29th May 12, 01:52 PM
So, how long (if at all) did it take (for those of you kilting it often) before your town got used to it, and quit making snide comments?
29th May 12, 02:56 PM
I've never heard a snide comment, aside from joking from people I know. I have heard some funny ones though.
While pumping gas on St. Patrick's Day, man walking by, to his wife, "Now there's a real Irishman."
29th May 12, 03:37 PM
I don't hear too many comments, good or bad. I do hear more good than bad though. Typically, women will remark favourably, with one glaring exception; the young woman at work. I don't pay her any mind though, I just chalk the attitude off to inexperience with worldly things. Early-twenty's are like that I've learned ...
Last edited by LandRover; 29th May 12 at 03:38 PM.
All who wander are not lost ...
Be a traveler, not a tourist.
29th May 12, 03:56 PM
Work is about the only place I don’t wear a kilt. I wear a USAkilt casual at home everyday which is second to none for comfort. When I am out I wear a Semi Traditional most of the time. I am in the process of building my armoury of kilts so the more I have the more I can wear them. I will be getting another casual for hiking, until now I have been using a sports kilt. In all honesty, I dread having to wear short or pants. There is very little use for bifurcated garments in my life.
29th May 12, 09:54 PM
I wear the kilt everyday and honestly do not own a swingle pair of trousers aside from a pair of martial arts hakama ( my wesuits and drysuits don't count ). Once in a while I get a snide comment but after a quick peek at the source I quickly dismiss it. The source generally seems to be a mid 20 something or younger pants hanging around his **** dough head so I never put much stock in it, not that I put any stock in any negative comment I get anyway.
30th May 12, 08:00 PM
Since becoming bitten by the Kilt bug I have starting wearing my MacGregor Kilt at lest once a week to work since last Tartan Day.
30th May 12, 09:13 PM
Kilts are in my regular rotation of clothes... So I wear them when the feeling to do so strikes me. I have a very broad range of clothes in my closet though and for me, kilts are not necessarily any more revered or mystified than my favorite pair of jeans. That said, I haven't worn trousers to a single semi-formal or formal event for the past three years now, so I do tend to associate kilt wear somewhat more with dress-up occasions.
I also wear kilts uniquely when I travel and take trips. I find that a single kilt is far more multifunctional that several pairs of trousers, as I can dress up or down, as the occasion may dictate, without needing to pack a larger bag. In addition, it's more comfortable being kilted on a plane (for me). That and it gives the flight attendants a thrill!
30th May 12, 10:41 PM
For me I would say a few times through out the week. I wear the Utility Kilt around the house and for just going around in love having pockets. For the fancier things I toss on The trust Tartan and sporran.
31st May 12, 05:12 AM
I usually wear a kilt a couple of times a week. Most Sundays to church, and usually when the wife and I go out for dinner or to our local brewery.
As far as locals getting used to it, I live in a very diverse community, and I have never heard an untoward word. That being said, I will get the occasional double look. BUT one time, my wife and I were in a speciality shop in Durham. We are both in different parts of the store. I see a flash, and as I turn around I see a woman turning with her iPhone (yep, she just took a photo of me). At first I was pleased, but then I thought about it and it kinda torqued me the wrong way. I wish she would have just asked me, I would have obliged. That's pretty much my only "weird" experience.
... Linedrive
31st May 12, 08:28 AM
There are 6000 people in my town and 29000 in the county. Many places that I go to kilted are familiar with me, but there are still enough folks who have never seen me that it is a surprise to them.
A few weeks ago as I was walking into a coffee shop a stern looking 80 year old lady stared at me and exclaimed, "Are you wearing underwear"? I gave her my stock answer which is, "Are you"?
She looked shocked for a second and then smiled and sweetly answered, "No". By the way, I never answer "the question", I just keep on asking them questions. Its very fun to turn the situation around.
Even though this town has a majority of its inhabitants of Spanish and Native ancestry, I have never had a snide comment here, or anywhere else for that matter. I do however receive LOTS of positive feedback, and I have gone about kilted well over a hundred times in the past three years..
My wife says that everyone sees the Cold Steel Scottish Spike stuck in my hosetop and is warned off. I doubt that. I think that it is just the confidence in yourself that you project when you are wearing a kilt.
Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!
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