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  1. #101
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    Re: Off-season training

    Aye. The Queen Mary games are in the latter half of February.

    I'm thinking about making the trip down there. Number 2 son has a new baby so we'll be heading that way anyhow.

    It's probably been since 2003-2004? since I last played at the QM games.

    Staying aboard the Queen is high on my bucket list, too.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  2. #102
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    Re: Off-season training

    I'm really looking forward to the Queen Mary Games! This will be my 2nd Highland Games :-) Hope you guys make it down, would be nice to meet in person!

    Anyone going to the Hawaiian Scottish Festival in March?

  3. #103
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    Re: Off-season training

    Another Big Day, PR in Incline Bench

    I went in knowing it was an Incline Bench day, but when I got in there, I decided that I felt great and it was time to see what the top end was. I was jazzed to finally break through the 200 pound glass ceiling to a new Incline single-rep PR.

    Stretch Cage
    Incline Bench .... 10 x bar / 6 x 95 / 4 x 135 / 2 x 185 / 1 x 205 / FAIL at 215 / 4 x 1 x 195

    Then, on a whim I decided to pull some Zercher squats. I didn't expect much, since I'd DL'd big just two days ago...but WTH. Turns out.... Who dat!

    Zercher Squats ... 2 x 4 x 195 / 4 x 215 / 2 x 225 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 265, that's my biggest right there, but there's more / 1 x 275

    Well, now. THIS is pretty cool! I haven't been doing zerchers long enough to really call this a PR, but my biggest pull to date in the zerchers was 265, so *hey*. I'll take it!

    Drive-phase cable pull-throughs .... just for something different... 2 x 8 x 43 pounds each side, left side is WEAK! wow.. double wow. Must work on this.

    pull-ups... 3 x 2 with an 85 pound assist. I cannot adequately convey how feeble and lame these are, Oh, well. Confused I'm gonna keep at ' em.

    bar dips ... somewhat less feeble and lame, just kinda feeble and lame @ 4 x 4 with 55 pound assist.

    Pec Deck .... 4 x 5 x 175
    upright rows ... fast, pull above the eyes.. 4 x 6 x 80

    Now for about 8 days off, and then on to Sean Betz's program.

    BTW, it's looking more likely that I will, in fact be at Queen Mary.... I've never thrown there before!

  4. #104
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    Re: Off-season training

    Nice work!!!

  5. #105
    Join Date
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    Re: Off-season training

    Mom off season Holiday time quickie workouts.

    kid rides trycycle to the park. Gets tired playing. Mom carries metal triycycle a mile back to the house. Very close to trying "Trike for Distance" into the creek.

    Kid and mom walk around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Kid gets tired at the furthest point from house. Mom carries kid in left arm, and leash attached to highly energetic jack russell terrier in the other.

    Kid on a boat in the boat parade. Kid gets cold and wishes to be cuddled. Standing. In a tower. Moving. (great for core stability)

    Handle breaks off of heavy vaccuum. Must be carried like a sack of dog food up and down the stairs. Often. We have hairy pets that shed.

    Mucho installations of "Holiday" 24 packs being supplied to the beer fridges in the garage. Beer is heavy.

  6. #106
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Mom off season Holiday time quickie workouts.

    kid rides trycycle to the park. Gets tired playing. Mom carries metal triycycle a mile back to the house. Very close to trying "Trike for Distance" into the creek.

    Kid and mom walk around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Kid gets tired at the furthest point from house. Mom carries kid in left arm, and leash attached to highly energetic jack russell terrier in the other.

    Kid on a boat in the boat parade. Kid gets cold and wishes to be cuddled. Standing. In a tower. Moving. (great for core stability)

    Handle breaks off of heavy vaccuum. Must be carried like a sack of dog food up and down the stairs. Often. We have hairy pets that shed.

    Mucho installations of "Holiday" 24 packs being supplied to the beer fridges in the garage. Beer is heavy.
    Great Stuff!!

  7. #107
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    Re: Off-season training

    Sounds like what Frank used to call "Farm Aerobics".

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Good training.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  8. #108
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    Re: Off-season training

    I had a good week with my year-end PR Hunting! Here's my progress in 2011:

    Bench Press: 255 --> 305
    Deadlift: 405 --> 465
    Squat: 275 --> 405

    I'll test Strict Overhead Press & Push Press next week :-)

    Pretty stoked right now & having a celebratory Sam Adams!

  9. #109
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    Re: Off-season training

    Oh, wait.

    Tonight's workout.

    Bear: ( The Bear Complex - What is it?)
    1x8x60 (warmup)
    17" Snatch Grip Dead & Shrug: (Height of bar is 17" from deck)
    Incline Pin Press (Pin Press - What is it?)
    1x10x45 (bottom position)
    3x3x95-135-155 (bottom position)
    1x5x225 (top position)
    1x3x245 (top position)
    1x2x255 (top position)
    Core Blaster:
    Hanging Knee Raise:
    Short Range Chin Up:
    Dan John Power Curl:
    2x2-3-5-10x65 (40 reps total, working up to 60 reps)
    Good Morning:

    Basically a pull, a push, a swing, abs, and chin ups. The power curls and good mornings are just for fun.

    All movements are done with an emphasis on increasing bar speed, not absolute maximum weight.

    Throw far.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  10. #110
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    Re: Off-season training

    Not sure if 100% appropriate for this thread, but since it's end of year I've been thinking about my goals for 2012. As far as throwing goes, I've only competed once, and I'm still very much learning how to throw everything, so these goals are a bit of a shot in the dark.

    But here you go:

    2012 GOALS

    1) Assistance Work. I need to work HARD on my assistance exercises. In 2011, I ignored assistance too often, or didn't go after it with enough intensity. I need to change this.
    a) Start doing ab work. Ab work from Jiu-jitsu is NOT enough.
    b) More Posterior Chain work.
    c) Start training Triceps and biceps. Never been consistent with this at all.

    2) Dynamic Effort Work. I think some focus on lighter speed & technique work will pay big dividends. When I started squatting 3x a week my squats improved tremendously. I want to figure out how to do some lighter work on off days for other lifts as well.

    3) Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. More Consistency with my Jiu-jitsu training. This has been really difficult for me in the past 6 months, need to do better. If I'm consistent, I have a shot at getting my purple belt in 2012.

    LIFTING GOALS (Current 1RM in parenthesis)
    - Squat 455 (405)
    - Bench 315 (305)
    - Deadlift 500 (465)
    - Strict Press Bodyweight (205 Press @ 215 BW)
    - Push Press 250 (225)

    THROWING GOALS (Current PRs in parenthesis)
    - Braemar Stone: 30' (28-0)
    - Open Stone: 40' (37-2)
    - LWFD: 50' (47-9)
    - HWFD: 21'
    - Light Scottish Hammer: 80' (75-4)
    - Heavy Scottish Hammer: 65' (61-5)
    - WOB: 11'

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