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  1. #21
    Join Date
    18th October 09
    Orange County California
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    It's cool for a re-enactor doing a 1790 Black Watch sergeant, otherwise, meh.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    I am in agreement with Artificer on this. I love seeing old historic designs come back to life, but this one is probably best left in the rubbish bin of history.

    But aside from that, it's not even a very accurate reproduction. As others have mentioned, the only thing it really has in common with the original one depicted is that it has a sheep's head and 6 tassels. This one has a cantle where the original did not. And the original was a V-shape where this one is round. The ear position is wrong, and the stubby horns are just weird. To me, it looks like this sporran was made on a typical oval shape horse-hair sporran design and modified with the addition of a sheep's head, but the execution failed as a facsimile of the original. To quote Mr. Horse, "no sir, I don't like it!"

    But then again, seeing it worn in context might make it look completely different.

  3. #23
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

    Contributing Tartan Historian
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    Ok, so it's not an exact replica of the c. 1760 Black Watch sporran.

    Ok, so full mask sporrans are not everyone's cup of tea.

    Ok, so this particular mask sporran is not everyone's cup of tea.

    Do I still think it's pretty awesome? Yup!

    Am I going to spend over $1000 to buy my own? Nope!

    Would I wear it if someone were to give it to me as a gift? Yup, and I'd be pretty excited about it, too! :-)

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Ok, so it's not an exact replica of the c. 1760 Black Watch sporran.

    Ok, so full mask sporrans are not everyone's cup of tea.

    Ok, so this particular mask sporran is not everyone's cup of tea.

    Do I still think it's pretty awesome? Yup!

    Am I going to spend over $1000 to buy my own? Nope!

    Would I wear it if someone were to give it to me as a gift? Yup, and I'd be pretty excited about it, too! :-)
    Hahaha! Well said, Matt.


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