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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Forget about the tie! Jock tell us about that fantastic machine behind you! Is it yours?


    Jamie, in your weakened condition you're excused from forgetting (or not having seen?) that lovely vehicle appear in this thread.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gauranga View Post
    My fiancé doesn't like bow-ties and would prefer that I wear a regular tie at our wedding.
    What did bow ties ever do to your fiancé ?! I've heard that 'doesn't like bow-ties' thing before and always wonder...

    I've seen four-in-hand ties and those scrunchy/ruche/cravat tie things worn with PCs fairly often, including in pics on this forum. And of course you see four-in-hands worn with tuxedos all too often these days. So while I personally do not care for the look of it, and it's not 'traditional', it certainly happens.
    I guess if you are gonna do it, I'd suggest a couple things; the tie material should be black and match the lapel finish, don't wear a wing collar shirt, and consider a higher (5 button) waistcoat.

    This topic has been hashed out a few times on the forum, here's an example; http://www.xmarksthescot.com/forum/f...charlie-70263/
    Last edited by Zardoz; 29th January 13 at 10:07 AM.
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydnie7 View Post
    Jamie, in your weakened condition you're excused from forgetting (or not having seen?) that lovely vehicle appear in this thread.
    Thanks Sydnie!
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    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Yes, but it's also entirely possible that one day he will come to appreciate the proper rules of men's wear, and will then be embarrassed to look at his wedding photos. There are a lot of guys out there who got married in their kilts, not knowing (or not caring) if they were "doing it right", only to look back later and cringe at what they were wearing in their wedding photos. So for that reason, I'd really recommend being as correct and appropriate as possible.
    Your point is well taken, but I stand by my two coupled "thoughts".

    If, after N years of marriage, a person is seriously embarrassed by what they were wearing in a picture taken N years ago, when their mindset may have been entirely different, then there are bigger problems lurking than "fashion irregularities". You clearly haven't seen my wedding pictures with my bell bottoms and Nehru jacket.
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  5. #25
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    A PC worn with a long tie has always looked wrong to me. I have seen a number of pipe bands that adopted the PC in the 1970s as a uniform jacket, worn usually without a vest and with a long tie. Maybe I'm too traditional, but this always looked to me like a makeshift version of highland dress. Fortunately, most bands that had adopted this style abandoned it by the mid 1980s in favour of the argyll jacket, now most often worn with a 5-button vest. Those few that have persisted with the PC and long tie -- I can think of at least two in my own region -- now look as though they are stuck in a 1970s time warp, as well as looking wrong.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mookien View Post
    If, after N years of marriage, a person is seriously embarrassed by what they were wearing in a picture taken N years ago, when their mindset may have been entirely different, then there are bigger problems lurking than "fashion irregularities".
    Well, I wasn't implying that it meant something would be wrong with the marriage itself! Just that it has happened many times, where people look back at what they were wearing and say, "man, what was I thinking?" It's understandable with fashion trends like the 1970s, but when someone is wearing something incorrectly or inappropriately for the event, that's different. Like white trainers with a tux, for an extreme example.

    At least the OP had the good sense to ask here first so he'd know for sure whether it was appropriate or not. Now, armed with the answer, at least he can make an informed decision one way or the other.

    But on this subject, I would offer a suggestion (and it would be interesting to hear what the rabble have to say about the idea). The usual choices seem to be either a PC with a bowtie, or an Argyll with a long tie. What about a different look that dresses up the Argyll a bit, without going to the level of the PC? One could still wear a long tie with the Argyll/waistcoat, but with a winged collar. I take the inspiration from Downton Abbey. Imagine this, as shown below, but worn with a black Argyll jacket. It hasn't been in style for about a hundred years, but so what? Might be a unique look for a wedding, especially if the bride doesn't like the looks of a bowtie. And it doesn't go to the extreme of a silly ruche tie, either.

    Last edited by Tobus; 29th January 13 at 01:39 PM.

  7. #27
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    To me, that actually looks like a ruche or a different style of cravat.

  8. #28
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    And I wonder if the future bride has seen a real, hand-tied black silk bow tie (especially the larger styles) or is thinking of those dreadful small pre-tied waiter things?
    I came in to say this exact thing. There's a big difference between an actual self-tied bow tie and the awful pre-tied, clip-on things that lot of tux shops offer because so many guys are too lazy to learn how to tie one. (Bow ties are not hard. They take a little practice like any kind of tie, but learning by video is much, much easier than trying to decipher written instructions with a diagram: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJv4Qh7zR3E)

  9. #29
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    Well, there are a number of good points made here.

    - a PC with a long tie is sort of not how it's done.
    - it's your wedding, so wear what you bluidy well want
    - if you decide to wear something that looks odd, you might look back at the pictures in a few years and wince. Or....not.

    - and finally, while you absolutely should work with your lovely bride-to-be about what clothes are going to be worn, as well as lots of other things about the wedding, there's a limit to this. There comes a point where it's YOUR neck and YOU decide what's going to go around it. Now, for some women, "The Wedding" is such an overwhelming, incredibly emotional time that us males need to be a bit more flexible than usual. Can do. However, if she's beyond all reason on every detail of the event, and MUST HAVE HER WAY in every single tiny detail, NO MATTER WHAT...

    If she informs you in no uncertain terms that your opinion on the matter is irrelevant and that you WILL NOT wear a bow tie to HER WEDDING.....

    ....then I, personally would inform her that it's off, and run like hell the other direction.
    Last edited by Alan H; 29th January 13 at 02:50 PM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    Well, I wasn't implying that it meant something would be wrong with the marriage itself! Just that it has happened many times, where people look back at what they were wearing and say, "man, what was I thinking?" It's understandable with fashion trends like the 1970s, but when someone is wearing something incorrectly or inappropriately for the event, that's different. Like white trainers with a tux, for an extreme example. ...
    Nor was I implying there was anything necessarily wrong with the marriage itself. Rather, if I were so seriously embarrassed about some fashion faux pas committed at my wedding years ago, that I could not even look at the pictures of the wedding, I would be asking myself the question, "What is wrong with me?" I am not a psychologist, but I can think of things like low self esteem, retentiveness, et. al.

    I'm going to have to do a lot more studying of that Downton picture to make any kind of comment about clothing style. I can't get past all the good-looking ladies.
    I changed my signature. The old one was too ridiculous.

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