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Thread: Knit neck ties?

  1. #51
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Ahhh, that explains why I've never had good luck with knit ties being able to give a nice knot. I've never tied a four-in-hand in my life. I learned to tie a Half-Windsor and didn't really even know other knots existed until not too long ago.

    Armed with this tidbit of information, giving knit ties another go might be more successful. Just gotta use the right knot for the knit!

    Matt, unless my eyes deceive me, the knot in your original photos doesn't look like a four-in-hand. May I ask what knot you used? I can tell that you didn't cinch it too tightly, but it looks nice and clean, without too much bulk. I like the look.
    Four-in-hand knots are by far the easiest and most basic type of neck tie knot! I use the Four-in-hand, Prince Albert, Half-Windsor and Windsor for my neck ties, but of course, the knot type (in my opinion) depends much on formality, as well as the type of collar I am wearing in my shirt.


    Last edited by creagdhubh; 2nd March 12 at 01:17 PM.

  2. #52
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Matt, unless my eyes deceive me, the knot in your original photos doesn't look like a four-in-hand. May I ask what knot you used? I can tell that you didn't cinch it too tightly, but it looks nice and clean, without too much bulk. I like the look.
    Half-Windsor, which, like you, is my "go to" knot.

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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Half-Windsor, which, like you, is my "go to" knot.
    Me too.

  4. #54
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post
    This is the photo I was talking about earlier in this thread, Sandy! You look great, as always - absolutely spot on with your Highland attire, yet also allowing your own personal style, fashion preferences, and flaire into traditional Highland dress.

    Here are some key aspects, in my opinion, that make this outfit terrific:

    1) Forgoing the waistcoat (perhaps due to weather or simply personal preference)

    2) No belt - there is no need for one.

    3) Simple silver blanket pin as a kilt pin.

    4) Very smart looking brownish-tan leather day sporran with Maclean of Duart silver badge affixed and coordinating brownish-tan leather sporran strap - simple in design - understated elegance.

    5) Deep red/claret Coquet topped, gray bodied kilt hose that contrast with the green of the Maclean Hunting tartan, yet allow the the kilt to be the centerpiece, or focal point of the entire outfit.

    6) Beautiful check jacket, complete with a pocket square.

    7) Simple scarlet 'flashes' with the kilt hose - positioned correctly (well, according to Regimental tradition)

    8) Polished black leather brogues, and not 'ghillie' brogues - I like leaving those for the pipers, or perhaps for evening attire when they are buckled on the instep and have scarlet laces.

    9) Crisp, white button down collar Oxford shirt - perfect to set off the dark coloured knit neck tie.

    10) Small blanket pin to keep the neck tie in place - compliments the larger blanket pin affixed to the front kilt apron - again, understated elegance/effortless style.

    Well done Sandy! You truly are an inspiration my friend!

    Best wishes,
    These are YOUR opinions and you're quite entitled to them but, thankfully, people are allowed to disagree.

    1) Why does forgoing the waistcoat help to "make his outfit terrific" (I like waistcoats)?

    2) Your opinion (again) is that there's no need for a belt. My opinion is that while a belt is certainly not needed to hold the kilt up, it helps the "look". It always seems to me as if there's something missing if there's no belt.

    3) I don't like "simple blanket pins" as kilt pins (as traditional as they are!).

    4) I'm not too keen on the brown leather and black shoes, but to each his own.

    5) The claret and grey kilt hose seem 'out of place' too. They do not match, bring out, or accenuate any other colour in the outfit.

    6) Great jacket, but the 'pocket square' (handkerchief?) is a bit OTT for day wear.

    7) I agree with the flashes.

    8) Good shoes, but not (for me) black shoes and brown sporran.

    9) 'Standard' white shirt (nothing 'terrific').

    10) No need for a pin on the tie.

    So, the outfit is (imho) OK, but I fail to see where it could be classed as "terrific".

    Thankfully we can all have our own opinions and are not obliged to agree
    Last edited by BCAC; 2nd March 12 at 01:25 PM.

  5. #55
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    I would indeed make very minor adjustments to Sandy's outfit, should I be wearing a day outfit. We are, surely, quite capable of adding our own variations on a theme, without looking too much different from the basic style and without looking like peas in a pod.

    What I would say, is that anyone wanting advice on what to wear if going kilted to a funeral should look no further than this picture for guidance. I can assure everyone that this basic style is quite normal at a Highland funeral. And yes, the tie is perfectly acceptable.
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by BCAC View Post
    Thankfully we can all have our own opinions and are not obliged to agree
    I concur. I think we can both honestly say that 'we agree to disagree.' And I do like waistcoats, in fact, I wear them almost every time I am in Highland attire - day or evening - with the only exception being if it were too hot, and that was precisely one of my points above when I mentioned, "weather" being one of the possible reasons Sandy decided not to wear a waistcoat with his tweed jacket, that or he simply decided against it...only Sandy knows!

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 2nd March 12 at 02:08 PM.

  7. #57
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Nothing to do with the OP, but I'm glad to see Jock back on the site!!!!

  8. #58
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I would indeed make very minor adjustments to Sandy's outfit, should I be wearing a day outfit. We are, surely, quite capable of adding our own variations on a theme, without looking too much different from the basic style and without looking like peas in a pod.

    What I would say, is that anyone wanting advice on what to wear if going kilted to a funeral should look no further than this picture for guidance. I can assure everyone that this basic style is quite normal at a Highland funeral. And yes, the tie is perfectly acceptable.
    I agree, Jock.

    His outfit is "quite normal", the tie is "perfectly acceptable".

    Were I to go to a Highland funeral my dress would be, too.

    But it doesn't shout out 'terrific' (and neither would mine).

  9. #59
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by denmcdough View Post
    Nothing to do with the OP, but I'm glad to see Jock back on the site!!!!
    Me too!

  10. #60
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    Re: Knit neck ties?

    Quote Originally Posted by BCAC View Post
    But it doesn't shout out 'terrific' (and neither would mine).
    It does to me! I'm afraid you are not hearing what I am saying, it is the understated, effortless style and approach that makes Sandy's outfit 'terrific,' and that was my central theme throughout my post.

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 2nd March 12 at 02:15 PM.

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