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  1. #41
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Grant, perhaps you, Sir William and I should show up at Jock's door together when we go. At least then he would only have a one in three chance of getting you with the single shot blunderbuss, leaving time for the other two to get a running head start in retreat while Jock has to reload. Hope he doesn't hit the whisky instead--- that would be a real crying shame.

  2. #42
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Grant, perhaps you, Sir William and I should show up at Jock's door together when we go. At least then he would only have a one in three chance of getting you with the single shot blunderbuss, leaving time for the other two to get a running head start in retreat while Jock has to reload. Hope he doesn't hit the whisky instead--- that would be a real crying shame.

    I note that Jock invariably hits the mark squarely and head on. I'm sure the whisky would suffer no damage until the bottle was opened with loving care. I'm also pretty sure that Jock, as a true Highland gentleman, would treat the wounded to a dram.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  3. #43
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by ForresterModern View Post
    Grant, perhaps you, Sir William and I should show up at Jock's door together when we go. At least then he would only have a one in three chance of getting you with the single shot blunderbuss, leaving time for the other two to get a running head start in retreat while Jock has to reload. Hope he doesn't hit the whisky instead--- that would be a real crying shame.
    I don't trust your maths Jeff. The way I figure it, Jock has a one in one chance of hitting me. I understand he has his footmen dress up his grouses as rubber chickens just for practice in the off chance I'll show up with a cheap bottle of hooch!

  4. #44
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    Many ex pat Scots (and Irish for that matter) that we've met in the 9 years of business have stated something along these lines:

    When I was in Scotland / Ireland, I was just another citizen. Now that I am in America, I have more feeling of connection to Scotland / Ireland than I did when I was there.

    Another way of putting it: Some of the biggest "flag waving Scots / Irish only became that way after leaving their country". Kind of the same thing as the old saying "you don't know what you've got until it's gone".

    Again, no disrespect is meant by this as I am sure there are many fiercely patriotic Scots / Irish. I'm just pointing out an observation about the ex pats I've met.
    Another part of that is "look after your own." In this country, and I can only speak to what I was taught from my family history, new immigrants faced prejudice, injustice & mistreatment. By banding together, and helping each other out ethnicity was a common bond and a bridge to a job, housing etc. Certainly remnants of this still exist today. So that national identity was very important.

  5. #45
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Bill, Jeff, any one else from Xmarks and I suppose GRANT could tag along, if he must, I would be delighted to see any of you, if ever you are in this part of the world, I am not always lurking in this locality----- it depends a bit on what is running, flying or swimming about the place, but with a spot of planning things can be arranged.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 10th January 12 at 02:25 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. #46
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well its quite simple really. Let us take my fictitious grandson as the example. If he chooses to become an American citizen for example, or maybe he was of an age not to choose legally, so his father chose for him, he is an American from then on and until he decides otherwise that is the way it will stay, he does not stop being my grandson and it does not stop his offspring having Scots genes and roots, I will still love him as part of the family, but he ceases to be a Scot and as such I would expect him to behave as an American and be loyal to America and absolutely not hark back to Scotland in a major way. Playing at being a Scot for example. Simple.

    So have the Scots no roots? Yes of course they have, but rarely do you see them (actually I never have) playing at being Normans for example. It seems that we(some of us anyway) just see things rather differently, that is all.
    Being a scot Jock I'm wondering what do you think about the viking themed festival Up Helly Aa?
    Norse/Norn: [B]"Með lögum skal land byggja en með ólögum eyða".[/B]
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  7. #47
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by SlackerDrummer View Post
    If one of your sons were presented with the opportunity to take a well-paying job in America (and took it), should he leave his kilt in Scotland? And should he decide to stay (God forbid), should he abandon passing this traditional garb to his children? Would you be okay with your grandkids not having this cultural connection to you?
    I know that this topic was principally directed towards Jock (from the title) but as it also included (and Scots) perhaps I can contribute also. To answer the specific question, if one of my sons moved to America it would be his decision, and his alone, as to whether he took a kilt and wore it there. In fact one son has little or no time for kilt-wearing, here or anywhere else, and the other wears his solely to weddings and sporting occasions so whether the situation would arise is questionable.
    From my point of view I can see no reason not to wear the kilt outwith Scotland but I do tend to follow the 'when in Rome' school of thought and dress as the occasion expects, unless specifically requested otherwise.
    As to the general question of kilts being worn by all and sundry who may have little or no affiliation with Scotland, well my view is that it is no more than a particular form of dress, albeit one fairly specific to Scotland. Without Queen Victoria and Prince Albert who embraced all things Scottish and influenced the society of the time with their interpretation of 'Scottishness' known as Balmorality, kilt-wearing, a fairly rare phenomenon at the time, may well have continued into terminal decline in the 19th century and be quite unknown today. So to restrict it to a particular section of the poulation living in a specific location is both unrealistic and probably historically incorrect.
    People's reasons for wishing to wear an unbifurcated garment will be infinitely variable from reasons of comfort, health or hygiene, self-image or fashion consciousness, perhaps even sexual or gender orientation and, hopefully most of all, from a desire to identify with a particular culture and its values. Those who have no particular Scottish connection have many non-Scottish alternatives without feeling they are somehow breaking any taboos and the rest are harming no-one and should enjoy their Scottish connections no matter how fleeting and tenuous.

  8. #48
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Selkie View Post
    Being a scot Jock I'm wondering what do you think about the viking themed festival Up Helly Aa?
    There is an interesting article here - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalis...-relocate.html - by
    Sandi Toksvig where she goves a Scandinavian view of Up Helly-aa.

  9. #49
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Selkie View Post
    Being a scot Jock I'm wondering what do you think about the viking themed festival Up Helly Aa?
    Ah this one always pops up.

    In truth I know very little about it, but my impression is that it is a whole load of people playing at being Vikings in a place where Norse traditions hold sway over Celtic ones(this is the point) and in the process they are having a great time. Sounds fair enough to me.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  10. #50
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    Re: An Open Question for 'Jock Scot' (and Scots)

    I think i'll go and paint myself blue now.
    By Choice, not by Birth

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