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  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th January 08
    Fayetteville, NC, USA
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    Re: We got a new cat :)

    Too adorable!! I have 3. One of mine is right next to me on the computer chair, which he loves to have spun around & around. He just hunkers down & grabs hold of the edges. We know he's asking for it the way he keeps jumping into it with enough energy to give it an initial spin.

    How old is Sookie? She's playful enough to seem still young. Glad she knew who was the best adoptive 'parents!'

    Love the idea about getting a kilt in a weathered tartan to disguise the ambient airborne fur. The sporran idea, not so much. :butt:


  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Re: We got a new cat :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gryphon noir View Post
    You might want to invest in some lint brushes, and if you don't already store kilts in suit bags, you might want to start. I have three cats, and it is sometimes a challenge to keep my kilts free of fur. Fortunately, one of my kilts matches one of the cats nearly purrr-fectly, and I'm ordering a weathered tartan which probably won't show the colours of the other two.
    oooh yeah. I wasn't sure if she slept with me last night but one look at my dark blue bedspread said YES. Big yellow spots of fur all over the foot of my bed. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by glenlivet View Post
    Too adorable!! I have 3. One of mine is right next to me on the computer chair, which he loves to have spun around & around. He just hunkers down & grabs hold of the edges. We know he's asking for it the way he keeps jumping into it with enough energy to give it an initial spin.

    How old is Sookie? She's playful enough to seem still young. Glad she knew who was the best adoptive 'parents!'

    Love the idea about getting a kilt in a weathered tartan to disguise the ambient airborne fur. The sporran idea, not so much. :butt:


    Shes 2-4 years old Veeerrryyy playful.

    As for her going outside, my mom and I also feed squirrels and we have done so for so long that we have about 12 squirrels that regularily come to our home and beg for peanuts. Sookie wont be going outside at all. We have too many squirrels and too many bird friends to let her outside

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Re: We got a new cat :)

    First, congratulations on finding a cat that will pick your family. Same thing happened with us and our newest family member, Athena.

    Second, thank you for using your shelter. Too many shelters are "overbooked" too often.

    Third, whether Sookie is your first or your twenty-first, I strongly recommend "The Cat Behavior Answer Book" by Arden Moore. Over 300 pages of why your cat is doing that, what it means and how to reward or deter that action. Should be available thru any bookseller.
    I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Re: We got a new cat :)

    Forgot one item: About.com has a cat section, address is http://cats.about.com. A pretty good library of cat information here but locating what you are looking for can be a bit tedious.
    I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Williamsburg, Virginia
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    Re: We got a new cat :)

    Second, thank you for using your shelter. Too many shelters are "overbooked" too often.
    My Scottish grandfather didn't like our cats; we had several over my childhood. Apparently he was the one that had the "trim the inventory" from shelters when we was younger.

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