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  1. #1
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    Does any one own a product from, or previously dealt with Leathersporrans.co.uk? They seem to have a good variety of interesting, quality sporrans. The only thing is the website doesn't look that impressive so I wanted to get a second opinion before I pulled the trigger.
    "The Scots have a transportable culture, you don't stop bein a Scot just because you live in America or Australia or anywhere else."

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  2. #2
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    Yes I have had a sporran from them and was very pleased with it. It is good thick leather and sturdily made although the inside of the sporran and the leather sporran belt is "unfinished" i.e. unlined (which I actually quite like but it is worth being aware of).

    They make everything to order so don't expect to receive it quickly (I had to harry them with a couple of emails) but when I told them I wanted it for a specific date they did deliver on time.

    I also took the liberty of getting them to make me a belt in the same leather as the sporran at the same time with a normal (rather than plate) buckle which isn't shown on the website so if you want something bespoke or that isn't shown it is probably worth sending an email to see if they will do it.

    I got mine some time ago now and the website looks exactly the same as when I ordered even down to the "coming soon" section!

  3. #3
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    Some nice items on there...
    AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
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  4. #4
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    I have one in black and one in brown with the design done in black. Both have snap closure. They are of very good quality. The only issue I had with them is that the D-rings where the chain strap clips on are attached directly to the sporran. This makes it harder to do things that require the sporran to slide around to the side. I made some adjustments and use a leather strap. Having done this, I am happy with these sporrans. I have had mine for some time now so it's possible that they do them differently now. If not, maybe they could do the attachment as required.
    Last edited by Arnot; 26th November 11 at 01:40 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    I have had 2 of their sporrans in the past, both a black and a brown pin drop with the tramway lines. They are a solid everday sporran and I had no problems dealing with the company from way over here in Australia. As has been mentioned, there is no keeprr on the back of the sporran to allow for the use of an all leather sporran strap, but I also adapted the sporran to accept one.
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  6. #6
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    The sporrans themselves look nice but I don't care for either of their closing devices, which look like a Railroad Spike and a Padlock to me.

  7. #7
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    I have one of those "railroad spike" sporrans from them. I can assure you that they are actually elegant and functional and they have plenty of sporrans to choose from that don't use that method.

    I am very happy with mine. It received compliments from staff in kilt shops in Edinburgh of the better sort too.
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

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  8. #8
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    As has been mentioned, there is no keeper on the back of the sporran to allow for the use of an all leather sporran strap, but I also adapted the sporran to accept one.
    Mine had a keeper but I did ask for it with a leather sporran strap (which they didn't charge any extra for) rather than a chain so maybe they just added it for me; it is worth asking for one when you order.

    I have one of those "railroad spike" sporrans from them. I can assure you that they are actually elegant and functional
    I concur. It it is extremely functional... much better than fiddling round with a "popper" and you don't run the risk of damaging your cards' strip as with a magnetic "snapper".

  9. #9
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    I also have a brown leather tramline with pin drop I purchased around a year ago from him. Like others, the D rings are attached directly to the sporran which is a pain. He made me a special leather strap with snap hooks at no extra charge to solve the problem. Quality is excellent

    He runs a small business on the west coast of Scotland with most stuff to order but he can be quick if you ask. He can be difficult to communicate with because he has other jobs but will bend over backwards to assist you once you track him down. I met his wife when I purchased my sporran (she hand delivered because I was in a hurry) and they appear to be a very nice young couple. Highly recommended

  10. #10
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    Re: leathersporrans.co.uk?

    Thanks everybody,
    I appreciate all the input. Now I guess the only problem is deciding. I have been looking for a good sporran for a while now. Everytime I think I'm set on one I see another one that I like and my brain starts second guessing. It's a process I've started calling 'complikilting things'. Thanks for all your reviews though, that'll help the process immensely.
    "The Scots have a transportable culture, you don't stop bein a Scot just because you live in America or Australia or anywhere else."

    Colin G. Calloway

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