16th February 13, 12:52 PM
Well well,
Now we're at the point when words like "elitism, righteous, national, officialdom, identif[ies]..." get bandy about. Our Scots contributors become proprietary - despite their admonitions to the contrary. Our Americans (myself inc.), regardless of the proximity, history and connection to Scotland (even current to the minute) argue but will never win the "how/why/when I wear the kilt" argument. Our brethren from the wider disapora seem extended a tacit approval which this side of the pond must perpetually earn...something to do with "the Donald", or latent geocentric xenophobia.
But, for all the "why this forum is great" talk which occurs on the forum, this is one of the many times it sucks.
Last edited by Domehead; 16th February 13 at 01:25 PM.
16th February 13, 01:50 PM
16th February 13, 02:24 PM
 Originally Posted by Domehead
Well well,
Now we're at the point when words like "elitism, righteous, national, officialdom, identif[ies]..." get bandy about. Our Scots contributors become proprietary - despite their admonitions to the contrary. Our Americans (myself inc.), regardless of the proximity, history and connection to Scotland (even current to the minute) argue but will never win the "how/why/when I wear the kilt" argument. Our brethren from the wider disapora seem extended a tacit approval which this side of the pond must perpetually earn...something to do with "the Donald", or latent geocentric xenophobia.
But, for all the "why this forum is great" talk which occurs on the forum, this is one of the many times it sucks.
Sorry you have to feel that way Domehead. I actually thought it was a good discussion until you put forward the proposal that those outwith your country and don't agree with yout propostions, are guilty of latent geocentric Xenophobia
Thanks to all those that participated in this thread, I'm out of here
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. Harry (Breaker) Harbord Morant - Bushveldt Carbineers
16th February 13, 03:17 PM
Personally, I love beating a dead horse...makes it so much more tender before it goes into the burger....lol
16th February 13, 03:17 PM
Downunder Kilt:
"Please get real..." post #24
"What is it that people find so hard to understand?" post #29
"The student in this case was 3 generations removed from Scotland..." post #35
"...is a fabrication/wish and holds little weight..." post #35
Funny you choose this moment to purport dignity of some kind - then convene your exit - when your contributions may have been the least tactful of any exchange.
But, please don't go. By all means, keep trying to persuade me that I should base my familial respect on generational distance; my understanding on the conjecture of others; my perspective on those who fail acknowledging fact and reason and my integrity on the opinions of the same.
Last edited by Domehead; 16th February 13 at 03:32 PM.
16th February 13, 03:25 PM
Not exactly sure where you think I'm trying to "get" with my words, Jock. I assure you I'm quite stationary as I type this.
You know, it appears that most of the people on this kilt-enthusiast forum are Americans who wear the kilt which raises the question why you bother hanging around with a bunch of people whose practices combined with their native nationalities are so distasteful to you.
I don't really expect an answer, fwiw, but would welcome any that come forth. I just think it's strange.
Last edited by MacFhearchair; 17th February 13 at 02:37 AM.
16th February 13, 03:36 PM
 Originally Posted by Domehead
Downunder Kilt:
"Please get real..." post #24
"What is it that people find so hard to understand?" post #29
"The student in this case was 3 generations removed from Scotland..." post #35
"...is a fabrication/wish and holds little weight..." post #35
Funny you choose this moment to purport dignity of some kind - then convene your exit - when your contributions may have been the least tactful of any exchange.
I know this post was not aimed at me directly but can I explain something to you without trying to cause a storm. I respectfully suggest that you get real. Before you get too het up please hear me out and then explode if you wish!
To the Scots, if you are one, two, three, six, umpteen generations removed from Scotland you are a member of your adopted country . So in the case in question the student is an American with Scots ancestry but he is not and never will be a Scot. I am sorry if this inconvenient and runs contrary to your thoughts, but that is the way it works.
Please think about what I have said and then explode if you wish.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
16th February 13, 03:36 PM
 Originally Posted by MacFhearchair
Not exactly sure where you think I'm trying to "get" with my words, Jock. I assure you I'm quite stationary as I type this.
You know, it appears that most of the people on this kilt-enthusiast forum are Americans who wear the kilt which begs the question why you bother hanging around with a bunch of people whose practices combined with their native nationalities are so distasteful to you.
I don't really expect an answer, fwiw, but would welcome any that come forth. I just think it's strange.
 Originally Posted by Domehead
Downunder Kilt:
"Please get real..." post #24
"What is it that people find so hard to understand?" post #29
"The student in this case was 3 generations removed from Scotland..." post #35
"...is a fabrication/wish and holds little weight..." post #35
Funny you choose this moment to purport dignity of some kind - then convene your exit - when your contributions may have been the least tactful of any exchange.
But, please don't go. By all means, keep trying to persuade me that I should base my familial respect on generational distance; my understanding on the conjecture of others; my perspective on those who fail acknowledging fact and reason and my integrity on the opinions of the same.
Please don't get so worked up. You're both relatively new. Opinions differ here. 
16th February 13, 03:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
I know this post was not aimed at me directly but can I explain something to you without trying to cause a storm. I respectfully suggest that you get real. Before you get too het up please hear me out and then explode if you wish!
To the Scots, if you are one, two, three, six, umpteen generations removed from Scotland you are a member of your adopted country . So in the case in question the student is an American with Scots ancestry but he is not and never will be a Scot. I am sorry if this inconvenient and runs contrary to your thoughts, but that is the way it works.
Please think about what I have said and then explode if you wish. 
It's not about exploding. I don't explode and I don't appreciate the inference. The vocabulary I choose gives no indication of exploding. As well, "get real" is beneath you.
As for "Generations", I've asked repeatedly on this forum:
How do you and your fellow Scots reconcile Scots emmigrants whom raise their children with as much Scottish culture as they can?
It seems to me one must have the stones to tell them to their faces "You're Scots but your kin aren't and shouldn't partake". Otherwise, all this provincialism is nonsense. If this is not the case, then why such a big problem with the specifically American portion of the Scots Diaspora being so intrigued by the wearing, design, production, craft, artistry and history of tartan and kilt?
XMTS' resident experts, in this case Matthew A.C. Newsome, have proven without this interest the industry would die. It seems the angst oft directed our way would be better served aimed toward the younger generation of "real" Scots allowing their own heritage to languish.
Last edited by Domehead; 16th February 13 at 03:56 PM.
16th February 13, 04:28 PM
Oh, bloody hell! I just realised that this thread has turned into the dreaded "Scottish oulook on kilted Americans" thread.
I'm going to go cool off in my little corner now.
I deleted most of my post because I realised that it sounded very uppity and just fanned flames that didn't need to be fanned. I apologise to the rabble for being overly sensitive and especially to Jock and our other Non-American members.
Last edited by TheOfficialBren; 16th February 13 at 06:40 PM.
The Official [BREN]
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