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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Costa Mesa Games 2012

    Once again, due to running around playing in a band I found it easier to take fuzzy photos on my I-thing than to carry a camera around... apologies for the photo quality.

    Early Saturday morning I listened to the solos. Members of the Irish Pipers of San Francisco in the solo drumming

    a young woman from the Edmonton Boys' Pipe Band (!) plays for a judge

    a piper from the University of California Riverside Pipe Band (wearing their lovely bespoke tartan) plays before the dapper Glen Thompson, sporting a charcoal jacket and Lovat bonnet and hose

    Disney was promoting the movie Brave and part of it was an archery thing. Kinda cool to have archery and piobaireachd going on so close together

    Davey Armstrong, Pipe Major of the LA Scots Grade 4 band, competes next to the athletic field. If you look close you can see a big rock flying through the air

    Bandmates tend to show support for fellow bandmembers playing solos, in this case the band from Glendale Arizona

    The Irish Pipers of San Francisco (California's oldest pipe band) forming the circle in competition. Pictures taken while a band is transitioning from the square to the circle formation always look a bit odd, everyone all ahoo, but they do actually know where they're going. They won Grade 3 both days

    LA Scots Grade 1 tuning up before going in front of the judges. Note the use of an electronic tuner (in the hands of a guy with a really good ear) to help get all the drones precisely set

    and in the competition circle. No other Grade 1 bands came this year (sad face) so the LAS were merely playing for the judges' comments. Note the judge in trews

    Last edited by OC Richard; 28th May 12 at 05:03 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Great pictures, Richard. I like seeing the 'pictures behind the story'. I think candid shots tell more of the tale.




  3. #3
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    Good pictures Richard. It was great for Sydnie & I to meet up with you on Saturday. The games were a lot of fun.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Super pics Richard.
    It was especially good to see pics of the LA Scots and of the lady from the Edmonton Boys Pipe Band as these are bands which I have seen performing.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  5. #5
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    nice shots. It is always a problem to determine where to go at scotsfest (and other festivals) this time we spent most with the entertainment.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by grizzbass View Post
    It is always a problem to determine where to go at scotsfest (and other festivals) this time we spent most with the entertainment.
    That's the funny thing, how compartmentalised the Games are for many people.

    A lot of the Pipe Band people just stay at their Band Tent the whole weekend. They bring their own food and chairs and sit around and chat and reed books and only leave the Band Tent when the band is playing somewhere. They never see the entertainment or the shops or the dancing or the vintage cars or the sheep or any of the other stuff going on.

    There are dancing people who stay in the dancing area all day, clan people who hang out with the other clan people all day, and so forth.

    This really struck me back in the early 80s when for a few years I was involved in a lot more stuff than piping: I was a card-carrying member of Clan Donald, did Scottish Country Dancing, played in The Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angeles, and played in a Pipe Band. At the Games I was running around hanging out with a lot of different groups of people and doing a lot of different stuff, and it struck me how the other Pipe Band people had no clue that any of that other stuff was going on.

    Then one year I toured a load of Games with a Celtic Rock band and that's yet another set of people.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  7. #7
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    EXACTLY. I used to take in a lot of stuff, now I mostly just see athletics. It's actually refreshing to go to a Games now and then and NOT throw. I get to see more of what's going on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Nice pics Richard , it's always great to see piping pics , of course I have to admit , I am a bit partial to the piping world .

    I especially like the pic of the Glendale Arizona pipe band members watching their mate . I know the Black Watch tartan is commonly seen but I never tire seeing it pleated to the stripe in regimental fashion . I first seen the the Black Watch Pipes and Drums in 1976 on their North America tour ( a teenager at the time ) and some of my family served in The Black Watch . However , it's not sentimental reasons that I like the tartan it just seems to speak to me , and I do like many tartans . Call me a simpleton , but I have always liked the straight forward and somewhat simple sett of the Black Watch .

    All that said , back to the pics . My compliments to you and the I-thing , you both did well !!!

    Best regards , Mike
    Last edited by MacGumerait; 30th May 12 at 12:16 AM.

  9. #9
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    Kilted Men; A man and a half. I am the half.
    "McCloud" (as portrayed by Christopher Yates) and his short pal (as portrayed by me!) at the Costa Mesa Scotsfest. Had a great time.

    (fixed the post...sorry)
    Last edited by TerryTyson; 31st May 12 at 06:58 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    This was my first fest and really enjoyed it. The photos look great! I graduated from UCR, so it was nice to see my alma mater represented. REALLY loved the sheepherding dogs...amazing.

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