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Thread: Buying kilt #2

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlaskanCelt View Post
    Hey fellas,

    So here's my dilemma, the first kilt I purchased came from Sport Kilt. Don't get me wrong, well made for the price, but I'm just not taken as to how lightweight it is. So, I'm looking all over for a new 16 oz. 8 yrd. one. Only problem is, I don't have the money to go straight for a $500 one. I'm looking in the range of 100-300 at the most. Suggestions? I know there's a lot of great kiltmakers out there, but what has everyone come across? Preferences?

    P.S. I'm looking for a casual fit kilt, not a very formal one.

    I have two Sportkilts and they are perfect for their intended use, running in a kilt run, hiking or some other sporting event, even heavy games. They are extremely light. For something more traditional USA Kilts or Burnett's and Struth are two good places to check out. B&S have some of their cloth on sale and you can get a 4yd custom made for $200 or go for the extra yard and get a 5yd for under $300. Rocky's 5yd wool kilt is well priced and sometimes he has cloth on sale too. I have a kilt from each of them and am pleased with both. That's my $.02
    Last edited by crash; 24th January 13 at 11:08 AM. Reason: spelling
    I'm just trying to be the person my dog thinks I am.

  2. #22
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    Well fellas, you've given me a heap of info. Thanks! I think I may go with Steve at Freedom Kilts. I like his low ride feature and how he does the slant of the kilt towards the front. I'll save up a bundle for the moment and shoot high for a tank next go. For now a 5 yard PV kilt from him seems to be the best bet.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlaskanCelt View Post
    Well fellas, you've given me a heap of info. Thanks! I think I may go with Steve at Freedom Kilts. I like his low ride feature and how he does the slant of the kilt towards the front. I'll save up a bundle for the moment and shoot high for a tank next go. For now a 5 yard PV kilt from him seems to be the best bet.
    Don't dismiss wearing your kilt in the traditional manner (ie high (at your "natural waist")) until you've tried it.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCAC View Post
    Don't dismiss wearing your kilt in the traditional manner (ie high (at your "natural waist")) until you've tried it.

    That is the only way I wear the kilt. No jeans-height for me.
    The Official [BREN]

  5. #25
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    To the original post...if you can go $300 you can go two payments of $250 a few months apart and get a tank. Not sure about Steve, but know some kiltmakers do that two payment plan...mostly one up front and one when completed. And as far as "phantom" kiltmakers....you're best off to do business with people where you know who's gonna be sewing up your kilt - not jobbing it out to someone you have no clue about.
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  6. #26
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    Oh I have worn em like that a couple times. I want more of a good "hang out" kilt. i'm saving for a tank traditional style for the next one.

  7. #27
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    I hear you, AlaskanCelt. I am also saving for a nice wool kilt. Maybe a five or six yarder since I live in Southern California and summers here are hellish.
    The Official [BREN]

  8. #28
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    Haha yeah up here in the frozen north ill take all the yardage I can get!

  9. #29
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    For sure, mate!
    Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 26th January 13 at 12:08 AM.
    The Official [BREN]

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tulloch View Post
    I would hold your fire and look slowly and carefully. The closer to home your kilt is made the better because you can be part of the process and get lots of information. I understand what you say about the light feel of your Sport Kilt. Some would say it is less a kilt than a skirt. There is no substitute for a 15- or 16-oz wool 8-yard kilt. Look slowly. Save your money. It will be worth it. I have two 8-yard wool and there is nothing like it. I have a 5-yard 16-oz from USA that I like very much as well but I repeat, there is nothing like the Tank.
    I whole heartedly agree with tulloch . You can't beat a 16 oz wool , 8 yd kilt . I own a few others in lighter weight and a couple of PV's .

    They are all fine for what they are , but there's nothing like a full 8 yd , 16 oz , kilt . I find them more comfortable and less fussy than the others while wearing them . They hang well , wear well and in my humble opinion are a joy to wear and always look absolutely first rate .

    I find that my couple of 16 oz , 8 yarders are my " go to " kilts . I know the lighter weight ones are better for certain activities , i.e. sporting events , hiking , etc. and I agree , no problem there . But for general kilt wearing .... I am with tulloch , " there is nothing like the Tank " , once you strap it on , there's no other kilt that can compare , no muss no fuss , strap that bad boy on and you are good to go ! Just my two cents .
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

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