All you sword and dirk fans might be interested in the Scottish silver sale here on 14th August next. Lots 525 onwards should set your juices flowing -
Pretty xe on the prices, not that I am in the know.
Yes. Lyon & Turnbull are on the pricey side, and did you see the commission they charge? 25% + 20% VAT is pretty eye-watering even for rip-off merchants like them. Most other auction houses are in the 15-20% range. On the other hand you should see the number of staff they employ so guess who is paying for them all? On the other hand these are just guide estimates, what they actually sell for could be a lot less.
that Scots Guards dirk is missing a few things. I used to have an intact one. And I used to have that exact Argylls dirk... I paid $800 for it at a Gun Show. Gorgeous hand-harved ebony handles, sterling silver mounts, etc. I wish I'd never sold it.
Also items 435-7 old cap badges, item 438 a very nice plaid brooch.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte