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  1. #1
    Join Date
    11th October 11
    Colorado Springs
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    Smile Computer help needed with Bagpipe Player download!

    My old computer died and took a lot of my programs with it. Along with all my files of bagpipe tunes, close to 500 tunes organized by time signature and type ( march, slow march, hymn etc. Yes I am a little OCD. I am now running Windows 7 and the Bagpipe player program loads but, when I open up the program and selcet a tune the section of the page that show the score is all black?

    I know enough about computers to be dangerous, What am I doing wrong and what can it be fixed??

    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th October 08
    Louisville, Kentucky, USA (38° 13' 11"N x 85° 37' 32"W gets you close)
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    From what I've been told, the installer for Bagpipe Player will not install on a 64-bit operating system. What you have to do is copy it from a previous (working) installation.

    If that's not possible, you may have to bite the bullet and actually buy BMW Gold, which I'm given to understand works just fine on 64-bit Windows 7.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    I can't help with the technicalities of the program - but what you are doing wrong is not buying a load of the shiny flat round things called c.d.s and making copies of all the files, installed programs and precious things you have on your computer on them.

    It isn't difficult - I know this because I can do it.

    There are other options - detachable discs for instance, or uploading things to places on the internet, but the making c.d.s option seems OK, plus you can write on them - though only on one side, so you know what is stored there, and you can put them in a box with 'do not throw this away if you value your life' written on it, which could be as safe a place as any.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    One suggestion that might help:

    1. Right click on the executable (the .exe file in the folder the program is installed) for the program
    2. Select properties,
    3. Click on the compatibility tab
    4. Select the box labeled "Run this program in compatibility mode for"
    5. Select the version of Windows you previously ran it in.

    You can also play with the other settings, specifically 256 Colors or 640 x 480 resolution. I have had some limited success with this in the past.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    1st August 09
    Augusta, GA, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotFree View Post
    One suggestion that might help:

    1. Right click on the executable (the .exe file in the folder the program is installed) for the program
    2. Select properties,
    3. Click on the compatibility tab
    4. Select the box labeled "Run this program in compatibility mode for"
    5. Select the version of Windows you previously ran it in.
    This is the answer, select XP 32-bit.
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