I would vote Nay- both because I am not an X-tian & the cost & problems. I would recommend a different choice- at less cost- that I saw a Physician use at the Maine Highland Games. He wore his Clann Bruce wee kilt, with a very pricey sporran,on the flap of which was a tooled leather image of the Caddusses(the Dr. Symbol of Snake on a Pole) and then worked in gold leaf. For the X-tian you could use a metal, tooled leather &tc. symbol of your faith: the Shield do-dad of the Espicolipans, the Angle Moroni of the Mormons, the Rooster of the Catholic Church(the Catholic Churchs for long centurys had a cock(rooster)on theirchurch spires, only in recent history did they use a Cross-the rooster being for St.Peter & assorted misc. religious reasons) and on and on. I assume a Buddist could put a prayer wheel on there as well.
I would hazard to guess that you might include the St.Andrews cross on the sporran body, just to finish the 'theme'
Now hows that for off the wall!