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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Both Lochcarron and Strathmore are major quality mills in the UK who do direct retail business online through their respective websites. Be aware that orders of $200 US or more are subject to a 25% import duty.
    Quality tartan is not cheap, but there is no substitute.

  2. #12
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    Mike,I've been wanting to play with the loom for a while now and just didn't have the motivation until now to do anything with it. I enjoy my frankiltstien kilts lol I have stayed busy(er) the last five weekends spending my time from sun up to well after dark making my new treasures lol. I'm going to tackle the traditional method of hand stitching per Barb's book when I feel I have the idea under control. I enjoy creating with my hands and it gives me an outlet to my various creative ideas! I even thought to do a modern style kilt in the colors of the Avengers just because I am young and enjoy random things.
    Robert B.

    Sapious Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratur Infinitus! ( often tested, Always Faithful, Brothers forever)

  3. #13
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    D.C.Dalgleish are a great mill, but they don't have another mill in the States, I'm not sure who you might be confusing them with, but there is only one mill. They concentrate on dancers tartans and mid weight tartans , but also do heavyweight and offer a custom weaving service, They are not cheap but the cloth is beautiful and worth the extra money. They do carry some stock , but it's not extensive. If you order from them be advised that it can take a long time, my current order with them is due in a bout 12 -14 weeks!

    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post
    You might try these folks http://www.dcdalgliesh.co.uk/ , D.C. Dalgliesh is home based out of Scotland but they also have a mill in North America which might be beneficial to you on the cost factor . They have been around for a long time and are one of the few mills that can still do a custom weave tartan if needed .

    I understand from your posts that you are not necessarily looking for a custom tartan , just thought I would mention it as they are one of the few that can still do it the old fashion way if needed . From my understanding they are also reasonable on pricing .

    Regards , Mike

  4. #14
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    If you like bright it doesn't get much brighter than 'Loud MacLeod'!

    RE: Weaving, tartan actually goes faster than you'd think once you get into the rhythm. Of course, it depends somewhat on how frequent the color changes are, but if you're weaving specifically for a kilt then you only have to worry about keeping one selvedge pristine (no need to tuck in on the other). I actually found my way to xmarksthescot last fall after weaving a couple of tartan scarves, about 4 yards total. I was so surprised at how quickly it went that it got me thinking about trying to weave my own kilt length. Dressing the loom would take longer for width-wise, but the idea suddenly because a whole lot less daunting. Some searching led me to this amazing project (djmacnyc spun, dyed, and wove 8 yards of MacArthur tartan and made it into a kilt,) which in turn led me to Barbara's book, and well... here I am. Weaving a box pleated kilts' worth of fabric is definitely on my list of projects to attempt, maybe this coming winter.
    Last edited by usonian; 7th June 12 at 10:40 AM.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by usonian View Post
    If you like bright it doesn't get much brighter than 'Loud MacLeod'!
    Sounds awesome but I'm a bit brighter than this most often! I might have to customize an obnoxious tartan I have some basic tartan Patterns already like the dress Stewart and a few others but I'm in love with the knife pleats and can do box pleats in a flash... On the sewing machine anywho lol
    Robert B.

    Sapious Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratur Infinitus! ( often tested, Always Faithful, Brothers forever)

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulhenry View Post
    D.C.Dalgleish are a great mill, but they don't have another mill in the States, I'm not sure who you might be confusing them with, but there is only one mill. They concentrate on dancers tartans and mid weight tartans , but also do heavyweight and offer a custom weaving service, They are not cheap but the cloth is beautiful and worth the extra money. They do carry some stock , but it's not extensive. If you order from them be advised that it can take a long time, my current order with them is due in a bout 12 -14 weeks!
    You are absolutely correct , they don't have a mill in the US , my mistake , I was confusing them with Locharron . Thanks for correcting that , otherwise someone may try searching for something that doesn't exist .

    Best regards , Mike
    Last edited by MacGumerait; 7th June 12 at 06:46 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post
    You are absolutely correct , they don't have a mill in the US , my mistake , I was confusing them with Locharron . Thanks for correcting that , otherwise someone may try searching for something that doesn't exist .

    Best regards , Mike
    As a small point of clarification, Lochcarron doesn't have a mill here in the US either. They have an office (and warehouse) in NH, but their mill is in Scotland.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockyR View Post
    As a small point of clarification, Lochcarron doesn't have a mill here in the US either. They have an office (and warehouse) in NH, but their mill is in Scotland.
    Thanks Rocky !

  9. #19
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    Yes if you want LOUD check out Highland Dancers' tartans. Whew! Garish colours like orange and fuschia and hot pink and teal, with white.

    I, too, once I started poking around in my family history discovered the surprisingly large number of clan and district tartans that I might well wear.

    I don't wear any of them! I got an Isle of Skye kilt instead, simply because I liked the colours, exactly in keeping with old (pre-1800) Highland tradition.

    Oh! Let our eyes revel for a moment in the glory of garish 19th century tartans

    Last edited by OC Richard; 8th June 12 at 03:59 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Yes if you want LOUD check out Highland Dancers' tartans. Whew! Garish colours like orange and fuschia and hot pink and teal, with white.

    Oh! Let our eyes revel for a moment in the glory of garish 19th century tartans
    Well, the good thing is that when you're wearing them, you won't get run over while crossing the street.
    Wood Badge

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