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  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by rondo View Post
    I never get called out when I say 'normally' but almost always when I say 'never'.... .... just sayin'.
    Well, then, I feel obliged to call you out just to prove you right!

    Or am I proving you wrong? So confused...
    Last edited by LitTrog; 26th July 12 at 02:22 PM.
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by LitTrog View Post
    Well, then, I feel obliged to call you out just to prove you right!

    Or am I proving you wrong? So confused...
    Tooooo...freekin'...shay...brother! Ya got me [ I think...sort of...maybe?] lol... Hey, when do you want to meet up at Pints Pub to throw back a few? Feelin' the need to kilt up and visit the Mile High soon.
    Last edited by rondo; 26th July 12 at 02:31 PM.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by rondo View Post
    Tooooo...freekin'...shay...brother! Ya got me [ I think...sort of...maybe?] lol... Hey, when do you want to meet up at Pints Pub to throw back a few? Feelin' the need to kilt up and visit the Mile High soon.
    Ah, so you've taken the hint! I've been stalking you the last few days, sticking a knife in you everytime you post something...just trying to get your attention.

    Heck, I can leave work now (since I'm a spook, and therefore ethereal, my absence will go unnoticed!) and be down at Pints in 30 minutes. That work for you? I'm not kilted, but I could easily modify my boxer briefs to resemble one.

    I assume you're still in your busy season, correct? Anytime you can make it up and give me fair warning, I am so there! Of course, you'd also be welcome at our house, but our selection of malts is a little more shallow than at Pints. Just let me know when the bug's really gnawing at you--looking forward to it!
    Mister McGoo

    A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.

  4. #164
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    LitTrog doesn't really exist, we just *think* he exists because his credit card registers occasional purchases at liquor stores, trombone repair centers, and kilting establishments.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    LitTrog doesn't really exist, we just *think* he exists because his credit card registers occasional purchases at liquor stores, trombone repair centers, and kilting establishments.
    Ah....I beg to differ...LitTrog most certainly exist and I have photographic evidence to prove it [though blurry I admit, see my gallery] from our foray into the "Tilted KIlt" in Denver.

    To LitTrog...I shall kilt up soon and return to the Mile High to quaff brews and throw back several single malts. Business here has left something to be desired and I must return to the road to forestall the creditors...alas, all is not lost whilst we can toss back single malt and quaff barley pop...All hail discordia! I shall contact you forthwith with time and date of my return to Mile High to commence with said debauchery ... please notify all concerned to keep women, widows, and teen daughters, well away from Pints Pub during my return.

    The Right Honorable Rondo Bondage

  6. #166
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    deleted duplicate

    The Right Honorable Rondo Bondage
    Last edited by rondo; 26th July 12 at 05:19 PM.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I am sorry but you are missing the point.---------Oh well never mind.
    I think the two of you were in fact on the same page, that both the kilt and lederhosen are traditional in only a certain region, but in recent times have become wrongly thought of as traditional to the entire country.

    So for example any band playing at an October Fest around here is expected to wear lederhosen etc as if it is some sort of German National Dress, which it most definately is not.

    This point has come up before, and other countries suffer from it too, for example Americans often being depicted, in other countries, in cowboy dress (or at least with a cowboy hat) as if "western wear" (as we call it) is some sort of National Dress rather than the strictly regional dress that it is.

    Ironically Scotland itself has embraced Highland Dress as the National Dress, one example being the putting of all Scottish soldiers into Highland Dress with the formation of The Royal Regiment of Scotland. The Royal Scots, First Foot, Right of the Line in kilts??? Unthinkable a generation ago but true today.

    Well it's been long a-comin' first with the gradual association of the originally regional Highland pipes with the entire country. Lowland regiments have had Highland pipers for many years now, though in the old days the Highland pipes were restricted to the Highlands and the rest of the country had their own varieties of bagpipes. The Town Pipers of old played the bellows-blown Lowland pipes.

    By the way I had got off this thread when it had degenerated to shoutin' and spittin' and I'm surprised that it was revived. Sometimes closing down a thread isn't such a bad thing.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 27th July 12 at 04:43 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  8. #168
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    Sigh and sigh again.

    Alright. The point I was making, poorly it seems, was that the Scots were not being ignorant about choosing not to wear the kilt(see post 134) as most Scots---those from the lowlands ----have no culture of kilt-wearing. I would not dream of calling a German ignorant by choosing not to wear traditional Bavarian attire. That is the point I was making.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 27th July 12 at 04:52 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    I think the two of you were in fact on the same page, that both the kilt and lederhosen are traditional in only a certain region, but in recent times have become wrongly thought of as traditional to the entire country.

    So for example any band playing at an October Fest around here is expected to wear lederhosen etc as if it is some sort of German National Dress, which it most definately is not.

    This point has come up before, and other countries suffer from it too, for example Americans often being depicted, in other countries, in cowboy dress (or at least with a cowboy hat) as if "western wear" (as we call it) is some sort of National Dress rather than the strictly regional dress that it is.

    Ironically Scotland itself has embraced Highland Dress as the National Dress, one example being the putting of all Scottish soldiers into Highland Dress with the formation of The Royal Regiment of Scotland. The Royal Scots, First Foot, Right of the Line in kilts??? Unthinkable a generation ago but true today.

    Well it's been long a-comin' first with the gradual association of the originally regional Highland pipes with the entire country. Lowland regiments have had Highland pipers for many years now, though in the old days the Highland pipes were restricted to the Highlands and the rest of the country had their own varieties of bagpipes. The Town Pipers of old played the bellows-blown Lowland pipes.

    By the way I had got off this thread when it had degenerated to shoutin' and spittin' and I'm surprised that it was revived. Sometimes closing down a thread isn't such a bad thing.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    This point has come up before, and other countries suffer from it too, for example Americans often being depicted, in other countries, in cowboy dress (or at least with a cowboy hat) as if "western wear" (as we call it) is some sort of National Dress rather than the strictly regional dress that it is.
    Minor point, perhaps, but I would postulate that "western wear" has become firmly established with a well-defined demographic, but one with very few geographical bounds in North America. It is predominately rural and closely associated with animal husbandry, especially cattle and horses, but is no longer a "western" phenomenon at all. Also notable and perhaps applicable to the discussion here is the fact that many of the elements of this subculture derive from the Mexican vaquero tradition.

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