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Thread: Clergy Kilt?

  1. #21
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    What I would suggest is that rather than wear the clergy tartan you go for the Clark tartan instead. They are both identical, because clergy and cleric are derived from Clark (or clerk). There is usually a shading difference between clergy and Clark to distinguish one from the other

    As I said though, only you can make the decision and most people will not notice anyway
    In other words, wear it as Clark and not Clergy

  2. #22
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    Smile Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by spglenn View Post
    I've yet to find any shoes with eternal soles. Though they can be redeemed and indeed resurrected through the good deeds of the son of Rod, the cobbler down on Main Street.

    *fetches his tweed jacket to make a hasty exit*

  3. #23
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Sign on a cobbler's shop next to a church: "We save soles too!"

    I would know clergy tartan a mile away. I wear it. I'd immediately strike up a conversation with you and you'd be embarassed in a moment when I started asking you about where you studied and were ordained. To avoid that, do consider some of the excellent suggestions offered.
    I'd love to see some of the clerics revive the Wilsons' Priest tartan. Wonderfully ecclesiastical colours.

  4. #24
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Sign on a cobbler's shop next to a church: "We save soles too!"

    I would know clergy tartan a mile away. I wear it. I'd immediately strike up a conversation with you and you'd be embarassed in a moment when I started asking you about where you studied and were ordained. To avoid that, do consider some of the excellent suggestions offered.
    I would agree. I wear Clergy myself (being a Pagan minister) but have been embarrassed by a similar conversation, given the fact that there aren't a lot of pagan schools out there... I had to study and learn on my own. But such is life!
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  5. #25
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    In other words, wear it as Clark and not Clergy
    That choice might be seen by some as equally-----if you are not a Clark----as, dare I say it, bogus, as the first option!
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  6. #26
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

  7. #27
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    What is considered clergy in your denomination?

    I am Roman Catholic and employed full-time by my Diocese as a campus minister at my local university, and also as a regional coordinator for the Faith Formation office in my local vicariate. I have earned a Masters Degree of Theology. I have compled my own diocesan lay ministry training program. I have served in my local parish as a cantor for years, and have also served as a catechist for adult education programs. I am technically considered a "Lay Ecclesial Minister."

    Emphasis on the "Lay" part.....

    I am not ordained. I am not considered clergy. I think the Clergy tartan is a wonderfully beautiful tartan. But I would never dream of wearing a kilt in it, despite all my many involvements in the Church, because I am not a member of the clergy and I respect those who are too much to wear something that I consider a privledge of that class to wear. (Much like I would never dream of wearing the Leatherneck tartan because I have never served in the USMC).

    I will, however, admit to having a nice soft lambswool throw in the clergy tartan draped over the back of a chair in my office. :-) That's about as far as I will go in terms of personal display of that tartan.

  8. #28
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Speaking from the viewpoint of an associate pastor at a non-denominational Christian church:

    Not to go on a lengthy spiel involving theology and semantics, as Christians we are all called to be ministers of Christ. And, more specifically for your situation, you're a musician in your church and, well, it isn't called a Music Ministry for nothing!

  9. #29
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    Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    I'd love to see some of the clerics revive the Wilsons' Priest tartan. Wonderfully ecclesiastical colours.
    I plan to do exactly that, hopefully sometime soon. Then on to the Pennsylvania tartan. (Since I already have the Henderson tartan, I will have covered "clan, district, and vocation" through the artistry of the kilt!)

    Sorry for the detour in this thread!
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  10. #30
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    Smile Re: Clergy Kilt?

    Quote Originally Posted by rlloyd View Post
    Speaking from the viewpoint of an associate pastor at a non-denominational Christian church:

    Not to go on a lengthy spiel involving theology and semantics, as Christians we are all called to be ministers of Christ. And, more specifically for your situation, you're a musician in your church and, well, it isn't called a Music Ministry for nothing!
    That's what I was thinking as in the old testament the temple musicians were actually considered a vital part of the church as much as almost any but the priests themselves. But therein lies the vital distinction I suppose. In this case it seems this tartan is more for those who are "ordained". As such I suppose it would be in poor taste to "horn in" on this tartan.

    I wonder if anyone would be interested in helping me to design a non-denomination associatted "Christian Faith" tartan? Not associatted with a particular denomination or saint but rather for ALL who have a Christian faith based in new testament teachings? Then they wouldn't have to feel awkward about a particular association other than faith in Christ?

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