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  1. #1
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    Is it a big deal.

    I'm a newbie, been here a couple of months. Is it a big deal if a women wears a kilt rather then a kilted skirt or mini-kilt?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    No its not a big deal, but the kilt is a male garment so in truth a kilted skirt-----mini or otherwise-----hangs off the female shape rather more attractively in my view, and I have been viewing and admiring the female shape for rather a long time. OK these days women do wear the kilt as members of a pipe band and frankly through my eyes, it does them no favours, but rules are rules I suppose. Better by far are pipe bands that allow the female shape to be seen in a far more feminine way by allowing female members to wear tartan skirts, without a sporran, without bulky kilt hose and sensible female foot wear. Well I suppose I have now upset 50% of the world, so I had better go and write my will!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    No, it's not a big deal. It would not be the first time a woman had donned a man's garment, or the last. There are a lot of women out there who like to wear kilts (though I daresay most of them are in pipe bands, and are simply wearing it as a uniform).

    *edit: ha, Jock Scot stole my thunder whilst I was typing my reply!
    Last edited by Tobus; 18th June 12 at 10:24 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richrail View Post
    I'm a newbie, been here a couple of months. Is it a big deal if a women wears a kilt rather then a kilted skirt or mini-kilt?
    Not at all. See ...


    Look under "Kilt Information" and read the 4th paragraph in the drag-down menu under "Traditional Kilts". I hope you enjoy the blog.
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  5. #5
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    Please keep in mind that you are asking a kilt forum....so we tend to already know a kilt is a man's garment.

    That said, I would doubt VERY highly if anyone not already familiar with a kilt would even notice the difference. In fact, I'd bet that the average person in Nevada would just see a woman wearing a kilt and think, "hmmm, nice plaid skirt..."

    So, no it is not a big deal. The part that is certainly worth mentioning is that a properly fit kilt is made to the wearer's measurements. So, part of what makes a kilt look so nice (my opinion) is how well it is made for the person wearing it. I think we could extend this logic to nearly any item of clothing...
    Last edited by Spartan Tartan; 19th June 12 at 05:12 PM.

  6. #6
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    Nope its no big deal. There are quite a few women on here that wear kilts or kilted skirts.
    I am sure they dont think it odd to wear it. I agree with Jock that a nicely fitted skirt is very attractive on the female form.
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  7. #7
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    It's great waring a kilt at the proper length and a good kilt pin. I've never been mistaken for a private school girl. I've been mistaken for a highland dancer a few times, which is odd since I never wear my hair in a bun and the tartan and hose is all wrong for a dancer, but some people don't have an eye for that.

    I some times wish that the school girls would wear it properly but, on the other hand I'm glad they are doing it all wrong. It makes it clear as day that I'm not a school girl.

    I haven't really received a bad comment, I've had a friend of a friend shout out nice skirt to bug me and the classic "So you are not wearing anything under it?", though you guys get that all the time. I've received more "that's awesome" comments than under kilt questions. Black shorts are best for itchy wool anyways.

  8. #8
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    Just curious Cheryl, other than intentional cross dressing or wearing a mandatory uniform, why not wear a traditional pleated woman's skirt? I, for instance, wouldn't consider wearing women's slacks or jeans when there is a more fitting male analog available for me to wear. Not a judgement of your choice, just an attempt to understand another's position.

  9. #9
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    Well I would never go for the super song ankle long tartan skit it's too old lady like, and I said before I wouldn't go for a mini kilt because I don't want to be confused for a private school girl. So if you are going for a mid length skit-ish garment why not go for a kilt. Kilts are awesome. I found out that McGill tartan was quiet rare so my only choice was to get a custom made one. So it's not like I'm wearing a baggy unfitted garment. I wear a fitted ladies blouse or a ladies t-**** with it so I don't really feel like I'm cross dressing. The only exception to this is the upcoming parade, I will feel awkward wearing a sporran, it's kind of like a tie it's too masculine for me.

  10. #10
    TurboKittie is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    My own preference, I like to wear them shorter than a man would wear them, say a good inch or two above my knee, and without a sporran.

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