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  1. #1
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    Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Hi Folks ,
    As I have said in my introduction I am a Scots man living in Norway with my Norwegian girlfriend and we are planning to get married in Dunfermline in the summer , I have never owned a kilt but since moving here to Norway I would love to buy my own Kilt outfit to use for my wedding and for social days and nights here in Norway , I have seen the Saltire outfit on "scotlandshop.com" and although it is expensive I think it is what I want , I have seen it on other sites and since I live in Norway I will have to buy it over the internet and get it delivered here ,
    So the reason for the post does anyone have any advice on this kilt and where to maybe buy it as I think I have seen posts relating to this kilt and maybe another internet site linked to scotlandshop.com , I would love to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences about both .

  2. #2
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Hello Karl,

    Are we talking about the same thing? I am thinking about a kilt with the saltire woven into the fabric, so that it shows on the apron and on the pleats as one large saltire. In essence - the national flag.

    If that is what we are talking about, then I am going to be brutally frank and say I don't think it is a good idea. It might work in Norway, but it will look silly in Scotland. Even in Norway, people would expect a kilt to be in a tartan fabric.

    I really think that a clan, regional/district or one of the generic tartans would work better for you.

    There is even a Pride of Norway tartan:



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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Hello Karl, Chas has only said what I was going to say, the phrase of; "buy in haste, repent at leisure" springs to mind.

    It is of course your money to do with as you wish, but I really would council caution with your "plan A".
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    Smile Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    look at your family tree and choose a Clan Tartan if possible, want no regrets!:

  5. #5
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    and congratulations on your upcoming marriage.
    Was this the outfit you were thinking of?


    I was not able to find it on the website you listed, so I did a google search and this is what I came up with.

    If so I would advise against it, my reasoning is at least two fold. Firstly, as it is your first kilt I'd advise something more personally connected to you, your clan tartan for example. Secondly, and this is to me the real crux of the matter, the kilt is looked on by many as a costume, it has been my experience when wearing it that people will make comments, now when I was new to kilt wearing those comments could get pretty nasty. That did change once I got some confidence in my kilt wearing. When you are wearing something like this kilt the costume idea will come out in people's minds, however if you are wearing your clan tartan you will not get as much of that.

    Another consideration is that when you purchase a package deal like this you may not get exactly what you want. I think it is far better to purchase one piece at a time, as you are able to control the look you are going after and you will not be sold pieces you really do not need, for example in the photos above the model really does not need the belt, when wearing a waistcoat the belt will only make things sit improperly.

  6. #6
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Something else to consider is that wearing your national flag on your **** and sitting on it is not in any way respectful to the symbol of your nation...

  7. #7
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Something else to consider is that wearing your national flag on your **** and sitting on it is not in any way respectful to the symbol of your nation...
    I quite agree. It also seems to me that the slightest bit of less than perfect press on the pleats, inevitable as you sit and move about, is going to be greatly magnified by how the Saltire gets mis-shapen.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    It's a novelty item, not a normal, traditional, or modern kilt.
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    It's a novelty item, not a normal, traditional, or modern kilt.
    I agree. I've seen it worn by entertainers and even the occasional formal function, but it has a costume look to it that I find distracting.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Thinking of buying a Saltire outfit :)

    I have seen one worn and although I like the colours I didnt like the saltire on the pleats.

    It does have the look of someone taking a big white paintbrush across the rear.

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