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  1. #1
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    What length Kilt for my waist?

    Hi folks,

    I'm new here and looking to buy a kilt quite soon but I was wondering what length should I get e.g 5 or 8 yards? I'm asking as I know 8 yard has a nicer swing to it but my waist is only 28" so I was wondering is 8 yards too big? Could I still get a nice swing off a 5 yard?


  2. #2
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    Welcome to XMTS

    An 8 yarder would only use 7 yards for you. That would give you the optimal swing, but I think a 5 yard kilt would still look nice on just about anyone. Not quite the same swish, but still very nice. the pleating would be a little creative though so if you're looking for pleating to strip or sett you'll want the 7 yards.

    Rather than think about how it will swing, think about how you will use it. If you intend to dress up for special events the 7 yard kilt would look better. If you just want something to wear around town then the 5 yarder will do fine.

  3. #3
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    Welcome to XMTS

    An 8 yarder would only use 7 yards for you. That would give you the optimal swing, but I think a 5 yard kilt would still look nice on just about anyone. Not quite the same swish, but still very nice. the pleating would be a little creative though so if you're looking for pleating to strip or sett you'll want the 7 yards.

    Rather than think about how it will swing, think about how you will use it. If you intend to dress up for special events the 7 yard kilt would look better. If you just want something to wear around town then the 5 yarder will do fine.
    Well said, Xman.

    Also, keep in mind that a "5 yarder" on someone with a 28" waist may actually be a 4 or 4.5 yarder, depending on the maker. Skinnier guys = Less Cloth needed to get the same result.

  4. #4
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    Welcome to XMTS.

    Before I entered my 30's I had a very small waist (29") as I have Marfan syndrome and am fine boned (skinny) with disproportionately long limbs. When I was 17 (and my waist was probably only 28" and I was about 5' 11" tall) I had a kilt made that was 7 yards long. I wore it until I inherited my dad's old 8 yard tank at age 24 (because his waistline had expanded too much), which is still wearable on me but a bit too low at the waist. If you are dealing with a good kiltmaker ask plenty questions and you should get the correct length of kilt that works on your frame.

  5. #5
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    You could always opt for a 4-yard box-pleated kilt.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  6. #6
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    Thanks for all the info, yes it will just be a casual/round town kilt for this one, but i'll take into account what you've all said when I do go for a more formal kilt.
    Also cheers for the welcomes, this place is really really helpful.

  7. #7
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    The swing is definitely better on a full-yardage kilt, but that's actually not why I love them so much more than the low-yardage ones. I think the pleats just look better when they're deeply overlapping, with narrow exposed edges. It just looks "right" to me, where shallower pleats with wider exposed portions don't. The exception would be the box pleat which necessarily has wide pleats.

    Your waist size really isn't going to make much of a difference. The kilt-maker will adjust the yardage to fit you. It may be only 7 yards as opposed to 8, but that's not what matters. What matters is the construction, depth of pleats, and the overall look and swish. Having owned both types, I would definitely recommend going for the full-yardage one first. You won't be sorry.

  8. #8
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    The number of yards quoted seems to be more of an indicator of quality than of actual yardage, since our waistlines are quite divergent. My "8 yard" took 9 yards of cloth. My friend's took 7. They're both considered to be "8 yard kilts" because they're (wait for it...) "the whole 9 yards.

    I second the other option mentioned of a box pleat. Takes less cloth, should cost less. Talk to John at Keltoi about that, by clicking the link http://www.gaelicclothing.com In addition to my "8 yard/ 9 yard" knife-pleated clergy tartan kilt, I have a "4 yard" box pleat on order from him now and due some time in the spring) and although it perhaps has a bit less "swish" only because there's less cloth there, it is still a beautiful, beautiful kilt, built in a style that is apparently much less common in Scotland today, but actually an older historical style. John has some pictured both on his website and on the backsides of some of the members here. http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...x-pleat-67686/ Best of luck with your decisions, and every blessing!
    Last edited by Father Bill; 30th November 11 at 11:35 AM.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  9. #9
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    To be honest, it is not the waist size that is the critical measure in kiltmaking, but the hips. I presume the person who posted the original question is male, but we do have women on the forum. Someone with a 28" waist and 39" hips would need a different amount of tartan for a trad kilt than would someone with a 28" waist and 33" hips. So, I always ask for the _hip_ measurement when estimating tartan.

    I would also want to know the size of the sett. If the sett is small, then it might actually be impossible to use even 7 yards in a trad kilt with normal size pleats if the person is small. So, you'd get the full effect of a trad kilt with less than 8 yards (i.e., it wouldn't look like a short yardage "casual kilt"). On the other hand, if the sett were big, even a small person's kilt could easily use up 8 yards.

    Hope that's helpful! If it's confusing, just holler.
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
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  10. #10
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    Re: What length Kilt for my waist?

    Quote Originally Posted by piperdbh View Post
    You could always opt for a 4-yard box-pleated kilt.
    That would be my suggestion, as well. Very comfortable, historical, economical, easy to take care of, and they look awesome.

    Matt Newsome, of New House Highland, would be my suggestion on who to go to, of course.

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