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  1. #21
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    I get all my shirts from Hong Kong. I do fitting when in town and then they have the precise measurements however you can do this yourself.
    From there all you do is tell them what you want including the quality of the shirting you require. I get French cuffs for most but like to have a variety of looks available. They will also make any jacket you need to any design and fabric.
    They are usually cheaper thatn off the rack shirts of the same quality.
    I can suggest a reliable and reasonably priced tailor if that helps.

  2. #22
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    Heh, sorry for resurrecting this thread, but in continuing my line of questions regarding French cuff shirts...

    I got my custom shirt from Shirts My Way a few months ago, and it's a nice tattersal pattern. But I'd like to pick your brains on something. If I wear this with a tweed Argyll jacket that has antler buttons on the cuffs, would it look odd to be wearing metal cufflinks? I have quite a range of cufflinks, from gold to silver, some which are plain and some which are fancy. Obviously I would pick a plainer pair for this. But if I'm wearing a set of sterling cufflinks next to the antler buttons of my tweed jacket, would it look out of place or clash?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Heh, sorry for resurrecting this thread, but in continuing my line of questions regarding French cuff shirts...

    I got my custom shirt from Shirts My Way a few months ago, and it's a nice tattersal pattern. But I'd like to pick your brains on something. If I wear this with a tweed Argyll jacket that has antler buttons on the cuffs, would it look odd to be wearing metal cufflinks? I have quite a range of cufflinks, from gold to silver, some which are plain and some which are fancy. Obviously I would pick a plainer pair for this. But if I'm wearing a set of sterling cufflinks next to the antler buttons of my tweed jacket, would it look out of place or clash?
    I think it looks fine. A buddy of mine was wearing a tweed Argyll (gauntlet cuffs) with a French cuff shirt and shiny cufflinks just the other day, and I thought the layering of cuffs looked quite smart!
    - Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
    - An t'arm breac dearg

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Heh, sorry for resurrecting this thread, but in continuing my line of questions regarding French cuff shirts...

    I got my custom shirt from Shirts My Way a few months ago, and it's a nice tattersal pattern. But I'd like to pick your brains on something. If I wear this with a tweed Argyll jacket that has antler buttons on the cuffs, would it look odd to be wearing metal cufflinks? I have quite a range of cufflinks, from gold to silver, some which are plain and some which are fancy. Obviously I would pick a plainer pair for this. But if I'm wearing a set of sterling cufflinks next to the antler buttons of my tweed jacket, would it look out of place or clash?

    I think plain metal (be it silver, gold, pewter, rhodium, palladium, etc) cufflinks with your tweed day jacket, which obviously have genuine stag horn buttons on the cuff, would look just fine. Now, I wouldn't necessarily wear the pair of cufflinks that you would typically wear with your Highland evening attire, as that may be a bit too much, so a plain pair would definitely do the job. I usually don't wear a french-cuff (mostly barrel cuff) shirt with my Highland day attire, but there are a few gingham and check shirts of mine with french-cuffs, in which I like very much, so sometimes I'll decide to wear them with my tweed day jacket. When I do, I'll wear any of the below coin, or knot cufflinks I have from Ben Silver:

    Of course, coloured knot cufflinks would work well too. I have loads of these wee guys in assorted colours and some with stripes. They are very economical and often not as expensive as metal cufflinks.

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 16th January 13 at 10:29 AM. Reason: Typo.

  5. #25
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    I wear silver, or, gold cuff-links with kilt daywear shirts without a second thought and I suggest that many here do. I fancy you are overthinking again!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 16th January 13 at 08:15 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  6. #26
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    Of course, these wee beasties also from Ben Silver would look quite smart too, as well as a good conversation starter. But for the price, you could order another kilt from Barb T.!




    Last edited by creagdhubh; 16th January 13 at 08:33 AM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I wear silver, or, gold cuff-links with kilt daywear shirts without a second thought and I suggest that many here do. I fancy you are overthinking again!
    *** a simple plain silver or gold cuff link would be fine.
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post

    I think plain metal (be it silver, gold, pewter, rhodium, palladium, etc) cufflinks with your tweed day jacket, which obviously have genuine stag horn buttons on the cuff, would look just fine. Now, I wouldn't necessarily wear the pair of cufflinks that you would wear with your Highland evening attire, as that may be a bit too much, so a plain pair would work. I typically do not wear a french-cuff shirt with Highland day attire, but there are a few gingham and check shirts of mine with french cuffs and that I like very much, so sometimes I'll decide to wear them with my tweed day jacket. When I do, I wear any of the below authentic coin cufflinks I have from Ben Silver:

    Of course, coloured knot cufflinks would work well too. I have loads of these wee guys in assorted colours and some with stripes. They are very economical and often not as expensive as metal cufflinks.

    Wow - it is strange seeing money in "full technicolour"! Charles Tyrwhitt do a "monochrome" version: http://www.ctshirts.co.uk/men's-acce...|||||||&page=4

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    Wow - it is strange seeing money in "full technicolour"! Charles Tyrwhitt do a "monochrome" version: http://www.ctshirts.co.uk/men's-acce...|||||||&page=4
    Very smart looking cufflinks, Lime!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I wear silver, or, gold cuff-links with kilt daywear shirts without a second thought and I suggest that many here do. I fancy you are overthinking again!
    No, not overthinking, Jock. Just asking from a genuine lack of knowledge. There have been many instances where I've done things which I thought were OK, only to find out later that "it's just not done, old boy". So I ask the experts here to make sure.


    I think plain metal (be it silver, gold, pewter, rhodium, palladium, etc) cufflinks with your tweed day jacket, which obviously have genuine stag horn buttons on the cuff, would look just fine. Now, I wouldn't necessarily wear the pair of cufflinks that you would wear with your Highland evening attire, as that may be a bit too much, so a plain pair would work.
    That's about what I'm thinking. The blingy ones are best for evening attire when I'm wearing a plain black jacket, and the cufflinks can offer a bit of decoration. But that's a bit overkill for daywear.

    Your coin examples reminded me that I do have a pair of vintage rampant lion cufflinks, with the rampant lions being silver inlaid in onyx (I think). Those ought to be perfect, since they aren't too bright.

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