11th January 12, 01:22 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Joshua
Helped a friend move during a fast yesterday. Amazingly enough, feel great this morning although I did have to sleep in a little. I was a little woozy after breaking down and packing furniture into my truck with just the fuel on my torso. Today's weigh-in was 2lbs less than yesterday, so I guess I did alright.
Art DeVany talks about fasted workouts producing growth hormone, don't know how valid this is but I trust ol' Art - he's a smart guy.
There is some really interesting new research regarding fasting and it's effects on weight loss, health and even strength and muscle hypertrophy and all of it's very positive.
On Martin Berkhead's site, www.leangains.com, he has some really interesting articles that debunk the whole idea of several small meals a day and breakfast being the most important meal of the day.
Some of the current research suggests 2-3 meals a day(intermittant fasting), at most, may have much more positive effects for fighting cancer cell growth and that several small meals might feed cancer cells and increase the risk of mutation to a malignant growth. On the weight loss front, newer research is suggesting fewer daily meals and may blunt hunger better, control blood sugar more efficiency and promote nutrient partitioning better than the frequent meal plan.
11th January 12, 02:48 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Brett
On the weight loss front, newer research is suggesting fewer daily meals and may blunt hunger better, control blood sugar more efficiency and promote nutrient partitioning better than the frequent meal plan.
During my strongman days, I was doing the frequent meal thing, about 4x 750 calorie meals and in-between them, a protein shake, for about 4k kcal/day. If I skipped a meal back then, I was irritable, grumpy, and really couldn't function.
Today, I find I can go up to about 30 hours or so without eating before I'm even affected. Intermittent Fasting really teaches you to punch hunger in the throat.
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude
11th January 12, 04:18 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Joshua
During my strongman days, I was doing the frequent meal thing, about 4x 750 calorie meals and in-between them, a protein shake, for about 4k kcal/day. If I skipped a meal back then, I was irritable, grumpy, and really couldn't function.
Today, I find I can go up to about 30 hours or so without eating before I'm even affected. Intermittent Fasting really teaches you to punch hunger in the throat.
Over the years of low carb dieting, I have done it many different ways. Compressing my calories into two meals a day really fills me up and controls hunger very well for me.
Conversely, dieting on 6 meals a day ends up being six snacks with none of those meals being very satiating, making diet compliance much more difficult.
14th January 12, 11:00 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I've started a training log here on Xmarks.
Just ask Alan H. "If you build it, they will come".
For those interested...
I convert all my weights into kg for the reason that I also train at an olympic weightlifting gym that only uses kg and it's easier to record my personal bests that way. It also makes it easier on our International forum... at least I'm not using "stone"... sheesh.
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude
14th January 12, 11:28 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I am happy to report that I am preparing to test for my brown belts in shotokan karate, and and hakoryu jujitsu. For those interested, here is a list of the testing requirements:
These are the required kata for my test.
Bassai Dai:
Kanku Dai:
Tekki Shodan (The one I'm having problems with!! It's almost 70 moves, and I can't remember the second half!! ):
So aside from becoming obsessed with three styles of martial arts, I have completely changed my lifestyle. I don't eat any less than before; I just eat smarter. I've essentially gone to a whole-foods diet, with a few small exceptions. I have yet to figure out how to give up my dark chocolate... but I have discovered a nifty snack that is made from dried honeycomb and organic dark chocolate. I don't know that it's any better for me than any other snack, but it sure does taste good! And I am happy to report that with these changes to my life, I have dropped from 440 to 318, as of yesterday morning.
Last edited by Nighthawk; 14th January 12 at 11:36 AM.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
16th January 12, 05:47 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
And I am happy to report that with these changes to my life, I have dropped from 440 to 318, as of yesterday morning.
Wow! Fantastic weight loss! You rock, man!
16th January 12, 12:59 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
P-90X Update
Week one down! I stuck to my nutrition plan (a new success for me) and finished week one sore but pleased.
Today marks day 1 of week two! Here we go!
16th January 12, 04:02 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
P-90X Update
Week one down! I stuck to my nutrition plan (a new success for me) and finished week one sore but pleased.
Today marks day 1 of week two! Here we go!
Nice! I have finished p90x twice. I am on too insanity right now. On week two.
17th January 12, 04:30 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I haven't been to this thread since the summer... And have lost nearly 40 pounds in the process. Weighed 294 mid August, and 256 now. But I don't suggest my weight loss methods. A year ago November I had my left knee replaced. Came through that fine, with GREAT Range of Motion. Got me active. Moving. And, I hurt other parts of me in the process. I got better through the summer and was cycling and even started mild jogging again. But in August, I crashed on my bike. Had some head and neck injuries, but worst was I crushed my T9 vertebra and some ribs. I was fused with 2 rods and 10 screws from T7-12, but not enough of the T9 to put screws in. Long story short, I'm recovering quite well. And am active in the gym, but really really low weights. (25 pounds for military press) Its been a tough road, but have learned a lot more about myself than I could have under any other circumstances. If I thought I needed to be in shape before, its multiple amplified now. I do intend to ride bicycles again, though I am having a recumbent trike made for me. I hope to run again too. But that may be years more down the road. If ever.
Oh yeah, wore my Sport Kilt Comfy Kilt frequently in the hospital rehab unit. And wore a kilt I got from one of the rabble here home... Too bad neither fit me now.
NEVER a Spectator!
When it comes to Hero's, RENEGADES are MINE!
17th January 12, 06:50 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
I am happy to report that I am preparing to test for my brown belts in shotokan karate, and and hakoryu jujitsu.
Congratulations on being asked to test. I really enjoyed the description and videos of the testing requirements, brings back memories and makes me remember how obsessive it can be. I look forward to resuming my training. Best wishes on your testing.
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