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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Based on the recommendation above, I just ordered two OoG hangers as part of my ongoing research......
    EPITAPH: Decades from now, no one will know what my bank balance looked like, it won't matter to anyone what kind of car I drove, nor will anyone care what sort of house I lived in. But the world will be a different place, because I did something so mind bafflingly eccentric that my ruins have become a tourist attraction.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gryphon noir View Post
    Based on the recommendation above, I just ordered two OoG hangers as part of my ongoing research......
    Let us know how they work out for you.

    For me one "key" to their use is optimizing the location of each pair of clips along its wire. The back of the kilt (the pleats) is the heaviest, so positioning those two clips is most crucial for supporting all that weight.

    The clips for the much lighter aprons can be pretty much any place that is convenient for you to use them. I tend to spread them out towards the ends of the arms and pull the wool tight between them to reduce the catenary dip.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    It don't matter any more - the thread is well screwed up. If you didn't read the title and the initial post then you didn't.

    Just feel like this thread's intent has been stolen. If you "need" to do that then you "need" to do that.

    Order of the Gael hangers are a fine product and the company is run by a fine man - Joe Austin. I just fail to see the need to point out that there are other hanger options on THIS thread. Everyone already knows that.
    I did read the subject of the thread. It made no mention of "leather only".
    I did read your reference to leather in the initial post, and since it didn;t say this thread was confined to a context of leather ONLY, replied in my own first post that although I myself had no experience with a leather kilt, I DID have experience with the specific hangers YOU chose to discuss. I DID state that the product was backed by a good company offering good support.

    I also confined and qualified my analysis of the hangers, within the scope of my direct (non-leather) experience. I reinforced the appraisal that they were good hangers.

    But you apparently saw NONE of that.

    I presented considerations that were overlooked in your initial post (ie: I happened to disagree that they were the be-all and end-all of the kilt hanger world.) You stated your reasons for thinking they are the cat's meow. I stated my reasons for thinking they weren't. In simplest terms, we disagreed.

    No attempt was made, ever, to hijack your post. I was simply posting a contrary opinion.

    I have given specific details, and stated facts, regarding the product in question. I have presented verifiable information and quoted you, when defending my statements. People ARE allowed to have contrary opinions, opposing views, etc. But that they may oppose YOUR view... that they may run contrary to YOUR opinion, from time to time, is to be discouraged.

    That you would post without expecting (and clearly without accepting) a contrary view, leads me to think you would best be served by adding "and don't argue with me" to the subject line of your future posts.

    It is sad that no one is "allowed" to hold a different opinion than you.

    If the moderators feel I am stepping out of bounds, crossing some line in the sand, or just plain inviting a fight to be an instigator, I invite... no... insist, that they delete my account immediately, based on some "does not play well with others" appraisal. Otherwise, my opinion that the "review" simply lacks objectivity, stands.

    We disagree. Get over it. The details, descriptions, and measurements described here, stand as facts... measurable, and quantitative.

    I'm sorry you feel I "hijacked" your post. I simply disagreed with the completeness of your "review". I have been able to explain WHY I disagreed. You have not explained WHY my points are irrelevant, or WHY my apparently imagined shortfalls with the product are non-existent.
    Clan Buchanan
    U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
    Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, USA

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    The title of the thread is "My Experience With Order of the Gael Hangers" Not Your Experience with Midwest Bagpipe Supply Hangers. Your link to that product in your first post seems inappropriate to me.

    Yes, we disagree.

    Imagine what the thread would look like if everyone with a favorite hanger piled on. A better thread would be a hanger comparison thread. This thread was to discuss Order of the Gael hangers. Feel free to disagree with my opinion about Order of the Gael hangers. Put the link on another thread.

    And "slicing and dicing" me personally is just a useless thing - its been well done by many others before and it flirts with the forum rules.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Thread closed by agreement of Original Poster.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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