It seems that midges are about in record numbers this year - - and expected to be so for even longer than usual. Perhaps another reason for the depopulation of the highlands! Definitely not a problem here in the lowlands.
We haven't encountered much in the way of midges. The torrential rain and winds on Lewis and Harris might have helped there. We're heading to Edinburgh in a couple of days, so it's good to know they aren't a problem there.
My wife and I just returned from a wonderful week in Scotland. Your kilt count was similar to mine. I was kilted on three occasions and had the feeling I was the only one in the entire country so attired who was not performing. Noted in my count was a kilted gentleman receiving visitors in the Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling and a man in a shop in Edingurgh. That was about it. However, the magnificent and stirring display of highland attire at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo created a sense of heritage no other country could duplicate.
We were traveling with a small group doing mainly touristy things. My kilt attire attracted many postive comments. One of our party went out and immediately bought a kilt and I would not be surprised if more were purchased. I became the "kilt consultant" and recommended this forum for additional information.My wife and I (no kilt)
Excellent pics. I love to see my home country through the eyes of visitors. I always feel that many of you guys miss so much of our history and beautiful countryside when you omit everything south of Glasgow and Edinburgh. All the rolling hills of Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders with their historic castles and fortified tower houses and the whole of the Burns Country. Haste ye back to see more of Scotland! Though I am hardly in a position to complain, I have been to BC often enough and not yet visited Burnaby!
Last edited by cessna152towser; 4th September 12 at 12:35 PM.
Reason: spelling
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
Hey Dangerdean, sounds like you liked Mull and Iona. Did you get a Tobermory Terror while on the island? I will be going back for the gathering with the Maclaines in 2014 Lord willing. We are going to England and southern Scotland and Wales this next trip in April.