9th January 12, 06:48 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I've let myself go as well but only have laziness to blame.
Started diet and exercise again with the new year.
New year-new attitude.
lost 2 lbs already.
only 18 to go.
9th January 12, 07:02 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
down 25lbs so far. Really happy about it but won't be able to wear my kilts very much longer.
9th January 12, 07:24 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Kilted Jeeper
down 25lbs so far. Really happy about it but won't be able to wear my kilts very much longer.
Wow! Well done, sir! Keep it up.
9th January 12, 11:29 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Somehow I just ran into this thread although it has been going on for several months. It is right up my alley. As a physician for many years, I've had access to the best information, have tried to use it personally and have encouraged anyone who would listen.
It all boils down to diet and exercise. Find whatever works for you, something you enjoy, and make it part of your life style. People lose hundreds of pounds and end up weighing the same. They jump from one exercise fad to another with no permanent gain.
Find a sensible diet and exercise plan. Stick to it! You may very well find you can reduce or eliminate medications. If enough of the population would do this we could save this country perhaps billions in health care cost.
9th January 12, 04:35 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I don't usually use the term Paleo diet as the idea has been around for a very long time and "paleo diet" is just the latest marketing nonsense. They also make up all kinds of mythological, historical stories to support the concept, that hasn't really stood up to the historical or scientific research. That said, the diet concept itself is very effective and usually improves most markers of health, often dramatically. Years ago, long before the term paleo diet was coined, we used to call the it the "dead animals and green stuff" diet. Many old time trainers and health practitioners have been prescribing this diet over the last century. It comes in and out of vogue like everything else.
The same goes for crossfit, it's nothing new, just a new marketing package. There are some aspects of it that are very useful and some that are outright dangerous.
 Originally Posted by Kilted Jeeper
Paleo Diet sometimes called the caveman diet is basically eating the same way our hunter/gatherer ancetors ate. Basically nothing refined and very little if any grains.
It's basically eating Lean proteins (ideally) grass fed meat, free range fowl and wild caught fish, seasonal fruits and vegetables and healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil.
My Crossfit affiliate is doing a 60 diet challenge in which I am participating and I was wondering if anyone else had tried it or moved more towards it as a lifestyle.
10th January 12, 05:52 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Brett
I don't usually use the term Paleo diet as the idea has been around for a very long time and "paleo diet" is just the latest marketing nonsense.
If the term Paleo diet is marketing nonsense, then Dr. Cordain is sucking at it, as he is the one that coined the phrase. The term has been expanded to include dozens of different types of diets, some focusing on higher carbs like tubers, and some more classic with the "meat, leaves, berries" schtick that ends up being fairly low carb. Paleo might have been a commercial term a decade ago, but today pretty much reflects a varied style of eating that is only unified by the lack of grain, legumes, processed sugar, and artificial flavorings/sweeteners.
I will say the "Primal Diet" advocated by Mark Sisson is very much a marketing scheme, and is the "Johnny Come Lately" - but some people look to flash to find success, and I'm not gonna crap on his success. The guy lives his concepts and is really motivated, but for me he still comes off as a hack. He rebranded the concepts of Paleo/Hunter-Gatherer eating, added some supplements, allowed dairy and some other foods... and called it "Primal".
They also make up all kinds of mythological, historical stories to support the concept, that hasn't really stood up to the historical or scientific research.
I'd like to see some of your examples, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just have followed this way of eating off-and-on (finances withstanding) for over a decade and I don't have any clue what you are on about.
That said, the diet concept itself is very effective and usually improves most markers of health, often dramatically. Years ago, long before the term paleo diet was coined, we used to call the it the "dead animals and green stuff" diet. Many old time trainers and health practitioners have been prescribing this diet over the last century. It comes in and out of vogue like everything else.
Most "old time trainers" that I am familiar with prescribed the "GOMAD" principles (Gallon Of Milk a Day) to gain weight, and the disgusting and unhealthy "Tuna Fast" to lose weight. Dan John's "Meat, Leaves, and Berries" diet was coined after Audette's Neanderthin, and Cordain's "Paleo Diet". As far as long-timers suggesting this diet, I can really only think of Banting's "Letter on Corpulence" and the works of Stephansson as being influential - both using an Ancestral, Hunter-Gatherer-based diet and reporting cured ailments such as diabetes and obesity. Despite training with several real "old time" strength trainers for the last half of my own life, I can't really remember anyone telling me that they used anything anywhere near the paleo diet... but they watched me lose 120lbs following it in 9 months time (they had a bit of envy that I was eating steak, eggs, and tomatoes every morning and having such drastic fat-loss results while still getting stronger).
The same goes for crossfit, it's nothing new, just a new marketing package. There are some aspects of it that are very useful and some that are outright dangerous.
I've got no love for Crossfit, except the pictures floating around on the net. I try to avoid any fitness zealotry and they seem to breed the most. However, prior to Glassman's concepts, the only people really following this combination of strength, gymnastics, calisthenics, and running were people doing it on their own. Crossfit isn't a system as much as it is a community.
Last edited by Joshua; 10th January 12 at 05:57 AM.
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude
10th January 12, 06:03 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
P-90X: Day one-Week one-Month one
Back on the wagon for the first time in four months. Ow...Felt like I was going to throw up. Still gonna BRING IT! If my coach at teamripped.com can do it then I know I can.
Oh, Spirit pray for me...ow. ith:
10th January 12, 06:32 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I didn't really bring up Paleo and Crossfit to get into a philosophical discussion about either one. This thread is about "Fitness" and diet and exercise fit into that. I don't care about the people that think Crossfit is just a different flavor of kool-aid (I happen to like the kool-aid and the community aspect in this case) and I am fully aware that Paleo/Primal eating is nothing new. I simply wanted to say that I found something "new" for me and I am having wonderful success with it. Not every diet/exercise program works for everyone, I am happy to say that I found a combination that seems to work for me. I have lost 25lbs, more than 4" off my waist, I have more energy, sleep better at night, according to the wife I don't snore anymore, I don't EVER get heartburn any more and I don't get wicked cravings or a 2pm crash. With results like this I don't care if Paleo and Crossfit were developed as a joke/marketing gimmic or not...I get results and am improving myself and THAT is what matters. :cheers:
 Originally Posted by Joshua
If the term Paleo diet is marketing nonsense, then Dr. Cordain is sucking at it, as he is the one that coined the phrase. The term has been expanded to include dozens of different types of diets, some focusing on higher carbs like tubers, and some more classic with the "meat, leaves, berries" schtick that ends up being fairly low carb. Paleo might have been a commercial term a decade ago, but today pretty much reflects a varied style of eating that is only unified by the lack of grain, legumes, processed sugar, and artificial flavorings/sweeteners.
I will say the "Primal Diet" advocated by Mark Sisson is very much a marketing scheme, and is the "Johnny Come Lately" - but some people look to flash to find success, and I'm not gonna crap on his success. The guy lives his concepts and is really motivated, but for me he still comes off as a hack. He rebranded the concepts of Paleo/Hunter-Gatherer eating, added some supplements, allowed dairy and some other foods... and called it "Primal".
I'd like to see some of your examples, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just have followed this way of eating off-and-on (finances withstanding) for over a decade and I don't have any clue what you are on about.
Most "old time trainers" that I am familiar with prescribed the "GOMAD" principles (Gallon Of Milk a Day) to gain weight, and the disgusting and unhealthy "Tuna Fast" to lose weight. Dan John's "Meat, Leaves, and Berries" diet was coined after Audette's Neanderthin, and Cordain's "Paleo Diet". As far as long-timers suggesting this diet, I can really only think of Banting's "Letter on Corpulence" and the works of Stephansson as being influential - both using an Ancestral, Hunter-Gatherer-based diet and reporting cured ailments such as diabetes and obesity. Despite training with several real "old time" strength trainers for the last half of my own life, I can't really remember anyone telling me that they used anything anywhere near the paleo diet... but they watched me lose 120lbs following it in 9 months time (they had a bit of envy that I was eating steak, eggs, and tomatoes every morning and having such drastic fat-loss results while still getting stronger).
I've got no love for Crossfit, except the pictures floating around on the net. I try to avoid any fitness zealotry and they seem to breed the most. However, prior to Glassman's concepts, the only people really following this combination of strength, gymnastics, calisthenics, and running were people doing it on their own. Crossfit isn't a system as much as it is a community.
10th January 12, 06:39 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
As a former competitive distance runner, and active-duty Marine with a 300 PFT score (Marines know what that number means!), I am definitely in! I just began to run and lift weights consistently again (Day 1 was yesterday, Monday, January 9, 2012), I fell out of practice for a wee while (about 1-2 years into my marriage - which is typical for a man, some say) and basically became too lethargic and began to pack on some weight around my mid-section, which is definitely not me. I had become disgusted with my terrible eating habits and lack of physical activity. It was time to act!!!
I have completed P90X for three consecutive cycles, but that was during 2009-2010, so it has been a while since I have done any sort of training with that specific type of physical rigor...but I love it! Not to mention, I have two kilts that are a wee bit tight on me, and I'd love to wear them again!
Working out is indeed important, but one's diet and nutrition must be on par as well. Simple equation in which most of us are well aware of, in order to lose weight, one must burn more calories than one consumes - simple human physiological fact. So, let's also eat right lads, and try to keep the pints and wee drams to a minimum, as challenging as that may be at times!
GOAL: Intensive cardio and resistance training 6 days a week with 1 off day. Cardio comprised of running, swimming, and cycling. Resistance training comprised of free-weights and stationary machines. Follow strict, but realistic nutritional plan. Make healthy choices - make it a lifestyle...again, and for good! Lose 2-3 pounds per week in order to reach optimum BMI for my age and height, for a total weight-loss goal of 40 pounds.
Count me in lads...cheers!
Last edited by creagdhubh; 10th January 12 at 09:18 AM.
10th January 12, 06:53 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Best of luck Jeeper, and I'm glad you are having success, I also predict that if you stick with it - you will continue to have success. In 2003 I literally lost 130lbs of fat following this way of eating, but by kidding myself about needing carbs to get stronger, abandoned it for a few years while I tried to climb my way up the NA Strongman HW Amateur ranks. I've been following it again for the past two years, but because I am not as active, the weightloss hasn't been as dramatic... about a 60lbs loss in these two years (with a 4-month hiatus due to finances which took me 30lbs in the wrong direction). However, making the serious decision to not compete in Strongman anymore ensures that I will stick with this diet, unless finances get me down to the "ramen and peanut butter" diet that many of us might have had to endure in our youth.
And I'm sorry for going off on a tangent there. If you follow this thread from the beginning you'll see that I've been quite defensive of the lifestyle that specifically "saved my life", admittedly perhaps too much so...
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude
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