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  1. #11
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    And I somehow missed this thread for a whole month? !!

    Hopefully this will continue so I can get some good reading in here. Ivanhoe went too quick. Actually, I did read it and enjoyed it. But I like this story better.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  2. #12
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Scene 65

    I gently lowered the unconscious body of the guard to the floor of the storage closet. After picking up his weapon, I locked the door behind me.

    I turned to my two companions. “Can you do it?”

    The Wrecker smiled evilly. “A distraction? How big of one do you need?”

    I returned his smile. “Whatever you two can come up with.”

    Mike looked over at Gerald. “I think we can manage something.”

    Gerald smile was as big as Mike’s. “Yes, that will not be a problem.”

    I shook my head. “Just don’t get caught, okay. Deena, can you do what I asked?”

    The pixie hovered near me. “Of course, it’s just a simple illusion. I already told you I can’t duplicate the metal weapon, but the guard has generously provided one for us.”

    “Good, let’s do it then.”

    Deena made some gestures and I could feel her magic surrounding me. When she was done, I looked into a mirror. Looking back from the mirror was the face of the guard we had disabled.

    I nodded in satisfaction. “Good, okay everyone, let’s get to it. I’ll see you on the outside.”

    Deena followed close beside me as I started to enter the interior of the prison. Mike and Gerald moved off in the opposite direction to create their distraction.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #13
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Heeee'sss baaaackkk!

    <climbing back into the secure bunker and doublechecking all provisions and single malt supplies>
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  4. #14
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    this would make a very awesome comic! I wonder....
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  5. #15
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Quote Originally Posted by cryerelizabeth View Post
    this would make a very awesome comic! I wonder....
    Naw, straight to film with lots of special effects.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #16
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    Naw, straight to film with lots of special effects.
    still, im gona experiment...
    kilted in Brooklet :)

  7. #17
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    It's addicting.

  8. #18
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Scene 66

    I peeked around the corner to the electronic gate in the hallway. “Are you sure this is the right one?” I said softly into the mike I wore.

    Sister Cynthia’s voice answered from my earpiece. “Yes, according to the files, this is the wing where the heretics from within the church are held. If the information is correct and Father Arnold has been taken prisoner, this is where he will be.”

    “How do I get through the gate?”

    “I will disable the security protocol. You will have to take care of any guards.”

    I looked back to the gate; only one guard stood there. “There’s only one, I should be able to manage that.”

    I looked down and examined the pistol I had taken from the guard in the storage area. Apparently it was designed as a subdual weapon and not a killing one. That made some sense, since this was a prison.

    “Deena, I need to distract that guard. I don’t know how far this weapon will fire, so I need to be a little closer.”

    The pixie nodded solemnly and floated to the ceiling. She made some gestures and then spoke softly.

    The result of her spell was soon heard from down the hallway. “Guard, I need help!”

    The guard only looked down the hallway for a moment, but that was all the time I needed. I quickly took a few steps to get closer, aimed the pistol, and fired.

    Twin darts shot forth from the weapon and struck the guard, trailing wires behind them. Once the contact was made, a jolt of electricity shot through his body, causing him to shake violently before collapsing.

    I quickly closed the distance and picked up the guard’s fallen weapon. “He’s down,” I said into the mike.

    “Acknowledged, the security protocol is being bypassed … now.”

    A muffled click came from the gate as the lock was released. I pushed on the gate and it swung open.

    “I’m in,” I said and proceeded down the hallway.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #19
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Nicely done Mr. Dove.

    <starting up another batch of popcorn>
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  10. #20
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    Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued

    Scene 67

    As I made my way down the hallway, I looked the small window in each door. Strangely, none of the cells seemed to be occupied until I reached the final cell.

    Inside this last cell, a man was on the bed, apparently asleep. From what I could see, the man seemed to have many bruises on him.

    I looked up at the number above the door and spoke into the mike. “Cynthia, cell D 213 has an occupant.”

    The click from the door told me that Cynthia had released the lock, so I pushed it open. “Father Arnold?”

    The figure on the bed stirred and then groaned in pain.

    I rushed over and helped the man sit up. “Father Arnold?”

    The man shook his head. “No, my name is James.”

    As the man raised his head and I could see his features, I saw that it was another doppelganger of an old friend, in this case my old friend Panache.

    “James, do you know if there is anyone else being held here, a priest named Arnold?”

    “No idea, all I’ve seen since I was brought here are guards.”

    “Did they do this to you?”

    He nodded. “They called it questioning, tried to get me to tell them about some guy named Dove. When they couldn’t get anything out of me, they threw me in this cell.”

    Too many people seemed to know about me. “James, I’m going to get you out of here.”

    I putting his arm over my shoulder, I supported James and helped him to his feet. As quietly as we could, we made our way out of the cell and started down the hallway.

    “Deena, fly ahead and scout.”

    The pixie flew away and was soon out of sight.

    We made it through the gate to the hallway and started to head back towards the loading dock, but suddenly Deena came flying back. “Twenty guards coming this way, led by a man in white robes.”

    I looked around and saw there was only one other direction we could travel. We made our way down the hall until we came to a door. A quick word to Cynthia opened the lock and we stepped through.

    We found ourselves in a stairwell, with the stairs only going one way, up. “Cynthia, is there any way out of here?”

    “Only back the way you came. You are in a prison, not exactly known for having a lot of exits.”

    At that moment, an alarm started sounding and words came over a loudspeaker. “Prison break, Section D! All guards to secure the area.”

    I looked up the stairwell. “It looks like we go up.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

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