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  1. #21
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    Re: Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric

    FYI - the little pieces that you mentioned in your original post were left over from when the kiltmaker cut out the excess fabric in the pleats behind the fell. The reason that you don't have as many as you have pleats in your kilt is probably because the kiltmaker used some of them for the buckle tabs (and might have used more than 3 if he/she botched one, which happens to me all the time). The kiltmaker might also have used some for flashes and may have kept one for his/her swatch collection.
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
    Member, Scottish Tartans Authority
    Geology stuff (mostly) at http://people.hamilton.edu/btewksbu
    The Art of Kiltmaking at http://theartofkiltmaking.com

  2. #22
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    Re: Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric

    Quote Originally Posted by vmac3205 View Post
    A sew-on strip on your dog leash or collar.
    Tartan bagpipe covers are hard to come by. You could make one of those.
    Table linens
    Pillow cover
    The list is endless
    If you have a dog, you might want to consider making a kilt sweater for your pet. I had left over material from my Modern MacKay and asked of the kilt maker if she could make a dog kilt/sweater for my smooth fox terrier. She did and it come out wonderful.

  3. #23
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Re: Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric

    From last year, my Christmas decorations
    and I make a lavender bag for every client as well...

    this year I'm working on patchwork scarves, photos to follow!

  4. #24
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    Re: Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric

    Fantastic!! Thanks to everyone for giving me tons of great ideas for this fabric!

    Thanks Barb T for letting me know where these little bit came from, I was always wondering that. I think I'll certainly save a couple of them for extra flashes. Just in case.

    I'm really liking that idea of Christmas decorations! I'll have to see what I can do by next year

    Here's what I have in mind so far:

    The big continuous bit. Either cut lengthwise and joined to make a long thick scarf. Or a 5 button waistcoat not cut on the bias. I'd say there's enough, I'm a 40 regular jacket and a 31" natural waist, 32" trouser waist. I think pairing that with a black or perhaps green backing would look fantastic!

    As for the really long skinny bit, I've got a couple ideas I'm tossing about right now. That would work great for those whisky bottle kilts for sure. But I'm thinking if I double it over and sew it down to about 1 3/4" or 2" wide it would make a fantastic guitar strap! I have a brown nylon strap that I could take the ends and stuff from. Daily use there for sure!

    As for the little bits. Some will be saved for future flashes, some will go to Christmas decorations, and some will go for beer bottle kilts

    Awesome, thanks again everyone so much!


  5. #25
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    Re: Call for suggestions on leftover tartan fabric

    I went to simplicity.com and looked up a men's vest. At 115 m wide fabric (common commercial width 60 inch) it requires 1.1 m for a small and 1.5 m for a xl (size 48). Yardage requirement is listed on the package back.

    good luck.

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