I too have a "military" box pleat that I ordered from the scottish lion import shope. Took darn near 8 months to get to me, but I'm with Woodsheal on this. I love it!I wound up going with the Farquharson Weathered. Though now that I see Woodsheal's black watch one.....I may have to order yet another! Oh no, what ever shall I do?!
Thanks for the pic and the opinion. Looks awesome! I'm pretty sold on getting my own. Just have to scrape a few more pennies together...then swallow them all at once and sue a bank for not warning me about the dangers of intestinal blockage. That should do it.
Mister McGoo
A Kilted Lebowski--Taking it easy so you don't have to.
Thanks for the pic and the opinion. Looks awesome! I'm pretty sold on getting my own. Just have to scrape a few more pennies together...then swallow them all at once and sue a bank for not warning me about the dangers of intestinal blockage. That should do it.
I think I'm confused again! That's a "no," correct?
Not necessarily. The kilt in Kilted Cole's pic looks like it might have about 6 or 7 yards in it. What I don't do is any kind of 8 yard kilt. I will be more than happy to make a kilt, box pleated or knife pleated, from 6 yards or less of cloth.