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  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    I'm now wondering if my gear looks too... fresh out of the box... to folks.
    Not in the least. To me, you just look very smartly dressed.
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
    I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."

  2. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    I'm now wondering if my gear looks too... fresh out of the box... to folks. Haha The kilt's only about five years old, the jacket and waistcoat, though freshly altered, are only a year and a half new, sporran from Christmas, etc... I've been kilting regularly for a decade, but I'll admit that a lot of the gear below is pretty new...

    Ryan, I would second what Dale said. Your kilt, jacket, vest and accessories look good on you and from the photograph I wouldn't know or guess at it's vintage as part of your wardrobe. I am glad the event went well for you.

  3. #133
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    I was catching up on Downton Abbey over the holiday weekend and there was an exchange that made me think of this thread and the difference between those who grow up in the tradition and those who only know from what they see in the catalogs.

    Quote Originally Posted by SIR RICHARD CARLISLE
    Can we stop for a minute?
    Quote Originally Posted by LADY MARY
    Don't tell me you're tired.
    Quote Originally Posted by SIR RICHARD CARLISLE
    I'm not tired, I'm hot. This tweed is too thick.
    Quote Originally Posted by LADY MARY
    It looks more suited to shooting than walking.
    Quote Originally Posted by SIR RICHARD CARLISLE
    I had it made for the weekend. I didn't know there was a difference.
    Kenneth Mansfield
    My tartan quilt: Austin, Campbell, Hamilton, MacBean, MacFarlane, MacLean, MacRae, Robertson, Sinclair (and counting)

  4. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlackerDrummer View Post
    I was catching up on Downton Abbey over the holiday weekend and there was an exchange that made me think of this thread and the difference between those who grow up in the tradition and those who only know from what they see in the catalogs.
    Hahaha! Wonderful addition to the discussion, Kenneth. I am such a huge Downton 'nut' it makes my lovely wife sick! LOL!


  5. #135
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    Hail, Hail, CMcG,

    This is the first thread in our Traditional Forum to go this high (in number of replies) since your thread last summer on defining Traditional Highland Civilian Dress. And just to make sure nobody thinks I am piling on spam here, I will add two additional corollaries concerning "Too Traditional":

    1) Anyone who holds an inherited title, especially one tied to ancestral lands, can probably wear what he wants without appearing costumey- unless his ancestral lands are in Orlando, FL and Anaheim, CA, in which case, he probably wants it to look like a costume...

    2) A walking staff or stick requires an Ace bandage, an actual cast, a journey of five miles or more, or a full head of grey/ gray hair to keep it from looking affected. You may substitute a scar of 10 inches in length, provided you are prepared to show it.

    3 (Special bonus) Any smoking pipe that fits into your pocket either looks affected or , ahem medicinal if you are under 50.
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

  6. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    Hail, Hail, CMcG,

    This is the first thread in our Traditional Forum to go this high (in number of replies) since your thread last summer on defining Traditional Highland Civilian Dress. And just to make sure nobody thinks I am piling on spam here, I will add two additional corollaries concerning "Too Traditional":

    1) Anyone who holds an inherited title, especially one tied to ancestral lands, can probably wear what he wants without appearing costumey- unless his ancestral lands are in Orlando, FL and Anaheim, CA, in which case, he probably wants it to look like a costume...

    2) A walking staff or stick requires an Ace bandage, an actual cast, a journey of five miles or more, or a full head of grey/ gray hair to keep it from looking affected. You may substitute a scar of 10 inches in length, provided you are prepared to show it.

    3 (Special bonus) Any smoking pipe that fits into your pocket either looks affected or , ahem medicinal if you are under 50.

    While I agree with pretty much all you say, recognizing much of it seems to be typed with tongue firmly ensconced in cheek, I will have to take some issue with your #2 corollary. As one who despite being physically active (or possibly because of it) suffers from intermittent bouts of gout in one foot, inflamed overgrown heel spurs on both feet, and one degenerating arthritic knee (s/p 2 separate surgeries but only a 4 inch scar), I intermittently suffer enough from one or more of them to desire to use a walking stick (I have several---a blackthorn and a few others) for comfort and securiity, especially when walking on uneven ground or for prolonged periods, both typical for any highland games around here. To some it may indeed be an affectation, to others an optional aide, and still others a necessity.

  7. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    2) A walking staff or stick requires an Ace bandage, an actual cast, a journey of five miles or more, or a full head of grey/ gray hair to keep it from looking affected. You may substitute a scar of 10 inches in length, provided you are prepared to show it.
    I don't have a significant amount of grey hair showing, but I figure turning 62 next week is sufficient. I only have a 3.75 inch scar, but I'm willing to show it to the right persons who may ask The Question when I'm kilted; and I have a pic of the x-ray of my artificial hip stored on my iPhone if the scar isn't enough.

    On the other hand. . .With that new hip I can hike, climb, leap, run, or kick someone in the face; and my martial art includes a gazillion applications of stick/staff tools.

    So I just take my blackthorn wherever I like and let people just assume the fit-looking old guy might have an occasional need for it. Besides, who knows, someday I might.
    Last edited by Dale Seago; 9th April 12 at 03:12 PM.
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
    I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."

  8. #138
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    Sure, MacLowlife, blame it all on CMcG.

    I use my wooden sticks in the orchard and thornbushes, but then I've been accused of being half-crabbit… I think it's more a practicality.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    Hail, Hail, CMcG,

    This is the first thread in our Traditional Forum to go this high (in number of replies) since your thread last summer on defining Traditional Highland Civilian Dress...

    I really enjoy a discussion like this for many reasons. First of all it satisfies my curiosity about THCD in a way that no amount of Googling or time in the library ever could and secondly, I'm in such good company Being an academic-in-training helps with the desire to learn, the way to form good questions, and a pinch of Socratic method
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  10. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacLowlife View Post
    Hail, Hail, CMcG,

    This is the first thread in our Traditional Forum to go this high (in number of replies) since your thread last summer on defining Traditional Highland Civilian Dress. And just to make sure nobody thinks I am piling on spam here, I will add two additional corollaries concerning "Too Traditional"...

    2) A walking staff or stick requires an Ace bandage, an actual cast, a journey of five miles or more, or a full head of grey/ gray hair to keep it from looking affected. You may substitute a scar of 10 inches in length, provided you are prepared to show it.

    A good walking stick is a sign of a gentleman and of a fellow that knows how useful they are!


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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