Although my Scottish ancestors came to the "colonies" in the early 1700's they came as Chambers (and supporters of good King William) and I have found no reference to Cameron family connection, the lists say I'm a Clan Cameron member and so if my chief has an opinion I will respect it.

I've worn a Cameron of Eracht tank for close to 35 years, and if I can convince the wife I'll have a Hunting Cameron (Ancient) before the end of next year. While the geneological aspects of clan stuff I'll take or leave, sometimes it's best to follow the unwriten "rules" to be safe. Besides the referenced tartans I really like.

I'm suprised that no one has made a Kilt Kops reference decrying the "you shouldn't wear this, can't wear that" aspect of the thread. Not that I disagree, I feel that you look better if you follow established pattern and not jump on the free spirit bandwagon. And I believe that a kilted man looks best in proper Scottish attire, properly worn. But that is just my opinion, just wonder why no one had mentioned it.

Anyway, I'll never change the world so I'll say Merry Christmas to all the Rabble and have a Happy New Year.