24th April 12, 03:40 PM
 Originally Posted by opositive
after seeing this topic pop up a few times and now having done some additional reading, the idea of this being in effect a charitable donation has appeal--so, does anyone know which or if any sellers actually support improvement/upkeep of these lands rather than sellers who just pocket the money?
fun + charity = worthwhile to me.
fun - rip off = complete waste of money.
or should i go back to my original idea of buying a bit of Laphroaig (which also pops up whenever i buy a bottle) --that is an institution i know i believe in!
There are two or three of these organisations purporting to do conservation work in exchange for a worthless title. When challenged, they are unable to show any receipt for any trees or plants purchased, map references for planted trees, named people who did the work and when. It goes on and on. The money paid goes to an offshore account in Guernsey, because it would be fraud in Scotland. The company address is in Guernsey and they have a very nice and expensive house in Guernsey and have not been seen in Scotland for years.
So maybe they are planting all these trees with the power of their minds.
24th April 12, 05:17 PM
thanks, chas. that is what i wanted to know. sounds like i will "buy" a square foot of a certain smokey, peaty scotch property i would like to be better friends with on the isle of islay...
Last edited by opositive; 24th April 12 at 05:19 PM.
26th July 12, 03:10 AM
With regard to the conservation efforts of one of the plot of land/title sellers you might want to have a look at this http://lochaberhighlandestate.blogsp...s-diamond.html
Seems to be a bit of jiggery pokery going on there for sure.
26th July 12, 04:59 AM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
I know the foot bridge well. You park by Invergarry Post Office(it must be the smallest in the UK?) take a short walk to the bridge and there you are! Your, er, island? There are lovely walks along both sides of the river from almost top to bottom. Of interest just upstream of the dam on the right hand side is a rediscovered clearance village------long forgotten when trees were planted and only seen again when the trees were cut down a few years ago. I know there are all to many of these villages in the Highlands, but this one has been hidden away for the best part of 100 years. I am told that trees will not be replanted over the village and will be left for all to see. Makes me wonder how many more are lurking in those 100's of thousands of acres of trees that we have now.
Ah!!! Brigadoon reappears at long last!!!! (sorry, just couldn't resist)
Last edited by ScotFree; 26th July 12 at 05:01 AM.
26th July 12, 05:17 AM
Glad the 'titles' for myself and my good lady were wedding presents from a friend then. He thought it'd add a bit of 'authenticity', or possibly a more pointed dig at my brother who claimed we had no Scottish connection whatsoever from his exceptionally linear and short research of our family, which the guy proved - well he was a professinal genealogist until his untimely demise due to cancer..., but my brother refused to accept. Four years later, my brother has, very grudgingly, decided to admit to our family heritage.
I'll just keep fond memories, and enjoy harmlessly 'lording' it over my poor wee brother.
AKA - The Scouter in a Kilt.
Proud, but homesick, son of Skye.
Member of the Clan MacLeod Society (Scotland)
26th July 12, 06:13 AM
Just thought I'd pop a link in to the the Law Society Of Scotland Journal article in the thread starter post as it is available online. I was trying to read it from the original post image but my eyesight ain't what it used to be! http://www.journalonline.co.uk/Magaz...x#.UBEwEqPzZoC
I agree Chas, if the only verification of conservation work done, or even the suitability of the site for the planned conservation work comes from the seller or others connected to them .... run away quickly. It is notable that not many of these companies are actually charities, so their accounts are private, if they say all profits go to conservation etc. you have no way of finding out what the profits actually are anyway.
The Laphroaig option looks like a winner to me
26th July 12, 07:00 AM
It seems that I remember my parents being approached with an offer to buy a "great Piece of land" in Florida quite some years back. As cautious as they were, with research the "land" was Swamp! No intent on conservancy, preservation, reservation or saving anything.
Point be taken, "Buyer be ware" If it seems to good to be true then perhaps it is.
Latha math agaibh!
26th July 12, 09:42 AM
I happen to have one of these pieces of paper. My thoughtful wife gave it to me for my birthday a few years ago. I have it hanging on the wall at the kilt shop.
So yes, I'm one of the three "Lairds of Lochaber" on X Marks.
I knew at the time what I was getting. A pretty piece of paper to hang on my wall. I would have been just as pleased with a piece of art but my wife supprised me with a frame-able "title" to 1 square foot. I could not be more pleased.
Perhaps one day I'll visit my plot. Perhaps I'll take one of those tiny David Winter castles and arrange it for a photo as was done with the little gnome house above.
What better excuse to spend a few hours walking over some pretty land than to pretend to look for my "long lost, ancesteral fishing estate".
As we have "nonarmigerious clans, and in light of the recent statement quoted in this post, I have decided to call my estate an "nontiteligionous estate".
I thank my wife Bobbie for presenting me with an excuse to put somthing in my signature block here on X Marks. Knowing full well what I was given and why I proudly sign my posts here.
"Steve Ashton, Second Laird of Lochaber".
p.s. Fair warning ---- If I happen to catch any of you attempting to steal any of the cattle on my estate just remember, I have a knife in my sock.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
26th July 12, 12:08 PM
I see this more along the lines of when I had a star named after my wife. Only she didn't get a title. I guess I could call her "Overlord", I am used to sleeping on the couch.
27th July 12, 09:48 AM
I am a Laird of Lochaber as well, someday I will stand on my sqft of land and survey all that is mine. LOL that will be a sight in itself as I have trouble seeing my feet unless I sit down. I bought back on 2006 knowing it was all in fun and registered in my family name 400years ago-Lamont, knowing we no longer own any ancestrol lands in Alba. The certificate is framed and on my den wall.
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