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  1. #1
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    Wool vs Polyviscose...am I being a snob?

    I started many years ago with a Utilikilt...I think of it as the "gateway drug" of the kilt world...loved it - still do. Got great reaction, loved wearing it, so decided to go whole hog and got a 13 oz. 8 yd. traditional kilt. Don't wear the Utilikilt so much any more, so am wanting to expand the wardrobe a little. The traditional is still in great shape, but needs a slight alteration to fit a little better.

    Can I get some experienced advice about wool VS polyviscose? I see that PV is really much more affordable as I look on various sites (yes, Ebay too, but £50 for a PV...really? That cheap?). I guess that my question is, am I being a total snob about wool kilts? A lot of you guys are liking the PV and looking good in the pics. Is it worth the cost (even as minimal as it is) to try one of the less expensive PVs from a place like Buyakilt.com or better to search on line for a good ex-hire in wool or just start saving for another wool traditional? I live in SoCal, so a heavy weight for warmth is not really an issue. Looking good is!

    Advice is much appreciated. (If you happen to have a 36"x24" -ish you don't wear anymore hanging around the closet, go ahead and PM me. Who knows it might be the what I have been looking for!)


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Please be very careful when you see the term P/V being used on the web.

    P/V is short for Polyester/Viscose (Viscose is the British term for Rayon). so to be actually P/V the fabric must be a blend of Polyester and Rayon.

    The fabric that everyone here raves about is woven by only one mill and that is Marton Mills.

    Not all fabrics that are listed as P/V are actually a Polyester/Rayon blend. PV has become a sort of buzz word for any synthetic. If you are seeing a kilt in the 40-80 pound range you are probably not seeing a P/V kilt but actually one made from Acrylic.

    If you see "Heavy weight P/V" listed you are most definitely not seeing a kilt made from true P/V as the fabric is woven in only one weight of 12oz. per fabric yard.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hello Gwynn,

    If I may use an example. The vehicle a man wants when he is 18-21 and chasing the girls, is not the same vehicle that he needs 10 years later to cope with an ever increasing family.

    The same applies to clothing and in particular the kilt. If a man's lifestyle is such that he spends many evenings a week down his local 'rowdy' pub, he could do it in a 16oz hand-stitched woollen kilt. It will certainly stand up to it, but will require more TLC on a regular basis. A P/V kilt on the other hand will shrug off the beer stains and holds it's creases without much effort. Will the P/V look as good as the woollen kilt - almost, but not quite.

    It will be up to you, to decide what you want to use it for and choose the correct material.

    Oh, and why not pop over to the Newbie board and introduce yourself.



  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I love my wool kilts. Even in 110 degree F Oklahoma summer. I wondered the same about PV (Note Steve's caution above) and got a great deal on a PV so jumped at it. Now, I prefer to feel.a little weight from the kilt and PV is too light for my liking. So, I have a PV kilt hanging in my closet that never gets worn. (Sadly not your size). I will wear it for an upcoming Warrrior Dash and otherwise keep it handy in case a friend of mine desires to borrow a kilt.

    I don't think you are being a snob if you prefer wool. We all have prefrences.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I love USA Kilts semi trads which are PV from Marton Mills. In fact I have on right now. I am a frequent kilt wearer. In our warm summers in Virginny, that’s pretty much what I wear. They dress up great for Burns Night and dress down easy enough for pubbing. If I lived in southern California that’s probably all I would wear.

    I would not waste my money on other kilt sellers offering deals on PV’s Kilts. Buy from who you can trust who makes quality kilts with quality material. USAK fits that bill.

    If you really want wool go for it! Then I would look for a 4 yard box pleat as made by Matt Newsome or a five or six yarder made by several advertisers here. I would definitely not get a traditional 8 yard kilt. Just my opinion

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nothing snobbish about preferring wool. To me, it's like preferring leather shoes over those horrid fake-leather ones. If you're going to spend the money on something you want to wear and look nice in, it's worth it to get the "real thing", not an imitation.

    My first kilt was PV. But once I got a real wool kilt, I couldn't go back to wearing PV. It was just too light and didn't feel the same. PV isn't a "cooler" fabric, despite many claims to the contrary. Wool is actually very breathable. The main factor in a kilt's heat-trapping properties is the amount of material used. I wear wool kilts all year round, even in the South Texas summer heat.

    The only advantage I can see to buying PV is the lower cost. But if you have the budget for wool, my personal opinion is that you'll be better off going that way.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post

    My first kilt was PV. But once I got a real wool kilt, I couldn't go back to wearing PV. It was just too light and didn't feel the same. PV isn't a "cooler" fabric, despite many claims to the contrary. Wool is actually very breathable. The main factor in a kilt's heat-trapping properties is the amount of material used. I wear wool kilts all year round, even in the South Texas summer
    What is the least amount of wool you have worn? Four yards of 16 oz seems to be popular for box pleats. What about 5 or 6 yards of 13 oz in a knife pleat?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by McElmurry View Post
    What is the least amount of wool you have worn? Four yards of 16 oz seems to be popular for box pleats. What about 5 or 6 yards of 13 oz in a knife pleat?
    The least amount of wool I have worn is my 4-yard (16 oz) box pleat, which is nice and light for summer wear. Then I have my two 8-yard (16 oz) knife pleated kilts and an 8-yard military box-pleated kilt. Those give me enough range for all the different seasons that we get down here in Texas. Never tried a 5- or 6- yard kilt, but I can imagine that it might be a decent compromise between the two.

    My point was, however, that wool is always a good choice. Different seasons may call for different yardages or pleating styles, but there is no inherent advantage to PV in terms of warmth or cooling that wool doesn't offer. Its main advantage is price. And maybe stain-resistance/washability.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by McElmurry View Post
    What is the least amount of wool you have worn? Four yards of 16 oz seems to be popular for box pleats. What about 5 or 6 yards of 13 oz in a knife pleat.
    I have both 5 and 6 yard wool knife pleated kilts. I also have a 4 yard boxpleat on order. I usually wear the 5 yarder during 100+ degree days...but I am mot a daily wearer. Both are cooler than my tank. I am comfortable in those in reletive extreme heat. Just fyi...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I have two PV kilts made by Neokilts. I like them both. No they do not feel the same as wool, but I really don't find that as a negative.
    I wear them mainly for pup nights, but only because I' m fond of the tartans. ( old Holyrood and the "banned" Macmillan)

    My kilts range from a couple Utilikilts to two handsewn tanks, and a fair bit in between.

    PV kilts are a decent value, just don't expect a tank.
    Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.

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