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  1. #151
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    Re: Off-season training

    I'm assuming the Rippetoe book you're referring to is "Starting Strength", yes? It's a good book.

    You might also want to look at Dan John's body of work as well. Firstly, he's a Highland Games thrower, secondly he's an Olympic weightlifter, thirdly he is a nationally ranked Masters Track & Field thrower as well. Finally, he's a coach who communicates exceptionally well and his passion for the sport comes through loud and clear.

    Amazon carries Dan's "Never Let Go" and there are links to others such as "From The Ground Up" (a free E-Book with pictures of Mandy P and the "Pillars of Poverty" in my garage on page 25) at his website.

    Dan John, Lifting and Throws Coach

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  2. #152
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post
    I'm assuming the Rippetoe book you're referring to is "Starting Strength", yes? It's a good book.

    You might also want to look at Dan John's body of work as well. Firstly, he's a Highland Games thrower, secondly he's an Olympic weightlifter, thirdly he is a nationally ranked Masters Track & Field thrower as well. Finally, he's a coach who communicates exceptionally well and his passion for the sport comes through loud and clear.

    Amazon carries Dan's "Never Let Go" and there are links to others such as "From The Ground Up" (a free E-Book with pictures of Mandy P and the "Pillars of Poverty" in my garage on page 25) at his website.

    Dan John, Lifting and Throws Coach
    Yes, that's it. I've been meaning to get "Never Let Go" as well. I did not know about "from the ground up"...gonna have to look that up.

    I've had Ryans "Weight Training for Highland Games" video on my desk for 9 months and have not watched it yet. Sheeesh.

  3. #153
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Yes, that's it. I've been meaning to get "Never Let Go" as well. I did not know about "from the ground up"...gonna have to look that up.

    I've had Ryans "Weight Training for Highland Games" video on my desk for 9 months and have not watched it yet. Sheeesh.
    Ask & Ye Shall Receive....

    Dan John's "From the Ground Up" - free ebook available here: http://danjohn.net/from-the-ground-up-free-ebook/

    Also, "Never Let Go" is available for free from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Never-Let-Go-P...8049455&sr=8-2

    The only catch is Never Let Go is only available in "kindle" format, but there is a free kindle reader for your PC if you don't have an actual kindle.

  4. #154
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
    Ask & Ye Shall Receive....

    Dan John's "From the Ground Up" - free ebook available here: http://danjohn.net/from-the-ground-up-free-ebook/

    Also, "Never Let Go" is available for free from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Never-Let-Go-P...8049455&sr=8-2

    The only catch is Never Let Go is only available in "kindle" format, but there is a free kindle reader for your PC if you don't have an actual kindle.
    Wow, Thanks!! I just saved the pdf files. I'm gonna go print them and bind them into a couple of little books.

    -------workout update from me.

    Nothing. Snotty head cold since Friday. I threw some on Saturday and it was OK, I tried implementing something new in LWFD, but was too sick and sore from deadlifting on Friday to do a lot.

    I'm a little bit better, today. I might be in the gym on Thursday. Almost certainly will be, on Friday.

  5. #155
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    Re: Off-season training


    17" Snatch grip deadlift w shrug
    Incline bench pin press
    6x1x250-260-270-280-290-305 (top position)
    Core blaster
    Hanging knee raise
    Short range chinup
    Dan John curl
    2x2-3-5-10x85 (50 reps total)
    Good morning

    Today, I feel every one of those deadlift reps.

    I don't believe I ever talked much about the Dan John curls. Basically it's a power curl (see video here: Frozen Kilt does power curls. BTW Sean posts over on NASGA under the name "Sean".)

    Dan John once talked about doing 100 reps by breaking them down into manageable sets like 2-3-5-10 and then doing that rep scheme five times. If you decide to try this out, start out with a reasonable weight. 50 reps is a lot of work. 100 reps is twice as much.

    That's the story behind the Dan John curl. Next cycle I will switch out the curls for overhead presses.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  6. #156
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post

    I don't believe I ever talked much about the Dan John curls. Basically it's a power curl (see video here: Frozen Kilt does power curls. BTW Sean posts over on NASGA under the name "Sean".)

    Dan John once talked about doing 100 reps by breaking them down into manageable sets like 2-3-5-10 and then doing that rep scheme five times. If you decide to try this out, start out with a reasonable weight. 50 reps is a lot of work. 100 reps is twice as much.

    That's the story behind the Dan John curl. Next cycle I will switch out the curls for overhead presses.
    I've never seen those. I think I might alternate those with hang high pulls curls/high pulls... Thanks!

  7. #157
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    Re: Off-season training

    Forgot to post the video of my deadlift workout from earlier in the week.

    Correcting that here.

    Snatch Grip Deadlift from blocks 01-30-2012

    I do not pull my shoulders back at the top of the lift because the bar strikes me in an "awkward place" if I do so.

    Second oopsie: I titled the videoclip 1-29-2012 when in fact the workout was on 1-30-2012.

    Playlist info:

    1st clip - "Weight of Words" by The Town Pants
    2nd clip - "666 degrees" by Ceili Rain
    3rd clip - "Prince of Darkness by Ed Miller

    Yes, those are my rockets on the workbench in the background and the youtube videos to the right of the main screen are my launch videos. I am a Level 1 certified rocketeer. Money going up in smoke!

    I truly battle gravity.
    Last edited by o1d_dude; 1st February 12 at 09:55 PM. Reason: Playlist info added

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  8. #158
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    Re: Off-season training

    I've been out with a cold then just generally been in the dumps for 3-4 days. so today I just went and threw a solid two-plus hour throwing session. MAN am I sore....but this was one great session.

    Stated out with some overhead stone warmup, and "jump the stone" to get the blood flowing. Then 4 of each phase of "Mikes Toeboard Drill" laser-focusing on getting the HIP to be the trigger. These went well.

    The Open Stone...I don't know how many throws I did, certainly 20+, and then I came back to it when I was done with the other stuff. Everything at 31+ and actually lots of 32's and 33's. I even dropped one no-reverse glide in there at 34+. AND I hit one glide that actually hand some pop and "boinggg" in it, which I didn't even oomph out there that hard and it went 34. Now I know what it feels like! So this was fantastic.

    Then on to HWFD...did 4-5 first turn drills, hit 'em very well balanced and started throwing. Did a couple of single spins, one a 29, one that I hugely fouled at 31. The two-turns, basically everything is over 30 now... and that is AWESOME!

    Ten minute rest..

    LWFD .... working on getting the HIPS up and down like Mike said... a more level entry into the first turn like Don Stewart told me, and getting a LOT more separation "set up the X" at the front of the trig. Result? Mess of throws well over 50, even some wildly out of control throws at about 54. Even the "tame" throws were 47-48. I don't have this new stuff dialed in yet, but I can feel that it's coming, OH YEAH. HOpes for a PR in this at Queen Mary.

    Hammer...pretty tired by now but I did some winds, some super-relaxed single-wind-and-deliver, all about 78-81 feet. I did these because I've watching Duncans vids with these and I got to thinking that I need to get me some of that. It's interesting to me that if I relax, and it's easy to stay loose with a one-spin-then-deliver, I throw over 80 almost half the time. RELAX is the thing, huh? I need to do me some more of these. Three winds and "swoosh" are mostly all 84-87. I need to pull with my head up, I'm starting to forget that.

    GREAT day on the field, and am I ever SORE.

  9. #159
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post
    Forgot to post the video of my deadlift workout from earlier in the week.

    Correcting that here.

    Snatch Grip Deadlift from blocks 01-30-2012
    Nice and fast....looks good.

  10. #160
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    Re: Off-season training

    Nice job Alan! Great throwing session!

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