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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mojave Desert - SoCal
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    What type of sporran?

    Hi everyone.. Everyone has been so friendly so far and I appreciate yall (can you tell I'm from Texas?) letting me into the fold.. So I guess I'll take a moment to ask my first question..

    I'll be purchasing my husband's first kilt (looking as if its going to be one of Matt Newsome's 5yd in Campbell Modern) next month and he's currently looking at what accessories he would like to make his kit complete. I think the sporran is where we're having the most problem. I see there are formal, semiformal and casual sporrans available. For right now, he's looking for something he could wear out to places such as Renaissance festivals, Scottish festivals, and occasional date nights out. He is not planning at this time to purchase a Prince Charlie (although he said he most likely will later down the road) as we won't have functions he would wear it to - any special night out he is required to wear his military uniform. Which would be more appropriate for wearing to a Scottish festival, for example? He wants to wear the kilt proudly and properly, but he also doesn't want to look like a ostentatious peacock if a formal sporran would be too much for such an event.

    Also, off topic, but - kilt pins.. from viewing some of the previous posts, it looks like pins are pretty much anything goes - BUT.... he's wanting a lizard pin (he runs an astronomy club called Chuckwalla observatory and the mascot is a lizard).. I'm sure the lizard is perfectly fine but almost all of the pins he actually likes is encrusted with rhinestones.. would be be okay going "sparkly" or would this be frowned upon? (I didn't see anyone who had sparkly pins hence why I asked).

    Thanks ahead of time for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Personally my causal sporran that can work for a highland game, pub, movie or even a night out at friends is my MOJO leather Rob Roy sporran. It is of nice leather and fits well wearing anything from a sweater to a nice waistcoat. Photo below with my Stillwater Weathered MacKenzie kilt and herringbone tweed waistcoat. For day and festival wear a good leather day sporran works fine.

    "Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    brewerpaul, thank you for the reply. That was exactly what I was hoping someone would say. We were leaning towards a casual leather but wasn't sure if it would be considered "too" casual for such events but then we didn't know if a semi-formal would be just the opposite. You just put my mind at ease.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I think a black leather sporran would fit the bill nicely. There are lots of them out there, so he can choose the one he likes the best, and that fits into any cost constraints he may have. Good luck.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I'd say get one of these for a first sporran.

    They're cheap, very functional and will suit for all occasions barring the most formal. They do 'em in brown or black leather as well but they haven't got any of those in at the moment. Superb sporrans!! I have one of each and would swear by them.

    I'd avoid sparkly rhinestone brooches of any design. I've never seen anybody wearing one as a kilt pin.

    Non-sparkly lizard brooches are out there, you just have to keep looking. Ebay is your best bet. Try here, or here for starters.

  6. #6
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    I like the cargo That might definitely be an option. Although that Rob Roy that Paul is wearing is really nice too.. I think my picking out a purse is going to be alot easier than him picking out a sporran..

    Glad to hear that sparkly is not done.. I wouldn't want him wearing more stones than I am.. LOL I think we decided on this one but he also liked this one and I said it was too gaudy.. haha

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sporrans stay with the "day wear" sporrans. Just about anything from what I have seen without a cantal (shiney metal thing on top). Rabble correct me if I'm wrong those are usually more fancy.

    Kilt pins are truly in the eye of the beholder. We had a thread not to long ago all about kilt pins and had lots of different ideas, from Mickey Mouse to hand made stag horn. Flashy isn't really for me but I like to be more conservative. But if he likes it or it has special meaning go for it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sporran-wise, if you want to fit a RenFaire venue as well as others I think a "Rob Roy" style sporran in whatever color you like would be THE way to go.
    "It's all the same to me, war or peace,
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I would vote for the night stalker. I have one of these and it is a great all around sporran. It's storage capacity and easy of access is beyond compare and it is a great alround casual look to it. As a second I would go with a rob roy style, they are fun to make and spacious.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I prefer hunting sporrans without metal cantles for day wear. I respect the utility of night stalkers, but they are not a traditional look at all.

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