Thanks for reminding us - another reason to drain a wee dram tonight. That picture made me thirsty. I'll have to give this subject some weighty consideration.
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.
After weighty consideration of duration not exceeding 5 seconds, I chose Aberlour 16 (on the rocks) to celebrate the holiday. Wonderful!
Thanks again. I enjoyed the short article, especially the sentence, "There is no correct or incorrect way to enjoy whisky." For completeness and closure I would have added the phrase, "as long as you actually drink it".
Now, I'm off for a second, and final, dram of one of those "hairy chested" malts - Longmorn 16, Auchentoshen 18, or Ben Riach 16, or ... I'll decide when I get to my bar.
I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.