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Thread: Earings male

  1. #21
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    Unacceptable for who? When? Where? Why?

    The question is: do you like it, and do you want to? If so, then yes, it's perfectly acceptable. If you don't, then the unacceptability lies in not following the rule about "to thine own self be true" (as out of context as that quote is colloquially used).

    I am trying to think of a reason it might not be appropriate to wear with a kilt. I suppose if you're trying to go for a very traditional, old-fashioned look, then no, but in that case you also might want to look at your hairstyle, any other jewelry/accessories you may be wearing, etc.

    People don't get body mods to be "followers" any more than they wear jeans or shoes to be "followers" (well, maybe the shoes bit. Folks tend to frown on not wearing them). I have piercings and tattoos because I like them-- the same reason I wear a kilt, long hair, eyeliner, nifty socks, nail polish, t-shirts, what have you. Anyone who doesn't like it can bite me; it's not for anyone but me and I'm not here to decorate anyone's world. If I don't need to dress a certain way for a specific occasion or place, I dress however the hell I want. Sometimes I look like everyone else, sometimes I look vastly different. Either way, I'm wearing what I want, when I want to, and I really don't care what someone else thinks.
    Here's tae us - / Wha's like us - / Damn few - / And they're a' deid - /
    Mair's the pity!

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    "I really don't care what someone else thinks." But maybe Aonghas (the OP) does - are you implying that he is wrong to feel that way?
    "Anyone who doesn't like it can bite me." As you get older, you may discover they do just that.
    I do agree with the "true to thyself" bit - provided it goes along with a Gaelic Blessing!

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    While I don't disagree, Katia, I think that we must all realise that we are all constrained by the world we live in.

    There are parts of the civilised world where it is illegal for a man and his wife to walk down the street hand in hand. A fine would ensue. A kiss on the cheek warrants imprisonment.

    Many restaurants require their patrons to wear long trousers during the day; socks on their feet; shirt and tie and jacket in the evening.

    The British forces will allow a man to have a pierced ear, but they must not wear an earring while in uniform. Many top retail outlets do not hire staff with visible tattoos.

    Unfair and unjust, certainly, but there is no way of legislating the world to be a nicer place.



  4. #24
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    This thread is an example of something that I find intriguing. On the one side, wearing a kilt shows a will to be free. On the other hand tradition is very important and there are a lot of questions about what is acceptable or done. This dualistic attitude is interesting.
    On the specific question of earrings,as a person who doesn't live in Scotland or the USA (where kilts are sometimes worn during formal and official gatherings), the chance that I come in a situation in which one would accept the fact that I wear a kilt but wouldn't allow earrings, is extremely small.

  5. #25
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    Heck Chas, even here in the US some of these rules do apply.. With the military, if my husband is in uniform, I can't hold his hand or kiss him in public - while more than likely, nobody would say anything about it, if a higher up were to see it he could come over and start reaming my husband.. NO PDA is acceptable - he is allowed to offer his arm for me to link mine but thats it.. Honestly, i have no problem with it, I think alot of people go overboard with PDA anyway.. lol Also, much like the British military, men are not allowed to wear earrings while in uniform.. Tattoos are permitted but must not be able to be seen while in uniform. Facial hair is not permitted with the exception of of what I refer to as "the Hitler mustache" which cannot extend past the edges of the lips.

    While I don't judge people based on their "body art" or infringe on their self expression, I think some people go overboard.. Thats their choice, but what seems like a cool idea when they are younger isn't so hot when they are older and the only job open to them is working in a tattoo parlor..

  6. #26
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    In general I think piercings are fine on men. I personally have none, but I am a Celtic punk and know quite a few people that have more holes than those that God gave them.

    Specifically with kilts, I think you run the risk of being confused with a Celtic punk like me if you're a man with visible piercings. If you have no problem with that, I don't. Might I suggest a Celtic tattoo or two? They add to the effect, and are fun to look at in the mirror. Like everything of course, piercings and tattoos are a personal choice.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warpfactorx View Post
    While I don't judge people based on their "body art" or infringe on their self expression, I think some people go overboard.. Thats their choice, but what seems like a cool idea when they are younger isn't so hot when they are older and the only job open to them is working in a tattoo parlor..

    That is exactly why I am glad that I don't have tattoos or piercings. I do not want to lose ou on potential opportunities later down the road...but I DO respect people's choice to modify their bodies.

    Where I live, people DO follow the body modification trend...they ARE followers when they get piercings and tattoos. They very seldom get unique tattoos. They usually get the same hum-drum art from the same template book that everyone else gets. If I never see one more nautical star or tribal tramp stamp it will be too soon.So, in a very literal way, in a city where literally more than half of the male population in my age range has body mods....I AM going against the flow. Not a conformist, Zardoz. Independently-minded.

    In order to be individual expression, one should design one's own tattoo, somethimg personal, something meaningful. Too often people point at a picture in the tattoo artist's book and say, "that one!" Nothing says individualism like selecting someone else's work to express yourself.

    Ink up if it twirls your knobs but don't come crying to me because someone "judged" you. In a perfect world that wouldn't happen but out here in the real world it does.
    Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 3rd February 13 at 04:30 PM.
    The Official [BREN]

  8. #28
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    "Is an earing for a man acceptable?"

    Only if they don't match your kilt.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    I did indeed mean the visible aspect of an earing while wearing a kilt in a black tie "event". As far a tats I do also have them and yes some are visible at all times, other than gloves or makeup they will be present. English is not my first language I may not fully express myself, questions or thoughts. Yes I have been judged but for myself that means nothing, it is the effects on my companions that I wish to minimize. As far as a "fair" it would not be a question.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by neloon View Post
    "I really don't care what someone else thinks." But maybe Aonghas (the OP) does - are you implying that he is wrong to feel that way?
    That part wasn't even addressed to the OP, but to the person who implied I might have body mods because I'm trying to be like someone else, and if I were truly an individual, I wouldn't have any.

    Then again, I'm not sure why you think me stating what *I* do has anything to do with the OP, anyway. I thought that was the point of my post-- do whatever you want, and don't let anyone else tell you what's right for YOUR life.

    Quote Originally Posted by neloon View Post
    "Anyone who doesn't like it can bite me." As you get older, you may discover they do just that.
    Let them. I bite back. As I get older, the less I care what other people who have no importance to my life think, and the less I think I or anyone else has a right to make comments about what a person does/says/looks like that doesn't negatively affect me or someone else. I cannot for the life of me think what would make me entitled to make a comment to or judgment on another person for what they choose to wear/look like, if it's not offensive, harmful, or vastly inappropriate for the situation they're in. It may not be my cup of tea, but it's none of my business. I'm not big on eyebrow piercings, or skinny jeans, or tube tops, or whitey-tighties, or mustaches, but I'll defend to the hilt your right to wear same and your right not to be accosted by anyone for doing so in a harmless manner.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    While I don't disagree, Katia, I think that we must all realise that we are all constrained by the world we live in.

    There are parts of the civilised world where it is illegal for a man and his wife to walk down the street hand in hand. A fine would ensue. A kiss on the cheek warrants imprisonment.

    Many restaurants require their patrons to wear long trousers during the day; socks on their feet; shirt and tie and jacket in the evening.

    The British forces will allow a man to have a pierced ear, but they must not wear an earring while in uniform. Many top retail outlets do not hire staff with visible tattoos.

    Unfair and unjust, certainly, but there is no way of legislating the world to be a nicer place.


    Please go back and read the part of my post that states If I don't need to dress a certain way for a specific occasion or place...

    I know how to dress appropriately. More so than a lot of people I know (of all ages), that's for sure, and often more conservatively. But when there are no rules, I do what I want, and since there are no rules, who's to tell me what I can and can't wear depending on whether it fits their personal aesthetic or not?
    Here's tae us - / Wha's like us - / Damn few - / And they're a' deid - /
    Mair's the pity!

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