28th February 12, 12:51 PM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Scene 68
We made our way up the stairs, but as we looked through the window at the door to each floor, guards filled the hallways.
I shifted James to get a better grip. “I hate to say it, but our only way is up.”
“What will you do at the top?”
“I don’t know, but hopefully find another way down.”
We finally reached the top of the stairs and I carefully looked out the window on the door. “It seems to be clear.”
I pushed open the door and helped James through. Scanning the rooftop, I tried to find another way down.
James pointed to another door across the roof. “What about that?”
“We’ll have to try it.”
We made our way across the roof, but just before we reached to the door, it burst open. Church Police poured out with their weapons pointed at us.
I quickly turned back to the other door, but guards came out of that one as well.
When I turned back, the guards were stepping aside to let someone through. From out of the stairwell came the white-robed figure of the inquisitor.
The man stopped a few yards from us. “It is no use, heretics. Your escape routes are blocked. “I must assume I am speaking to Mr. Dove.”
A chill ran down my back. Too many people seemed to know about me. “And who might you be?”
“You may address me as Inquisitor.”
“Well, Inquisitor, why do you think I am this Mr. Dove?”
“It is fairly obvious. You fit the description and you did exactly as I was told you would.”
I had to stall for time, try to figure a way out of this. “Who told you this?”
The Inquisitor smiled evilly. “Now, now, Mr. Dove, I cannot reveal my sources. Let us just say that someone loyal to the Church has turned you in. I will delight in questioning you.”
“No thank you, I’ve seen what your questioning can do.”
“But Mr. Dove, you will have no choice.”
He gestured to the guards around him. “Secure them!”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
29th February 12, 05:15 AM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
O.O (wide eyes staring in suspense at the computer screen while munching on some popcorn)
getting even better!
kilted in Brooklet :)
9th March 12, 09:20 AM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
This is getting good. I hope I stocked enough popcorn.
12th March 12, 07:41 AM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Scene 69
A loud crash from the grounds below caused us all jump in surprise. The Inquisitor rushed to the edge of the roof and looked over. Several guards joined him, but more than a few guns were still pointed in my direction.
A loud howl sounded from the other side of the building and I knew my companions were doing their part, causing a distraction.
I still had to get off the roof though. “Deena?” I whispered.
The small voice came from under my collar. “Yes, I am here.”
“We need more distractions.”
“Be ready to flee.”
I felt the slight pressure on my shoulder as the pixie launched into the air. She flew above my head and began spinning. As she did, bolts of light flew out and struck the faces of all the guards around me.
“Go!” I said to James as we moved away.
The noises below had pulled the guards away from one of the stairwells so we moved in that direction. However, it was on the far side of the roof, so we had a lot of ground to cover.
We had made it about halfway when I heard the Inquisitor’s voice call out. “Fools, get them.”
As bullets began to pepper the ground around us, we quickly dove behind an air conditioning unit.
James panted from the running. “What now?”
“No choice, we have to get to that door! Are you ready?”
James breathed hard a couple of times and then nodded. We slowly rose to a ready position as I picked out our path. If we made a slight curving run, we could keep some of the air conditioning units between us and the guards for most of the distance. We would still have to be exposed a few times, but we had to move now before the guards got to us.
Bullets continued to hit all around us, but we steadily made our way to the door, the guards in close pursuit.
Only one last run was before us and we headed towards the door. This time my luck had run out and a bullet creased my thigh. The wound caused me to struggle and our steps brought us too close to the edge of the roof. One unbalanced caused me to trip on the ledge and I fell over, pulling James with me.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
12th March 12, 03:26 PM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Oh No! Now we won't find out the finish of the story.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
13th March 12, 11:08 AM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Ferret ad astra virtus
14th March 12, 08:53 PM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
15th March 12, 05:14 AM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
15th March 12, 12:43 PM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
15th March 12, 01:12 PM
Re: Mr. Dove and the Pipes of Creation - Continued
Taking care to notice that no scene number was assigned to the below statements.
 Originally Posted by davedove
Okay, I'll clean it up for you. With Mr. Dove gone, the Emperor of the North is successful with his plans. All the realities are conquered and merged into one under his rule.
All hail the Emperor of the North! May his rule be eternal! We exist only to serve him!Let us bring him tribute! 
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
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