks. Yeah, I haven't done any squats either.
    It's been busy, hurt my back, sitting of course, and caught a cold. #excusesexcusesexcuses
    Hopefully I'll get to try out my new hammer this weekend!
    Twins. I have the names all picked out, already.

  5. #75
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    Re: Off-season training

    OK, I've been getting depressed watching all the Big Guys on NASGA doing their blumptillion-pound hang cleans. Then Dan McKim goes and SNATCHES 375 or some ridiculous number. Never mind that in the recent worlds, some tiny dude that weighs 175 did the same.

    So on the way over I decided to can the "program" and just see what the old man can do.

    Stretch Cage .. the usual

    Hang Cleans ... warmups with the bar....6 x 95/ 3 x 135 ...those are the warm-ups, now we get serious. EPIC FAIL (very noisy) at 185. Not even close. 1 x 165 got it / 1 x 170 got it / 1 x 175, got it *barely* / 180 FAIL "almost" got it, though, I racked it on my shoulders but couldn't keep my balance, and a very noisy fail it was, again...

    zercher squats ..... I remember seeing video of Craig z-squatting 600, something about a rivalry with Greg Hadley. Hmph.

    2 x 6 x 136 / 2 x 4 x 165 / that's the warmup, now we get serious.
    4 x 185
    2 x 225 not too bad, I was going for one, realized it was easier than I thought, so took another one.
    1 x 245.. got it. It was hard but I have 255 in me. I saw stars after I racked the bar though, and decided that at my advanced age, prudence was the better part of valour.

    Four days rest, now, and I might even wait until Wednesday to start up again. That'd make it six. i'm done with my months "foundation" work, when I get back I start building towards some PR's in January.

  6. #76
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    Re: Off-season training

    Got my Thanksgiving training off to a good start this morning: 4 Eggs, 6 pieces of bacon & 3 biscuits. Lunch is next, and then the real eating will start around 4pm.

  7. #77
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
    Got my Thanksgiving training off to a good start this morning: 4 Eggs, 6 pieces of bacon & 3 biscuits. Lunch is next, and then the real eating will start around 4pm.
    225, here you come!

  8. #78
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    Re: Off-season training

    It's deload week, but still...

    4 mile hike yesterday, quite leisurely.

    Today I loaded and moved about 500 pounds of cinder blocks. They came out from under the persimmon tree, and up tot he driveway. Then half went in my truck. Then half came out of my truck. Then half went into my truck again. The other half got loaded in a subaru.

    Not what I'd planned to do, but it all counts, right?

  9. #79
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    It's deload week, but still...

    4 mile hike yesterday, quite leisurely.

    Today I loaded and moved about 500 pounds of cinder blocks. They came out from under the persimmon tree, and up tot he driveway. Then half went in my truck. Then half came out of my truck. Then half went into my truck again. The other half got loaded in a subaru.

    Not what I'd planned to do, but it all counts, right?
    It all counts! Nice work Alan! My arm is a little tweaked right now, but so no throwing at the moment, but here's my workout from yesterday:



    1/2 Mile warmup jog

    6x Hill Sprints (40m, 30 degree hill)

    1/4 mile cool down walk

  10. #80
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
    It all counts! Nice work Alan! My arm is a little tweaked right now, but so no throwing at the moment, but here's my workout from yesterday:



    1/2 Mile warmup jog

    6x Hill Sprints (40m, 30 degree hill)

    1/4 mile cool down walk
    I'll be doing stuff like this in February.....

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