You wear it well - rod stewart What else do you wear with it?
Hot Legs...Rod Stewart Where is your pickup truck?
Clan Morrison NA Clan Morrison AU
Up on around the bend - hanoi rocks Why you asking?
"I Don't Know" - OzzY What ya doing?
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye" -Koloth
CRYING IN MY BEER - SCREECHING WEASEL Got anything better to do?
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers
Skindiving - james What else is in the water?
The Purple People Eater -- Sheb Wooley Who put him there?
Mr Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne What else was he up to?
GOING TO A PARTY - BILLY BURNETTE Who was he going to meet up with?
Mrs robinson - simon and garfunkel What were they planning on getting up to...?
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