17th February 12, 06:40 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
A sudden and terrible cold has decended upon me. Those who are so inclined please pray for me. I really don't want to stop training.
18th February 12, 06:32 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
A sudden and terrible cold has decended upon me. Those who are so inclined please pray for me. I really don't want to stop training.
I'll definitely be praying. Hope you feel better soon.
19th February 12, 03:34 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Got a 10 hour ride in yesterday, Deca training coming along nicely 
Been thinking about which kilt to do the last marathon in, probably a 5 yd one would be best, they are a bit lighter than the 8s.
Rev G
20th February 12, 06:10 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by J_Mimbs
I'll definitely be praying. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, brother. The cold is progressing nicely...into a worse cold. But I will try for the workout tonight. Did half my legs/back/abs routine on Friday.
 Originally Posted by Reverend Graham
Got a 10 hour ride in yesterday, Deca training coming along nicely
Been thinking about which kilt to do the last marathon in, probably a 5 yd one would be best, they are a bit lighter than the 8s.
Rev G
Very cool. Consider PV in that case. They are great for running.
24th February 12, 04:12 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Well, if it helps anyone I will share my story. I've never been small, genetics really do play a role, my father is a beast before his battle with cancer began he stood 6'5 and weighted in around 320lbs of pure Good'ol boy muscle (with 18 inch bicepts). I stand 5'11 and currently am at 220, down from 305 in december of 2010. For those of you who want a realistic life stlye change that is fairly easy and WORKS me being living proof here it is...
Up water intake: I bought a $10 Wal-Mart brand "Nalgene" knock off water bottle and drank 4 per day (64ml times 4). It also saved me a LOT of money, you don't think about the two dollars here and there grabbing a soda while your running paying bills and such.
Eat more!!! Yes eat more, due to the work I do and keep hours that would make a vampire give up, I was in a bad habbit of only eatting one meal a day, and grabbing junk food at every service station i came to. 6 smaller portion meal per day of REAL food, please do not try to eat like a rabbit, that will back fire in a heart beat!
My normal daily meals Morning 2 eggs, toast (I LOVE potato bread) with Nutella and some meat product with coffee and juice, in about 2-3 hours i would have a smaller meal or snack of fruit, trail mix (with M&M's) 2-3 hours later another meal, sandwictch or a salad, I try my best to get 3 salads a week 2-3 hours later maybe carrots or celory w peanut budder, 2 hours after that my "dinner" usually left overs from the night before, Lord help me i can only cook for an Army. Eatting yor largest meal in the morning and supper being a little smaller is best b.c breakfast you are doing just that, BREAKing the FAST from sleeping.
Take the stairs, or park further away from the door at the store: I am as lazy as anyone, elevators are amazing, and getting the sport beside the handiecap van is great, but just those few exra steps can make a big differance.
Ok, I have rambled enough, but these little things work! I was in a size 46-48 now im in a 36 waist down from a XXL shirt to L or XL depending on the cut, and it also saved me $46,000 from not having to have another knee surgry! I still have some weight to drop, but I feel better, and am told I look better (even if you can't fix ugly)! I'll be reading everyone's progress and keeping you up to date one mine!
FireFighter EMT-B
27th February 12, 08:25 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Finishing up P-90X month 2 this week. Looking better and feeling better. I can now fit back into my Graham tank and that feels great! I was even on the tightest notch!
Starting the "Shakeology Cleanse" this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
27th February 12, 02:05 PM
27th February 12, 02:34 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I TOTALLY need to get in on this action! I could stand to drop 25 or 30 pounds.
27th February 12, 02:48 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by Heath
I TOTALLY need to get in on this action! I could stand to drop 25 or 30 pounds.
Cool! Got a plan in mind or do you need help finding one?
27th February 12, 03:08 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Well, it looks like I am about to enter my first 5-k run in over a decade. A by product of having a good friend whom is a social worker which has led to me being convinced to take part in a race that is one of their major spring fund raisers. Current plan is to use this as a primer to the Ohio warrior dash in June. Had a small back slide when my old gym membership expired and didn't renew right away because by waiting a couple of weeks I was eligible for a discount through my wife's work. Good new though is that this gym includes a pool and I've been swimming laps for 30-45 minutes 3 days a week since joining. I'm currently down from a 38 waist to a 34, and my weight is down from just over 240 to around 210-215. Goal is 32" waist without really caring about the weight so hopefully by "swimsuit season" I'll be there. ;)
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