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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobus View Post
    I'm not familiar with what he actually said about white or off-white hose, but it looks to me like the hose he's wearing in the photo you posted may actually be more like oatmeal or a light tan/khaki or tea-stained colour, with perhaps the colour being washed-out a bit in the sunlight. And while I also tend to dislike white or cream hose except in rare circumstances, I do own a pair of light tan hose. I rarely wear them (in fact, I haven't even seen them in quite some time and had forgotten about them until now), but I think it's dark enough that it doesn't give off the same look as white/cream. Especially, as you said, with daywear. Personally, I think he looks great with those hose and wouldn't think twice about wearing some like that.

    Which is the long way of saying no, I don't think he's being contradictory.

    I think Cushnie looks great too and I actually did mention that above. Hmmm...perhaps Cushnie's hose are indeed more of the oatmeal/light tan colour, just washed out a wee bit from the sunlight and the photograph, as previously stated. In the long run, I guess it really doesn't matter too much. I also own a pair of oatmeal/light tan coloured hose and have worn them on occasion, but not often. There's nothing wrong with the oatmeal/light tan hose at all and I do agree with your points regarding the more off-white/cream coloured hose that are typically a lighter hue.

    Me (center in the fawn Balmoral) wearing hose in the oatmeal/light tan colour.

    Last edited by creagdhubh; 1st February 13 at 02:38 PM. Reason: Added photo

  2. #12
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Hello Jacobite Laddie and welcome to the Forum. I don't know who is likely to be at your 'black tie' event but if my experience is anything to go by everyone will be wearing PC's with white or off-white hose, ghillie brogues and wing collar shirts with pre-tied bow ties. They will look at anyone dressed differently with mild incomprehension so please don't get yourself tied in a knot about the niceties of Highland dress as pontificated by the likes of Lumsden of Cushnie or whoever. If you are on a budget then follow the herd and you will enjoy yourself. If money is no object go along to a good tailor and start competing with the likes of Lumsden of Cushnie if that is what you want to do. I wouldn't recommend Kinloch Anderson though as they stopped doing bespoke tailoring when they left George Street and moved down to Leith. Try Stewart Christie instead for a top class bespoke product. Get that velvet Montrose you always wanted, those full tartan hose you really must have, that sterling silver cantled sporan that is essential to the image, those patent buckle brogues to complete the 'authentic' look. But then will you enjoy yourself any more?
    Last edited by Phil; 1st February 13 at 03:29 PM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    As I tend to dress in a bit more modern style I own no diced hose.

    But I am asked, on occasion, to speak at events where the invitation states "Black Tie".

    In the civilian world "Black Tie" means Tuxedo, so I take as my guidelines what would be appropriate for civilian Tuxedo.

    In this photo I chose to wear my wing collar shirt but any tuxedo shirt would work just fine.

    I also chose to wear charcoal hose. There is really nothing wrong with cream hose but I did not think they would be 'somber' enough for this particular event.

    If you are catching a hint here. My general rule of thumb is to match my dress to the level of formality and to what others would be wearing to the event.
    I very seldom attend events where "Scottish Highland Dress" is specified on the invitation.

    We will probably never settle the hose color dilemma. Almost every Scottish based website you visit will show white or cream hose for tuxedo level events. Most people starting out wearing the kilt will use these as their guide so we cannot fault them. They would naturally think, "The Scots tell us this is what is expected".

    This is also one, of only three times I have ever worn Ghillie Brogues. The only reason I even have a pair is that a customer came into the shop and handed me his pair. He stated he would never wear them again and they happen to be my perfect size.
    Agree on all of that Steve! The charcoal hose would be my recommendation as well. Personally I think I dislike 'cream' hose more than white, they just look like dirty white hose to me!
    And thanks for posting an actual picture of black-tie wear!
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  4. #14
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    While diced or tartan hose are the bee's knees, they are by no means a requirement for black tie. A good pair of solid color hose will do you just fine. I would echo other's statements here about avoiding the extremes of white or black and going with a color that tones well with your tartan (I don't think you have told us which tartan you are wearing, or perhaps I may have missed it).

    I would add my own preference of not wearing hose made of a lovat mixture to black tie evening events. Too me, they are better suited to day wear and country attire. This does not necessarily mean you are limited to dark colors, though. For example, House of Cheviot's ancient blue hose are not a lovat mixture and I think would work well if you were looking for a lighter shade. Charcoal is a nice color that tones well with most any tartan, as Steve demonstrated.

    Why not a bold color, such as red? Or bright yellow?

  5. #15
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    Well, the OP did ask about hose and shirts for a black tie outfit.
    Steve Ashton
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  6. #16
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    This is one of the reasons why I have both Lovat blue and charcoal...one for daywear and one in case I need to look a little spiffier.

    I intend to add more hose as I expand my Highlandwear wardrobe.
    The Official [BREN]

  7. #17
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    FWIW my hose choice for my upcoming black tie function is a Bottle green to go with the Dress Gordon kilt.

    Daft Wullie, ye do hae the brains o’ a beetle, an’ I’ll fight any scunner who says different!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    FWIW my hose choice for my upcoming black tie function is a Bottle green to go with the Dress Gordon kilt.
    The Official [BREN]

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by creagdhubh View Post

    With all due respect towards the late Lumsden of Cushnie, wouldn't you agree that it's a bit contradictory that he deplored the wearing of off-white kilt hose, as he can be seen wearing a pair in the photo below. I think in this particular context of traditional Highland day attire, he looks quite smart and the off-white hose work well with his overall outfit.
    Cushnie was one of my dearest friends -- and I can assure you that the hose David is wearing in this picture are tan, not off white! (And yes, he really did hand out cards that had ACBW printed on them!)
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 1st February 13 at 10:16 PM.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Hello Jacobite Laddie and welcome to the Forum. I don't know who is likely to be at your 'black tie' event but if my experience is anything to go by everyone will be wearing PC's with white or off-white hose, ghillie brogues and wing collar shirts with pre-tied bow ties. They will look at anyone dressed differently with mild incomprehension so please don't get yourself tied in a knot about the niceties of Highland dress as pontificated by the likes of Lumsden of Cushnie or whoever. If you are on a budget then follow the herd and you will enjoy yourself. If money is no object go along to a good tailor and start competing with the likes of Lumsden of Cushnie if that is what you want to do. I wouldn't recommend Kinloch Anderson though as they stopped doing bespoke tailoring when they left George Street and moved down to Leith. Try Stewart Christie instead for a top class bespoke product. Get that velvet Montrose you always wanted, those full tartan hose you really must have, that sterling silver cantled sporan that is essential to the image, those patent buckle brogues to complete the 'authentic' look. But then will you enjoy yourself any more?

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