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Thread: Earings male

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Look fellow, it's okay. You will look different from those who don't have such body modifications. They'll look different from you. If you're polite to everyone present, solicitous of your friends, keep a big smile, say little, listen much... then you're a gentleman and anyone who doesn't appreciate you is foolish.

    It's how you treat others that is the measure of your life, not the decisions you've made about yourself. Shake hands firmly with the gentlemen and look them in the eye with a smile. Listen and defer to the ladies, and smile gently at them. Ask others how they're doing, and don't go on about yourself.

    If you can do those things, then you're an ace. Anyone who doesn't recognize it is not deserving of your time.

    Now, if you act like a jackass... then who cares whether or not you have piercings or tattoos? If you act like a jackass, then you are one.

    There it is!

    Now smile, put your right hand out in front of you, and go for it!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by father bill View Post
    look fellow, it's okay. You will look different from those who don't have such body modifications. They'll look different from you. If you're polite to everyone present, solicitous of your friends, keep a big smile, say little, listen much... Then you're a gentleman and anyone who doesn't appreciate you is foolish.

    It's how you treat others that is the measure of your life, not the decisions you've made about yourself. Shake hands firmly with the gentlemen and look them in the eye with a smile. Listen and defer to the ladies, and smile gently at them. Ask others how they're doing, and don't go on about yourself.

    If you can do those things, then you're an ace. Anyone who doesn't recognize it is not deserving of your time.

    Now, if you act like a jackass... Then who cares whether or not you have piercings or tattoos? If you act like a jackass, then you are one.

    There it is!

    Now smile, put your right hand out in front of you, and go for it!
    Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 3rd February 13 at 07:13 PM.
    The Official [BREN]

  3. #33
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    The hand is always out Father Bill

  4. #34
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    It's true, that a lot depends on your environment... Some countries are still very conservative and traditional in their views. The West tends to enjoy a lot more personal freedom in this regard. In Japan, piercings are fairly neutral because there is no real historical stigma associated with them... Tattoos on the other hand are a big deal. People with tattoos are barred from most public baths or hot springs, and the gym where I work out will not grant membership to anyone with tattoos... Even if it's a lady with a tiny little, cute dolphin on her ankle, or small of her back, or wrist, or similar. No exceptions, Japanese and non-Japanese alike... In fact, it's not even unheard of for people to be asked to leave from stores or restaurants if they have large tattoos.

    Now while some say that the old attitudes are changing, I would argue that. Even just a year or so ago, the mayor of Osaka had a major campaign on to not hire, and even fire any and all public employees who had tattoos. Everyone who worked for the city apparently had to take a survey whether they had tattoos, and if they did, they were immediately transferred into positions that did not deal with the public. Those who refused to take the survey were threatened with termination.

    This is because tattoos are traditionally associated with criminality. As far back as 300 A.D. convicted criminals were tattooed as punishment, a trend that continued for several hundred years. Then, in more recent times, it became associated with the yakuza (Japanese mafia).

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    While I don't disagree, Katia, I think that we must all realise that we are all constrained by the world we live in.

    There are parts of the civilised world where it is illegal for a man and his wife to walk down the street hand in hand. A fine would ensue. A kiss on the cheek warrants imprisonment.

    Many restaurants require their patrons to wear long trousers during the day; socks on their feet; shirt and tie and jacket in the evening.

    The British forces will allow a man to have a pierced ear, but they must not wear an earring while in uniform. Many top retail outlets do not hire staff with visible tattoos.

    Unfair and unjust, certainly, but there is no way of legislating the world to be a nicer place.



  5. #35
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    Repost, the whole intent of this thread was that I would not like to be the cause of embarrassment to my companions or anyone else. As I have inadvertently done in the past. I have even deleted the content of this last post just for that reason, just in case.
    Last edited by aonghas; 3rd February 13 at 11:33 PM. Reason: clarifying

  6. #36
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    Katia (?Catriona in Scotland),
    OK, I now understand better where you're at and it's great at an interpersonal level. However, one can see from the endless posts here about whether or not something is appropriate, acceptable etc. that there is a running concern about a PUBLIC perception of some practice while kilted - people may be worried about misrepresenting/discrediting something that they hold dear. Much of this (as in the case of the ear ring question) relates to a tussle between tradition (whatever that is) and passing fashion and is usually of no import. But sometimes going with the flow leads, for example, to the kind of nonsense that Highland dancing is today. OK, OK! Maybe a separate thread...?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katia View Post
    Please go back and read the part of my post that states If I don't need to dress a certain way for a specific occasion or place...
    Katia, I am sorry if my post has offended you - please believe me when I say that was not my intention.



  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by aonghas View Post
    I did indeed mean the visible aspect of an earing while wearing a kilt in a black tie "event". As far a tats I do also have them and yes some are visible at all times, other than gloves or makeup they will be present. English is not my first language I may not fully express myself, questions or thoughts. Yes I have been judged but for myself that means nothing, it is the effects on my companions that I wish to minimize. As far as a "fair" it would not be a question.
    Dressed for black tie events with and without an earing, depending on my mood. Never had a comment. As a kilt wearer, you've already proved that you are an individual and not a follower (with the possible exception of this group).

  9. #39
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    I did indeed mean the visible aspect of an earing while wearing a kilt in a black tie "event".
    For black tie and higher levels of dress, I personally would suggest leaving off the earrings. These levels of formality are different from the lower levels, and are not intended for making personal "look at me" statements. There is wiggle room for personalised touches in formal attire, to be sure, but only within the confines of tradition (if one expects to pull it off with good taste, that is).

    Just my opinion.

  10. #40
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    As a general comment to those suggesting such a thing - If I were to be denied a job because of my body modifications*, it's not the type of place I would want to work at anyway.

    *Note: I don't have any body modifications. Yet. I'm an artist and have been designing tattoos for myself for years. One day I'll be happy enough with them to commit them to ink.

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