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Thread: Regimental Ties

  1. #51
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    Indeed there are ties representing this, that, or the other(and fashion ties too) with similar and perhaps the same colours from different parts of the world AND the same part of the world, so we need to be careful before letting fly with a broadside. I well remember in my youth "letting fly" over someone wearing a tie that I thought he was not entitled to. When the cold light of realism broke through we both discovered that "our" respective ties were perfectly legitimately being worn by both of us! Yes I was very wrong and a wee dram smoothed the ruffled feathers and WE BOTH learned that not all that we see is necessarily always correct!

    In this shrinking world I suppose the colours and combinations of colours, are bound to be more widely used and known, so baring in mind what I said in my previous post about "sympathetic" understanding about ties then all will be well. What I think will cause trouble, particularly in the UK, is the claims that might go with those colours. So if the "Gin and Tonics" Regimental tie happens to be of the same pattern, colour and style as the University of Southern Wherever and their respective owners are honest about it, then no harm will be done--------I hope!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th December 12 at 10:35 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #52
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    Jock, I think you hit the nail on the head. I've been thinking for awhile, that there is bound to be overlap and use of patterns by multiple organizations. I suspect a lot of it is because when someone designs a tie for their group, they consider what fits their need, and doesn't even think there might already be one just like it, that's been around for many years.

    Unless I'm mistaken, and although regimental ties are a more recent phenomena, some of the UK military units are older than the United States, which means they have earned a measure of respect.

  3. #53
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    Two Regiments that spring to mind. The Coldstream Guards trace their origins back to 1650 and the Grenadier Guards trace their origins back to 1656.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  4. #54
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    I'm beginning to see an new enterprise emerging out of this. Perhaps the design and production of "universal" regimental designs. Like a universal tartan, the ties could be of the regimental style with made up names.

    Of course these will be nothing more than striped ties, but there are some people who would just have to have a regimental tie, and the "Gin and Tonic" regiment have a long but somewhat hazy history. The marketing of these ties would no doubt be quite entertaining.

  5. #55
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    I think you might be onto something here...

  6. #56
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    I have 3 striped ties that I wear with my kilt on various occassions. I have no idea if any of them "belong" to any certain groups. Maybe someone here can tell me if I am committing any sins by wearing any of these.
    I had to use the small end of the ties so that all 3 would fit on my scanner. They are not that narrow.
    proud U.S. Navy vet

    Creag ab Sgairbh

  7. #57
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    i dont think striped equals regimental. however, regiments tend to favor stripes. let us not again over think this matter.

    if a tie is truely the property of the regiment (which the US Navy does NOT have..regiment that is) then one will not find it at Mens Wearhouse.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Tartan View Post
    i dont think striped equals regimental. however, regiments tend to favor stripes. let us not again over think this matter.

    if a tie is truely the property of the regiment (which the US Navy does NOT have..regiment that is) then one will not find it at Mens Wearhouse.
    Maybe not Men's Wearhouse, but Brooks Brothers

    And Ben Silver

  9. #59
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    so are those the exclusive property of the referred to regiments?

    This is the point of confusion for some. Since they are offered as commecial articles of clothng, it needs to be recognized that they are NOT offered as indications of anybparticular affiliation. Rather, they are utilized (bt obviously not to the exclusion of others) by those organizations, but not the property of them.

  10. #60
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    You can wear any regimental tie you wish, as long as it is not recognized as part of a military uniform, governed by the law of the country involved. Even uniform parts can be worn by civilians as long as there are no badges of rank, etc. on them (the camo craze). There are specific laws allowing veterans to wear their own uniforms at certain functions, however. British law may be different.

    It is all about convention, like the wearing of a plain white undershirt for street wear, you can certainly do it if you wish. I just prefer not to. In my travels through tartan land, I'm discovering that a kilt is like a pair of pants. You can wear any tartan, any time, and with anything, just not backwards! Again, social convention dictates, but it's not law. I prefer to wear that which has personal meaning for me, and by extension, allows others to connect with me.
    Last edited by BBNC; 17th December 12 at 04:17 AM.

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