1st March 12, 06:43 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Tomorrow begins my Shakeology Clease! AAAHHHH! A little exciting and a little scary to be doing something so new. I will definitely post my experiences and a review for you guys. I hope that this will begin a little bit of an acceleration of the results I have seen already and allow me to finally get my digestion into peak effeciency so I can loose that little bit of belly button pouch I have left.
Here's the link to what I will be doing.
I also drink a little too much these days and this also begins a long break from any alchohol. Why cleanse if you're just going to pollute all over again, right?
Review of the cleanse to come next week.
Last edited by biblemonkey; 1st March 12 at 06:48 AM.
2nd March 12, 06:17 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Today begins the cleanse!
Current stats: 172.6 lbs and a little bit of extra body fat.
Pretty good considering two months ago I started with 185.4 lbs and WAY too much body fat.
After the cleanse I hope to be down a little more fat and have my body working more efficiently. Today is going to be a little rough as caffeine is verboten and I am physically dependant on it for my morning.
A full review to come on Monday!
5th March 12, 06:52 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
I hated the cleanse. Felt like I was starving all the time, my attitude was in the toilet, and all I could think about was fast food and beer. On the up side, I don't feel as bloated inside and my abs are poppinn' out a little more. Didn't loose much weight but that wasn't the point of the Shakeology cleanse anyway. It was to clean me out and prepare my system to be even more efficient as I move into month 3.
Here are my update photos.
Day one = icky poo
Day 60 = This is me?!
Only 30 more days to go and then we begin again!
P.S. I can wear my tank again and it's on the tightest notch!
Last edited by biblemonkey; 5th March 12 at 06:53 AM.
5th March 12, 02:57 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
Thats a great transformation!! good job
kilted in Brooklet :)
5th March 12, 03:13 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
Wow! What a transformation!
6th March 12, 02:58 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Thanks guys. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do during month 3!
9th March 12, 02:28 PM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
Here's a fun one for you guys. Turns out I have a Beach Body cat! I got my Shakeology last week. Have been including it every day and all that but the thing that is funny is the cat loves Shakeology! I don't let him drink it or anything but he got hold of one of my glasses after I was finished and licked it like crazy! He had chocolate coloring all over his face. And the box the Shakeology came in? Now one of his favorite things to do is go nuts on a pingpong ball in that box like he's on a mission! And every time my wife does her 10 Minute Trainer he gets right up to the screen and jumps back and forth watching Tony Horton! He doesn't do that with ANY other show that comes on (including P-90X), but 10 Minute Trainer drives him crazy! Is that awesome or what? We almost get shamed into working out by our CAT'S motivation for Beach Body products!
10th March 12, 07:50 AM
Re: Fitness Challenge!
So, it sounds awful. I love feeling like I'm starving and I'm already the worlds youngest curmudgeon!
Still, I'm intrigued. Might have to check it out as a good reset for my body. Thanks for posting your experience.
Mister McGoo
A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.
3rd April 12, 09:23 AM
I'm in the home stretch of P-90X! This the last week. I will have updated results photos for you soon and I am hoping to get my results on my coach's wall of fame. After this I am not sure what I am going to do. I will probably do 1/2 hour of P-90x per day instead of the full hour and I will add my 5K training regimen on top.
6th April 12, 06:41 AM
Ok guys and gals, here it is. The results are in.
You remember this guy?
Well, now he's THIS guy!
If that doesn't encourage you I'm not sure what will. Beer belly to biceps in 90 days! And I'm just going to keep going to train for Warrior Dash. C'mon folks, don't tell me I'm alone in this thing. How is everyone doing on their goals?
Do your best and forget the rest,
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