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  1. #11
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    Maybe legitimate, maybe not. I sent a polite email to the school board members, as follows -
    Dear Granite City High Principle, Vice Principle, and Board Members,
    Concerning today's decision on whether or not to let William Carruba attend prom wearing traditional Scottish Highland attire, I sincerely hope that permission was granted.
    In recent Halloweens, we've all seen the PSA's "We are a culture - not a costume" and the same sensitivity must be applied in this case. For many, a kilt is not just a funny prop, a piece of gag clothing, or a source of cheap laughs - it's a well respected garment, steeped in the history and tradition of our ancestors. To say that men must wear trousers in order to dress like men, is incredibly insulting, and can easily be taken as an accusation of transvestism.
    You must ask, would you bar students of Japanese descent from wearing the Kimono? Students of Indian descent from wearing the Sari? Students of African descent from wearing the Dashiki?

    I would also ask that any teacher or faculty member that had denied Mr Carruba permission to wear the Kilt be given some cultural sensitivity coaching.

    Thank you for reading, and kudos to you if chose against the belittling of another culture's dress.
    - Nathan Gill

  2. #12
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    This battle has been fought and lost by many school districts across the country. We will see how this one settles out.
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  3. #13
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    Dear Mr. Greenwald,

    As a retired school principal and active Episcopal priest, I was surprised and disturbed by comments recently shared in the case of William Carruba, a student at Granite City High School who was refused permission to wear his kilt to the prom. Worst of all, it appears that what was communicated to him was that they “want to teach the men to dress like men.” http://markisutherland.wordpress.com...ttish-culture/

    As the kilt is both a heritage and modern garment and is normally reserved for masculine wear, if this report is correct, then the comment seems at its best ill-informed and ill-educated, and at worst, racist, homophobic, and deeply discriminatory. You would need to inform the members of the armed forces who wear their kilts as part of their uniform that they are not dressing as men.

    I assume that your school board is a publicly funded one and that this illegal position would be as unacceptable to you and to your Board of Trustees as it is to the federal government.

    Please ensure, as soon as possible that this student is supported in his love of his cultural heritage - a heritage which helped to build your nation and mine. This young man deserves an immediate, abject, and sincere written apology, and written encouragement to wear his kilt to the prom, and I ask you to investigate who may have made such a decision and such an offensive comment and ensure that the individual or group receives training in cultural sensitivity and inclusivity. Until such time, this remains a grievous stain on your school board and on your community.

    Yours sincerely in deep concern,

    Rev'd Father Bill White, M.S.Ed, M.Div.
    Last edited by Father Bill; 27th March 12 at 03:31 PM. Reason: Correction
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair.

  4. #14
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    Just sent this off to the Superintendent:

    Dear Mr. Briggs, if my sources are accurate your school district has determined that the kilt would be inappropriate attire for a young man to wear to the high school prom.

    This issue has been raised and answered numerous times in school districts across the country. Not only is the kilt the national attire for Scotland, it is one of the most masculine and versatile garments a man can wear. Properly worn and accessorized, there are few things a man could wear that would be more respectful and, in it's place, formal. I have attached a photograph of myself to fully demonstrate my point.

    I would ask that you reconsider your decision, and if more advise on how this young man can best wear the kilt is needed please do not hesitate to contact some of the many Scots who, I am certain, you will be hearing from.

    Aye yours,
    David Byrne FSA Scot
    President, Clan Buchanan Society International

  5. #15
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    It is probably in some school policy somewhere to only allow males to wear pants to prom, but I still find this a little ridiculous. Would they deny a female from wearing a pants suit? Would they deny an African male from wearing a ceremonial dashiki to prom? Can it only be a tux?

    I wrote a polite letter to all the people listed in the article. This isn't something to get all uppity about, but I think showing support for the freedom to tastefully represent ones culture at a formal event is the least we can do.
    Last edited by Droid; 27th March 12 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #16
    TurboKittie is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I copied and pasted what Nathan Gill wrote and sent if off to all members listed on the blog, signed with my own name and location, as I am also in the St Louis area. (Hope you don't mind, I thought it was well written and wanted to send something out very quickly).

    I also posted the blog on my facebook hoping to find support for William there as well.

  7. #17
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    I've linked to the article on my FB business page, along with the school's contact info, and encouraged everyone to contact the school with their thoughts on the matter..

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboKittie View Post
    I copied and pasted what Nathan Gill wrote (Hope you don't mind, I thought it was well written and wanted to send something out very quickly).
    Not a problem with me. The more emails they get, the better.

  9. #19
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    Just once I'd like to see one of these school administrators come on this forum and clearly and intelligently state their case. I still don't get this anti-kilt booshwah.



  10. #20
    Chirs is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    It will be interesting to see how this turns out. As is always the case, it is difficult to know the facts of the matter. Did the young man want to wear the kilt as a joke? Is the school being culturally insensitive? It is difficult to say. However, given the endorsement CajunScot gives, and given the line about how they “want to teach the men to dress like men,” I am displeased with this. This attitude is problematic on so many levels...

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