It's called Khavanchkara, from the Republic of Georgia.
A friend is over in the region and decided to send me a bottle... it's ceramic, which I think is pretty neat.
I was so exited, since the last time I got foreign liquor was when I got some Habu Sake from Japan over a year ago. But, when I showed my brother the bottle, he immediately recognized it and said, "Yeah I've been curious to try that stuff." I thought he was just trying to downplay the awesomeness that is my ceramic wine bottle, but sure enough, you can get this stuff from the local Walmart-sized liquor store. In the same aisle as mead, Sake, and plum wine, so I walked right past it a few times. Costs like $10 or $15. But MY bottle was actually bought in Georgia... so I say that somehow makes it special.
Taste wise, it's pretty good. It's somewhat sweet, not terribly dry. It's somewhat similar to my other favorite wine, Donausonne, a semi-sweet hungarian red wine. The pic doesn't really get the color very well, it's a very deep red... really cool looking in the right light.